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The Ocho
7th April 2011, 10:20 PM
I’m going to add another trick to my bag (of tricks) that I am trying out on the horse racing systems forum.

I’m going to be using my betting bot to lay the third fav on the Aussie Greyhounds in the evening and night up to a price of $7.4 on BF. I will be using a 20% loss recovery which means I will try and recover any loses over 5 bets at one loss at a time.

For recording purposes I will be laying $0.60 per bet with a stop loss set at $9. I was not going to have a profit stop but after late losses over the last 2 nights I will have a profit stop at $9. This represents 9% profit/stop losses for a $100 bank.

In reality I will be betting and aiming for half of this due to my unfortunate bank balance. So $0.30 bets with a $4.50 profit stop and stop loss for me.

I’ll keep this thread going (if it lasts) and also try and update it as much as possible and, of course, cross my fingers and hope for the best.

If any one is interested, for the above 60c bets, the total over the last 7 days is 6 winning days and one losing day with the bot total on $43.80 and BF total on $38.04 although I did not have profit stops in place just to see what would happen (until some big losses in the last couple of days :( ).

I also think it has been on a hot streak which will soon stop once I start recording on here. Still, 7 days is a good trial I would of thought…lol. :)

8th April 2011, 09:03 AM
I’m going to be using my betting bot to lay the third fav on the Aussie Greyhounds in the evening and night up to a price of $7.4 on BF.
and hope for the best.

What you are assuming with this Rule , is that for some reason, the 3rd Favourite is overbet at Greyhounds.
And that it is in fact Overbet to the extent, that the 15% Takeout still ain't enough to overcome this massive betting splurge.

Unless you can come up with some sort of reason why the 3rd Favourite is overbet , you are doomed to lose.

And just another point, the 3rd Favourite will probably vary minute by minute due to the small size of the Pools.

I figure you either lack understanding of the basic principles of Gambling, or have not thought this through.

Or you simply enjoy gambling so much, that losing isn't an issue.
A bit like those Poker Machine addicts.

Please don't take this as a personal attack.
Much of the above applies to me.

The Ocho
8th April 2011, 12:52 PM
Hi moeee,

I'm not assuming anything. I'm just trying to find a mechanical system(s) whereby I, or anyone else, don't need to know anything about greyhounds, horses, form, ratings, etc, but can still make a tidy sum each week, month, year, etc.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not sure if I will ever succeed but I'm willing to give it a go to see what comes of it. If I start losing too much I will definitely give up on it and try something different.

The 3rd fav lay system that I am trying has come about only because recently I've seen a number of them lose in a row which means that a laying plan with (hopefully) a sensible recovery plan can possibly make me some money.

I realize the odds are all over the place because of the smaller pools but my bot is set to bet 10 seconds before the scheduled start time. So whatever is 3rd fav then and there is my pick. Unfortunately one of the race meetings last night was way behind schedule and my bot placed the bet too early on what became the short priced fav when the race actually started. Of course it won :(

So, no rhyme or reason, just an observation that may be so far off the mark that the test will soon stop. I hope not though. :)

8th April 2011, 01:32 PM
Here's what you are doing.

You are sticking your hand into a deep hole.
If you burn your fingers, then you know it was too hot in that hole.

Might be better if you learn a little more about what is lurking in that hole.
Too much of what you are doing seems to rely on hope rather than any skills or wisdom.

But you seem to be enjoying yourself so I'll leave you to it.

8th April 2011, 01:42 PM
my bot is set to bet 10 seconds before the scheduled start time. So whatever is 3rd fav then and there is my pick. Unfortunately one of the T O,
I don't know how BF works on the dog races but on the TAB you can place a bet way past starting time.
If you have the time, just watch it for a while and you get the hang of what the last possible time is to place a bet.

Dogs are my favs to bet for win, no jocks to ruin the run, easy to rate,
but have to be prepared to take short odds sometimes.


The Ocho
8th April 2011, 11:05 PM
Thanks guys. The bot is set to bet 10 seconds before the start time and I will leave it at that time for now and hopefully won't get my fingers burnt.

Update Day 1

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :)

A bit up and down today for the first recorded day with the total not reaching either stop.

The bets (below) are starting out with 30c lay bets but, as I've already said, I am recording this for 60c bets plus recovery and $9 stops (9% of a $100 bank). So I am doubling these amounts.

