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View Full Version : Sick of the winging

25th February 2003, 01:20 PM
Im starting to think the monthly Newsletter from ProPunter is being used as a therapy session for Neil to get all his grudges out of his system.
I happen to agree with some of his complaints regarding Flemington track conditions & the way Sky TV cover races and the various scams going around but its getting a bit monotonous.

C'mon Neil, how about looking at the positive aspects for a change or maybe its time for a new editor of the newsletter...


25th February 2003, 02:31 PM
Thanks for your feedback Dude.

A nicely sanitised rosy version of racing and a bettors' paradise is presented just about everywhere else on a very repetitive basis.

For example in this week's newsletter we could have said what everyone else said and would like to hear such as what a wonderful Blue Diamond meeting we had on Saturday, making sure to omit mention of why we had such a badly rain affected track.

We could have mentioned, like everyone else, what a great win it was by Roedan in the Blue Diamond and what an excellent training feat it was to win the race.

We could have described Northerly's great win over Fields Of Omagh, just like everyone else, and conjectured about their next meeting.

However, our newsletter is used to regularly present comment etc. that will generally not be given a high profile elsewhere, because it is not sanitised. I agree it can be repetitive.

But the newsletter has its own niche and devoted readers who look forward to our comments each week, because they are not necessarily the "politically correct" version of racing presented to them just about everywhere else.

In our view a small counterbalance can do no harm.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Neil on 2003-02-25 15:46 ]</font>

25th February 2003, 10:59 PM
To Dude...you are way out of line.I have personally had cause to converse with Neil,albeit only viz email,and found him to be totally understanding and compassionate.It is my opinion,and I stress MY opinion only,that Neil does a great job all round,newsletter inclusive.Keep it up Neil,keep the bastards honest!!!Please excuse my "french?"Come on forum users,back Neil up!!!Cheers,angel

Chrome Prince
25th February 2003, 11:30 PM
I agree with both points of view actually.

1. Neil has always done a terrific job with the newsletter and site in general.

2. A greater balance of positive and negative comments in the newsletter might be more interesting.

3. If Neil created a newsletter filled with positives, then that too would be very boring.

4. Hopefully some of the comments in the newsletter will actually be seen by some of the offenders, as they are kept in archives on this site.
As such they may actually be shamed into changing their ways!

Keep up the good work.

27th February 2003, 05:54 AM
thanks for your comments, but i agree with neil here...someone must stand up for the punter....despite what breeders, owners, trainers and the like think, racing only survives with punters, otherwise all the wealthy would be out having picnic races in the country on a sunday afternoon...the authorities should realise this a bit more and provide US with first class service, rather than doing their damndest to lever every red cent out of us anyway they see fit ....
cheers, noel

27th February 2003, 07:47 AM
If I have offended you or anyone else I appologise.
My posting was merely to spur some fruitful debate.
I applaud Neil's stance as per Angels QUOTE 'Keep the bastards honest'.
Im not asking for a sanatised, rosy version of the events and I certainly don’t want a newsletter filled with only positives either.
My point was that it seemed (to me) that the same issues were coming up again and again and the whole Newsletter was too biased towards the negative aspects. If that’s what the punters want, well that’s fine, afterall this is just MY OPINION.
Despite what perception people have from my previous posting I am interested to hear other peoples views.


1st March 2003, 02:08 PM
I'm with Neil on this one. We must have free and open scrutiny of any issues which in our opinion affects us(the punters) detrimentally.
As stated, some of these individuals would like racing to be an exclusive "gentleman's club" with us plebs providing the fodder to boost prizemoney to bolster their fat bank balances.
All participants in racing, be they jockeys, trainers, owners, stewards and any licenced person should be accountable. What difference is there between some shady practices occuring on the racecourse and minor fraud and petty theft offences-in my book they are in the same category. Forget about this being a sport or a pastime it is a fully fledged business enterprise which I understand is the third ranking industry employer in the country.

1st March 2003, 09:27 PM
Hi Dude,

Some weeks I find the newsletter just as you do. Others I have to re-read articles more than once to get the insightful points Neil is sharing with me.

I see the newsletter as a critique of the weekends racing as veiwed from a competent form analysts prespective. Over a period, patterns appear regarding certain tracks, commentators and tipping services etc.

Over the months I've noticed Neil mention or address comments from the forum in newsletter articles. Also quickly responding to posts in the forum like this string.

No doubt now if TAB, SKY or some other entity does something to aid punters, Neil will report it.

Good punting, Horse Cents