View Full Version : Inncove- anybody heard of them?

20th March 2011, 06:18 PM
Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone has heard of a company called Inncove?

Basically you pay them a one-off license fee and use they provide you with access to their race predictions. You continually bet 10% of your TAB account based on their predictions.

Once your TAB account exceeds $5k, then you pull everything out above that and continue to bet your 10% of your account. This is required so there is minimal impact on dividends.

I do bet a bit on horses (around $1500 a year), probably not as much as you guys but this company has me intrigued. Is this just like every other horse racing system out there? Anyone a member?

20th March 2011, 06:52 PM
I,m privelged to know most of the reputable and not so reputable services in the racing industry but this one I am not aware of.
Would you mind telling me how you came by this group.?

20th March 2011, 06:56 PM
Mind if i ask how much the fee is?

10% of bank on each selection is kinda high even if it was a place system 5% would be my max

What sort of SR do they claim and do they provide past results to check.

20th March 2011, 07:16 PM
I had a look at the results page and they must be betting a combination of win and place, or maybe they can't add up.

20th March 2011, 07:18 PM
past results are provided, but anyone can claim what they like after the event.
from what I saw of the Massive strike rate and profit on turnover, if its too difficult to believe, then its too difficult to achieve.

Its the old question of, " If its so good, why sell it?"

20th March 2011, 07:41 PM
A Google Search of Inncove leads to the following page.


(The link will work even though it looks broken.)

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