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Profit And Loss
AUS / Casi (AUS) 8th Apr / 14:48 R10 411m Heat 5. Beau We Know 0.3 6.8 0.3
AUS / Gard (AUS) 8th Apr / 15:54 R1 400m Mdn 9. Slick Exit 0.3 6.8 0.3
AUS / Gard (AUS) 8th Apr / 16:34 R3 515m Final 4. Rocket Point 0.3 5.6 0.3
AUS / APrk (AUS) 8th Apr / 17:18 R6 395m Gr3/4 6. Lords Prayer 0.3 6 0.3
AUS / Trar (AUS) 8th Apr / 17:22 R6 513m Gr5 8. Jacs Mate Jill 0.3 6 0.3
AUS / APrk (AUS) 8th Apr / 17:41 R7 520m Gr4/5 4. Thats Emma Lee 0.3 5.9 -1.47
AUS / Gard (AUS) 8th Apr / 18:10 R8 515m Gr4/5 6. Reddy To Whine 0.6 6 0.6
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 8th Apr / 19:38 R3 520m Gr5 8. Wally Slater 0.6 5.9 0.6
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 8th Apr / 20:00 R4 520m Gr4/5 5. Lance 0.6 5.33 0.6
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 8th Apr / 20:39 R6 520m FFA 2. New Divide 0.6 4.7 0.6
AUS / Ball (AUS) 8th Apr / 21:10 R7 390m Gr4/5 7. Bundy Bale 0.58 4.9 -2.26
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 8th Apr / 21:39 R9 520m Gr5 7. Mandagery Miss 0.63 6.4 0.63
AUS / Ball (AUS) 8th Apr / 22:47 R12 390m Gr5 8. Sheriff 0.7 5.8 0.7
AUS / Mand (AUS) 8th Apr / 23:07 R8 405m Gr3 2. Pure Macs 0.8 4.8 0.8

Level (60c) Stakes +$1.92 (less commission)
Bot +$4.60
Betfair +$3.94

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total +$101.92 (less commission)
Bot Running Total +$104.60
Betfair Running Total +$103.94

14 Bets
12 Winners
85.7% S/R
28.1% POT

10th April 2011, 12:08 AM
I think what you are doing is great Ocho and while ever you are trying things with 30c bets you really can't get into too much trouble so keep up the good work.

The Ocho
10th April 2011, 11:12 AM
Thanks for that Mattio. Unfortunately not so good last night though :(

Update Day 2

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :(

Terrible night last night. We'll see how we go for the next few nights.

The bets (below) are starting out with 30c lay bets but I am recording this for 60c bets plus recovery and $9 stops (9% of a $100 bank). So I am doubling these amounts.

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Loss Recovery Amount Profit And Loss
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 9th Apr / 20:30 R4 520m Heat 1. Red Rocket 0.3 6 0 0.3
AUS / Mead (AUS) 9th Apr / 20:37 R5 525m Gr5 2. Bolero Bale 0.3 5 0 0.3
AUS / Cann (AUS) 9th Apr / 21:05 R1 530m Gr3/4 2. Oliver Allen 0.3 7 0 -1.8
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 9th Apr / 21:14 R6 520m Heat 6. Dyna Tron 0.61 5.7 0.31 0.61
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 9th Apr / 21:35 R7 520m Heat 8. Red Flame 0.58 5.9 0.28 0.58
AUS / Mead (AUS) 9th Apr / 21:42 R8 525m FFA 5. Don Chendo 0.67 4.9 0.37 -2.61
AUS / Cann (AUS) 9th Apr / 22:12 R4 530m FFA 1. Oxley Spirit 0.57 6.2 0.27 0.57
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 9th Apr / 22:20 R9 520m Heat 2. Monster Jack 0.6 5.8 0.3 -2.88

Last Night
Level (60c) Stakes -$2.91 (less commission)
Bot -$9.86
Betfair -$10.12

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $99.01 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $94.74
Betfair Running Total $93.82

22 Bets
17 Winners
77.2% S/R
28% LOT

10th April 2011, 03:52 PM
Have you looked at price filters or back/lay ratio like Bhagwan has suggested in his systems?

The Ocho
10th April 2011, 09:13 PM
I haven't looked at a back/lay ratio but I have a price filter of $7.40. I haven't analysed the prices yet but may do so if I continue.

