View Full Version : Market order stats please?

20th June 2011, 07:12 AM
Can anyone help with some stats on top 8 market order in regard to what percentage the trifecta and first four are covered by the top eight. I would also be interested what the percentages of 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th falling in the top 8.

Field size of 12 or more!


21st June 2011, 09:55 AM
The more I look at the exotic approach it would seem to get the bigger fish you need to look at the bigger fields but that only makes the task harder, the run of outs longer etc. Without a data base to draw upon it seems a regular divs maybe the better focus and restricting field size the way to go. It is surprising how may good divs still occur in fields of 10 to 12. When you look at some of the big carnival races it is a nightmare trying to capture the right horses for trifectas and first 4's.