Update Day 3 :(

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System

Not looking very good I'm afraid and I may not continue this. Only 3 dogs were matched today/tonight for 2 winning lays and 1 losing lay.

I must add though that in the 10 days of total testing including the 7 of simulated bets the system IS up +29.52 for 60c lay bets (with commission deducted too). It just really gives me the ********s when everything goes hunky dory when testing but as soon as the money goes on the ********ing thing blows up in my face FFS.

What I'm looking for is a mechanical system on the greyhounds that just works but I don't think that animal exists (nor for horse racing either).

The other problem with the Aus dogs is that Betfair doesn't have that much volume. Ideally, if I could find something that works, I would like to upscale it but the volume isn't really there. Maybe on the first fav but not on the rest of the dogs.

Level (60c) Stakes -$2.28 (less commission)
Bot -$2.28
Betfair -$2.34

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $96.73 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $92.46
Betfair Running Total $91.48

25 Bets
19 Winners
76% S/R
34% LOT

10th April 2011, 09:18 PM
I would look at the back/lay ratio as you may be paying overs for your lays which could be skewing your figures a bit. Alternatively have a look at this as being a potential backing system if laying is proving to be a loser.

Either way the price will be a big factor, pay overs for lays and you will lose or buy unders for your back bets and you will also lose.

11th April 2011, 02:36 AM
"It just really gives me the ********s when everything goes hunky dory when testing but as soon as the money goes on the ********ing thing blows up in my face FFS."

Here is a method that can work well with that situation.
I have won a lot of good money using my mates so called Lay selections , you know the ones, pick the 35/1 pig to fall over & watch it win.

I have a theory that says the Lay market is more accurate than the Back market

Have the Bot make a Lay bet selection with real money say 5.00 at 60 secs till jump.

Now make manual Back bet on the same runner for 7.00 (40% more than Lay bet)

We are only risking $2.00 in real terms.

You will be amazed how many get up to win at good prices, when you least expect them to because their form looks horrible.
Ask your mates which of the top 3 Favs they think will fall over and watch them get up to win.

Its important that actual money is placed on the Lay bet because its results are always different to Sim mode results.
That is an anomaly observed by all who use Bots.

The Ocho
11th April 2011, 10:15 PM
Not sure how that one works on the dogs Bhagwan. Isn't that for an in-play type of scenario otherwise how do you get both sides matched?

Update Day 4

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :)

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Loss Recovery Amount Profit And Loss Level 60c
AUS / Cran (AUS) 11th April / 16:22 R2 311m Gr5 6. Docs Darlin 0.3 6.08 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / Bath (AUS) 11th Apr / 16:50 R3 520m Gr5 1. Norris Back 0.3 6 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / Cran (AUS) 11th April / 17:02 R4 699m Gr5 6. Rusty Acid 0.3 6.6 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / Cran (AUS) 11th April / 17:22 R5 520m Gr5 7. Lektra Gold 0.3 7.4 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / Cran (AUS) 11th April / 18:18 R8 520m Gr4/5 8. Special Colour 0.3 5.8 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 11th Apr / 18:41 R1 515m Final 4. Dyna Impy 0.3 5.6 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 11th Apr / 18:57 R2 515m Gr6 3. Pragmatic 0.3 5 0 -1.2 -1.2
AUS / APrk (AUS) 11th Apr / 19:06 R2 520m Mdn 5. Large Diamond 0.55 5.7 0.25 0.55 0.6
AUS / Ball (AUS) 11th Apr / 19:28 R2 450m Gr5 5. Lonely Delight 0.55 5.7 0.25 0.55 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 11th Apr / 19:54 R5 600m Gr5 1. Arnalda Bale 0.53 7 0.23 0.53 0.6
AUS / Laun (AUS) 11th April / 19:58 R2 278m Juv 8. Lucky Norris 0.55 5.8 0.25 0.55 0.6
AUS / APrk (AUS) 11th Apr / 20:02 R5 520m Gr5 1. Secret Web 0.53 5.5 0.23 0.53 0.6
AUS / Ball (AUS) 11th Apr / 20:06 R4 550m Gr5 2. Mission Complete 0.3 5.9 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 11th Apr / 20:16 R6 515m Final 1. Jay Jays Dream 0.3 6 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / APrk (AUS) 11th Apr / 20:22 R6 520m Gr4/5 5. Big Thursday 0.3 5 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / Laun (AUS) 11th April / 20:41 R4 515m Mdn 3. Claires Brat 0.3 4.5 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / Ball (AUS) 11th Apr / 20:47 R6 650m Gr4/5 8. Lasting Effect 0.3 7 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 11th Apr / 20:54 R8 515m Gr3/4 3. Mr Winkler 0.3 5.7 0 -1.41 -2.82
AUS / Laun (AUS) 11th April / 20:58 R5 515m Gr4 3. Chill Pill 0.3 6.4 0 0.3 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 11th Apr / 21:15 R9 515m Gr6 5. Libbys Passion 0.59 5.3 0.29 0.59 0.6
AUS / APrk (AUS) 11th Apr / 21:22 R9 520m Gr5 1. Special Approach 0.54 6.4 0.24 0.54 0.6
AUS / Bull (AUS) 11th April / 21:30 R8 515m Gr4/5 3. Catch Me Nannu 0.57 6 0.27 0.57 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 11th Apr / 21:37 R10 515m Gr5 6. Shez Romantic 0.55 6.6 0.25 -3.08 -3.36
AUS / APrk (AUS) 11th Apr / 21:43 R10 520m Gr5 4. Chocolate Sky 0.54 6.8 0.24 0.54 0.6
AUS / Ball (AUS) 11th Apr / 21:46 R9 450m Gr5 3. Houdini 0.56 6.4 0.26 0.56 0.6
AUS / Bull (AUS) 11th April / 21:50 R9 472m Gr3/4 1. Flying Airlie 0.41 6.8 0.11 0.41 0.6
AUS / Laun (AUS) 11th April / 22:15 R9 515m Gr4 1. Excess Luggage 0.65 5.2 0.35 0.65 0.6
AUS / Ball (AUS) 11th Apr / 22:24 R11 450m Gr5 6. Culcairn 0.61 5.7 0.31 0.61 0.6

(Above is my 30c stakes)

Level (60c) Stakes +$7.62 (less commission)
Bot +$10.18
Betfair +$8.94

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $104.34 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $102.64
Betfair Running Total $100.42

53 Bets
44 Winners
83% S/R
0% P/LOT (For BF Total)

The Ocho
12th April 2011, 10:20 PM
Update Day 5

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :)

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Loss Recovery Amount Profit And Loss Level 60c
AUS / Ipsw (AUS) 12th Apr / 08:08 R8 431m Final 2. Spring Image 0.15 6.8 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Ipsw (AUS) 12th Apr / 08:27 R9 431m Gr4/5 2. Desire Tewin 0.15 6.6 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Lism (AUS) 12th Apr / 08:43 R1 520m Mdn 6. Rather Suave 0.15 4.9 0 -0.59 -2.34
AUS / Gosf (AUS) 12th April / 08:57 R1 515m Mdn 6. Number Krunch 0.28 5.9 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Town (AUS) 12th Apr / 09:35 R2 380m Heat 6. Asteral Dancer 0.28 5.7 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Gosf (AUS) 12th April / 10:20 R5 515m Gr4/5 3. All Debree 0.28 6.4 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Gosf (AUS) 12th April / 10:39 R6 515m Final 3. Lauries Fantasy 0.28 7 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Lism (AUS) 12th Apr / 10:42 R7 520m Final 8. Aretha Trick 0.23 5.7 0.08 -1.08 -2.82
AUS / Gosf (AUS) 12th April / 10:57 R7 600m Gr4/5 1. Miss Keys 0.23 5.1 0.08 0.23 0.6
AUS / Gosf (AUS) 12th April / 11:20 R8 515m FFA 4. Super Laurie 0.38 6.6 0.23 0.38 0.6
AUS / Wgul (AUS) 12th Apr / 11:27 R9 400m FFA 1. Governator 0.38 5.6 0.23 0.38 0.6
AUS / Town (AUS) 12th Apr / 11:35 R8 380m Gr4 7. Miss Eminem 0.38 6 0.23 0.38 0.6
AUS / Gosf (AUS) 12th April / 11:39 R9 400m Gr5 1. Lucy Elusive 0.38 6.8 0.23 0.38 0.6
AUS / Lism (AUS) 12th Apr / 11:42 R10 520m Gr5 9. Sartorial Cloud 0.31 6.8 0.16 0.31 0.6
AUS / Town (AUS) 12th Apr / 11:53 R9 380m Heat 8. Saltwater Chaos 0.15 6.2 0 0.15 0.6

(Above is my reduced 15c stakes)

Level (60c) Stakes +$2.64 (less commission)
Bot +$7.84
Betfair +$7.12

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $106.98 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $110.48
Betfair Running Total $107.54

68 Bets
57 Winners
83.8% S/R
11% POT (For BF Total)

The Ocho
13th April 2011, 09:40 PM
Update Day 6

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :(

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Loss Recovery Amount Profit And Loss Level 60c
AUS / Warr (AUS) 13th Apr / 07:59 R8 450m Gr3/4 1. Credit Cruncher 0.15 4.3 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / APrk (AUS) 13th Apr / 08:13 R9 395m Gr4 1. Redex 0.15 5.4 0 -0.66 -2.64
AUS / Ball (AUS) 13th Apr / 09:38 R3 450m Mdn 8. Dyna Benita 0.29 6.8 0.14 0.29 0.6
AUS / Dapt (AUS) 13th Apr / 10:06 R4 297m Gr5 6. Evies Big Chill 0.29 7 0.14 0.29 0.6
AUS / Ball (AUS) 13th Apr / 10:18 R5 450m Gr5 4. Dyna Diego 0.29 7 0.14 0.29 0.6
AUS / Dapt (AUS) 13th Apr / 10:26 R5 600m FFA 6. Proven Aurora 0.29 5.3 0.14 0.29 0.6
AUS / Ipsw (AUS) 13th Apr / 10:35 R6 520m Semi 3. Punisher 0.26 6.4 0.11 0.26 0.6
AUS / Dapt (AUS) 13th Apr / 10:46 R6 520m Gr4/5 1. Megastar Spargo 0.15 6.4 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Dapt (AUS) 13th Apr / 11:06 R7 297m Gr4/5 5. Pigeon Flyer 0.15 5.8 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Ipsw (AUS) 13th Apr / 11:14 R8 520m Gr4/5 1. Co Star 0.15 4.9 0 -0.59 -2.34
AUS / Dapt (AUS) 13th Apr / 11:27 R8 520m Gr5 4. Flying Niki 0.28 7 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Ball (AUS) 13th Apr / 11:38 R9 450m Gr5 5. Nikitas Maxi 0.28 6.6 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Dapt (AUS) 13th Apr / 11:50 R9 297m Gr5 10. Highly Spirited 0.28 7 0.13 -1.68 -3.6
AUS / Ipsw (AUS) 13th Apr / 11:54 R10 431m Gr4/5 7. Black Mary 0.28 7 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Ball (AUS) 13th Apr / 12:14 R11 450m Gr5 1. Pedros Shout 0.28 6.6 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Cann (AUS) 13th April / 12:22 R7 530m Gr5 3. Till Buster 0.22 7 0.07 -1.32 -3.6

(Above is my reduced 15c stakes)

Level (60c) Stakes -$4.98 (less commission)
Bot -$5.04
Betfair -$5.52

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $102 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $105.44
Betfair Running Total $102.02

84 Bets
69 Winners
82.1% S/R
2% POT (For BF Total)

The Ocho
14th April 2011, 10:12 PM
Update Day 7

That's more like it. I'm letting the bot run on the profit side but still have the -$9 stop loss (for 60c stakes)

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :)

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Loss Recovery Amount Profit And Loss Level 60c
AUS / Mait (AUS) 14th Apr / 08:05 R7 450m Gr5 4. Warwick Avenue 0.15 5 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Bend (AUS) 14th Apr / 08:15 R8 430m Heat 8. Tonto John 0.15 3.95 0 -0.44 -1.77
AUS / Bend (AUS) 14th Apr / 08:30 R9 430m Heat 8. Miss Tastic 0.25 6.8 0.1 0.25 0.6
AUS / APrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 08:42 R1 520m Nvce 8. Surfin Steffi 0.25 4.9 0.1 0.25 0.6
AUS / APrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 09:07 R2 520m Heat 7. On The Brink 0.25 4.9 0.1 0.25 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 14th Apr / 09:13 R1 515m Gr5 3. Gotham Bale 0.25 6.6 0.1 0.25 0.6
AUS / Hoba (AUS) 14th Apr / 09:20 R1 461m Heat 6. Stylish Claud 0.2 5.9 0.05 0.2 0.6
AUS / SPrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 09:26 R2 595m Gr5 1. Good Investment 0.15 6.8 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Dapt (AUS) 14th Apr / 09:29 R1 520m Heat 7. Locomotion Kylie 0.15 6.8 0 -0.87 -3.48
AUS / APrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 09:42 R4 600m Heat 1. Stack em Flat 0.31 6.8 0.16 0.31 0.6
AUS / SPrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 10:08 R4 515m Gr5 3. Hafren Bale 0.33 5.7 0.18 0.33 0.6
AUS / SPrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 10:52 R6 515m FFA 8. Bolero Bale 0.33 5.9 0.18 0.33 0.6
AUS / Dapt (AUS) 14th Apr / 10:55 R5 520m Gr4/5 7. Callamac Ace 0.31 7 0.16 0.31 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 14th Apr / 10:58 R6 515m Heat 6. Brahma Boy 0.33 5 0.18 -1.32 -2.4
AUS / APrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 11:08 R8 520m FFA 7. Franklin Style 0.33 6 0.18 0.33 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 14th Apr / 11:22 R7 515m Heat 6. Grevillea Bale 0.31 7 0.16 0.31 0.6
AUS / APrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 11:28 R9 520m Heat 6. Just A Tad 0.37 5.3 0.22 0.37 0.6
AUS / SPrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 11:35 R8 515m Final 3. Martili Bale 0.31 6.8 0.16 0.31 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 14th Apr / 11:41 R8 731m FFA 3. Cascada Star 0.34 5.8 0.19 0.34 0.6
AUS / Hoba (AUS) 14th Apr / 11:44 R8 461m Heat 3. Pure Port 0.35 5.8 0.2 0.35 0.6
AUS / APrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 11:52 R10 520m Heat 6. Aston Motlop 0.35 5.7 0.2 0.35 0.6
AUS / SPrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 11:55 R9 515m Gr5 7. Chief Bambury 0.31 7 0.16 0.31 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 14th Apr / 12:05 R9 515m Gr5 7. Emily Allen 0.19 7 0.04 0.19 0.6
AUS / SPrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 12:11 R10 515m Gr5 1. Smurfs Senorita 0.15 5 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 14th Apr / 12:22 R10 600m Gr4/5 1. Big Hoser 0.15 7 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / SPrk (AUS) 14th Apr / 12:30 R11 515m Gr5 3. Creative Elusion 0.15 5.2 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Dapt (AUS) 14th Apr / 12:35 R10 520m Gr5 8. Superb Dos 0.15 6.4 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 14th Apr / 12:40 R11 515m Gr5 2. Tarot Bale 0.15 7 0 0.15 0.6

(Above is my 15c stakes)

Level (60c) Stakes +$7.35 (less commission)
Bot +$15.04
Betfair +$13.56

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $109.35 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $120.48
Betfair Running Total $115.58

112 Bets
94 Winners
83.9% S/R
13.9% POT (For BF Total)

The Ocho
15th April 2011, 10:35 PM
Update Day 8

Back to the same old. Like a yo-yo at the moment.

I'll keep it up for a few more days as the stats before the trial on here were actually quite good - Currently +42.06 after 15 days. I must say though that I am a bit wary of weekend greyhound betting as I've lost overall on the weekends during the 15 day trial.

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :(

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Loss Recovery Amount Profit And Loss Level 60c
AUS / APrk (AUS) 15th Apr / 08:17 R9 520m Gr4/5 1. Perfect Thrill 0.15 4.9 0 -0.59 -2.34
AUS / Geel (AUS) 15th Apr / 09:00 R1 400m Gr5 3. Allen Lennox 0.28 5.8 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 15th Apr / 09:17 R3 520m Semi 6. Queen Of Cyprus 0.28 6.2 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Geel (AUS) 15th Apr / 09:28 R2 460m Gr5 4. Chloes Gem 0.28 5.5 0.13 0.28 0.6
AUS / Geel (AUS) 15th Apr / 11:10 R7 596m FFA 2. Lektra Jay 0.28 6.8 0.13 -1.62 -3.48
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 15th Apr / 11:17 R9 520m Gr4/5 1. November Tribute 0.39 5 0.24 0.39 0.6
AUS / Geel (AUS) 15th Apr / 11:28 R8 460m FFA 6. Enry Walt 0.31 7 0.16 -1.86 -3.6

(Above is my 15c stakes)

Level (60c) Stakes -$7.02 (less commission)
Bot -$11.36
Betfair -$11.56

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $102.33 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $108.66
Betfair Running Total $104.02

119 Bets
98 Winners
82.3% S/R
3.3% POT (For BF Total)

15th April 2011, 10:56 PM
Just a question Ocho, do you lay at the current lay price or do you try and lay at current back price or maybe say 1-2 ticks above back price? I am sure that if you could get a better price your system would show more profitability and 3rd fav on dogs would probably have a highish back/lay ratio does it?

The Ocho
15th April 2011, 11:06 PM
Hi mattio, The bot is set to take the current lay price at 10 seconds before the scheduled start of the race.

I have the max price set to 7.4 and have a back/lay overround of 120%/80% which is quite wide but it is hard to get really close together prices on the Aussie dogs particularly if it's not the fav. The bot I am using for this doesn't have a ratio that I can set for 10% or whatever. I can reduce the overround closer to 100% but I don't think I would get many selections matched.

15th April 2011, 11:16 PM
No worries mate, I know the action on dogs are a bit light which makes it hard to get matched sometimes but I think that I would probably prefer to have less bets matched if I knew they were being matched at a lower price and therefore lower liability.

The Ocho
16th April 2011, 10:34 PM
Update Day 9

I forgot to set the bot for recovery and should of won more today, Ain't that always the way. GGGRRRRRRrrrr

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :)

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Loss Recovery Amount Profit And Loss Level 60c
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 16th Apr / 09:27 R1 520m Heat 9. Good Odds Knocka 0.15 6.4 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Mead (AUS) 16th Apr / 09:35 R2 600m Gr5 6. Mcdoom 0.15 4.7 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Rich (AUS) 16th Apr / 09:34 R3 717m Gr5 1. Then Quoted 0.15 4.8 0 -0.57 -2.88
AUS / Mead (AUS) 16th Apr / 10:20 R4 525m Gr5 1. Laras Rock 0.15 6.8 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 16th Apr / 10:30 R4 520m Final 3. Talk to Me 0.15 6 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Mead (AUS) 16th Apr / 10:37 R5 725m Heat 3. Doyen Star 0.15 5.8 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Mead (AUS) 16th Apr / 11:00 R6 600m Gr4/5 2. Buddy Rox 0.15 6 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Cann (AUS) 16th Apr / 11:06 R1 530m Gr3/4 2. Kranky Karl 0.15 4.4 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Mead (AUS) 16th Apr / 11:42 R8 525m FFA 8. Garis Garis 0.15 6 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Mead (AUS) 16th Apr / 12:05 R9 525m Gr5 2. Proven Puzzle 0.15 6.8 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / WPrk (AUS) 16th Apr / 12:20 R9 520m Heat 8. Hella Good 0.15 6.8 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Mead (AUS) 16th Apr / 12:27 R10 525m Gr5 2. Jaqui Stress 0.15 5.9 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / Cann (AUS) 16th Apr / 13:07 R7 530m Gr5 2. Cleveland 0.15 5.7 0 0.15 0.6

(Above is my 15c stakes)

Level (60c) Stakes +$4.32 (less commission)
Bot +$4.92
Betfair +$4.44

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $106.65 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $113.58
Betfair Running Total $108.46

132 Bets
110 Winners
83.3% S/R
6.4% POT (For BF Total)

The Ocho
17th April 2011, 09:11 PM
Update Day 10

And here endith the rubbish. Sorry to anyone that's followed this siht. As per previous posts, it was all going swimmingly in the testing (where it appears 3 good days had skewed my reasoning), but as soon as I try it here it goes up in smoke.

If anyone was to try it, I would just try it out on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (I don't know why but that group would have given you +$60 including in simulation mode and +$29 in the time on this thread but I think that that may also have been just dumb luck).

If I have time, I may just see how it goes during the above days this coming week. :rolleyes:

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :(

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Loss Recovery Amount Profit And Loss Level 60c
AUS / Gawl (AUS) 17th Apr / 08:47 R4 400m Gr5 8. Stakeout 0.15 5.9 0 -0.74 -2.94
AUS / Canb (AUS) 17th Apr / 10:13 R8 440m Gr4/5 7. Albino Peachy 0.31 7 0.16 -1.86 -3.6

(Above is my 15c stakes)

Level (60c) Stakes -$6.54 (less commission)
Bot -$10.40
Betfair -$10.40

Start Bank $100
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $100.11 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $103.18
Betfair Running Total $98.06

134 Bets
110 Winners
82% S/R
1.4% LOT (For BF Total)

The Ocho
18th April 2011, 09:14 PM
Update Day 11

And here endith the rubbish definitely.

Forget anything I said on day 10. Sorry to anyone that's followed this siht.

Aussie Dogs Laying 3rd Favourite System :(

Full Market Name Selection Amount Price Loss Recovery Amount Profit And Loss Level 60c
AUS / Cran (AUS) 18th Apr / 07:33 R5 699m Gr5 6. Sneaky Feet 0.15 7 0 0.15 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 18th Apr / 08:59 R2 515m Gr5 3. Comanche Bale 0.15 7 0 -0.9 -3.6
AUS / Cran (AUS) 18th Apr / 09:08 R10 311m Gr5 1. Seismic Dal 0.34 6 0.19 0.34 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 18th Apr / 09:35 R4 515m Gr6 5. Blue Suede 0.34 5.9 0.19 0.34 0.6
AUS / Laun (AUS) 18th Apr / 09:38 R1 515m Juv 6. Miss Jaytee Bee 0.34 6 0.19 0.34 0.6
AUS / APrk (AUS) 18th Apr / 09:41 R4 520m Gr5 4. Billy Brady 0.32 6.63 0.17 0.32 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 18th Apr / 09:55 R5 600m Gr4/5 3. Kirsty Bale 0.35 5.1 0.2 -1.44 -2.46
AUS / Laun (AUS) 18th Apr / 09:58 R2 278m Gr5 5. Moonlite Spice 0.39 5 0.24 -1.56 -2.4
AUS / APrk (AUS) 18th Apr / 10:01 R5 520m Nvce 7. See You Tomorrow 0.32 7 0.17 0.32 0.6
AUS / Bend (AUS) 18th Apr / 10:05 R4 545m Heat 7. Magical Opening 0.32 6.6 0.17 0.32 0.6
AUS / AnPk (AUS) 18th Apr / 10:12 R6 515m Final 2. Alliras Boy 0.34 6.2 0.19 -1.77 -3.12

(Above is my 15c stakes)

Level (60c) Stakes -$7.38 (less commission)
Bot -$14.16
Betfair -$14.68

Start Bank $100
Losses for all 3 totals
Level (60c) Stakes Running Total $92.73 (less commission)
Bot Running Total $89.02
Betfair Running Total $83.38

145 Bets
117 Winners
80.6% S/R
11.4% LOT (For BF Total)

19th April 2011, 09:28 PM
Hi moeee,

I'm not assuming anything. I'm just trying to find a mechanical system(s) whereby I, or anyone else, don't need to know anything about greyhounds, horses, form, ratings, etc, but can still make a tidy sum each week, month, year, etc.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not sure if I will ever succeed but I'm willing to give it a go to see what comes of it. If I start losing too much I will definitely give up on it and try something different.

The 3rd fav lay system that I am trying has come about only because recently I've seen a number of them lose in a row which means that a laying plan with (hopefully) a sensible recovery plan can possibly make me some money.

The way this system could have worked is by being able to define subsets of races based on "Crowd" based wagering.
Remembering the "crowd" will only use a few factors in determining how a dog became a Favourite in each race (they use combinations of Major /minor factors). Once you have these subsets, the "crowd" will wager the same, race in race out.
The next step is to find how much faster the Fav. is over the 2nd quickest dog (some subsets the Fav may be the 3rd Fastest dog). You don't need to set price limits
If you can acheive the above, then you can run your bot day in day out so long as you can classify your races, your gold.

The Ocho
19th April 2011, 09:55 PM
Thanks woof43.

That all sounds great but then it isn't mechanical and I would need to know something about greyhounds or horses (which I obviously don't). Plus I would have to key in each selection. No thanks.

I'm still searching though. :)