View Full Version : Characteristics of a winner

23rd January 2012, 02:37 PM
Getting a bit Charlie Sheen here, however the basic principles below work for any endeavour in life, positive energy is a beautiful thing.

I particularly like number's 1 and 3 when it comes to this game:

Ten Qualities of a Total Winner.

1. Positive self awareness and eager to learn. Winners are honest with themselves. And they show empathy towards others and adapt to the stresses in life.

2. Positive self-esteem is one of the most important and basic qualities of a winning person. It is a deep down feeling of your own self worth.

3. Positive self-control means taking full responsibility for determining your actions. The philosophy that life is a “do-it-yourself” program, making decisions, not procrastinating.

4. Positive self-motivation is a force that moves us to action. People who want to change the “status quo” and move in the direction of goals.

5. Positive self-expectency – Winners expect to win. They have the desire to win, self-control to make it happen, and are prepared to win.

6. Positive self-image determines personality and behavior. People do not behave in accordance with reality but rather with the perception of reality.

7. Positive self-direction is a game plan for life. Winners are goal and role oriented. They are self-directed on the road to fulfillment. Goals are targets you are shooting for.

8. Positive self-discipline are the daily actions you take that will help you achieve your goals. This alone can make or brake a habit.

9. Positive self-dimension is looking beyond yourself and gaining the respect of others. Winners create other winners without exploiting them.

10. Positive self-projection is being naturally open and friendly. Projecting confidence. First impressions are powerful and create lasting attitudes.

The Schmile

23rd January 2012, 02:43 PM
Well I see myself exactly that way and I,m not joking here.
Sometimes I let the lower side of myself emerge but in general I act according to those principles.
I will print them out for myself.
Thank you for posting them.

Chrome Prince
23rd January 2012, 03:01 PM
I would put one extra gem in there:

Positive Recognition: The ability to get out of a loop. Like it or not, we do not usually recognise when we make the same subtle mistakes over and over.
This relates to all areas of life.
Being able to recognise and get out of a counter productive loop is something to strive for.
Tiger Woods can't do it.
Greg Norman can't do it.
Charlie Sheen can't do it.
Nor can Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan.

Roger Federer can do it.
Mark Webber can do it.
Erin Brockovich did it.

23rd January 2012, 04:15 PM
Well I see myself exactly that way and I,m not joking here.
Sometimes I let the lower side of myself emerge but in general I act according to those principles.
I will print them out for myself.
Thank you for posting them.
A pleasure Darkydog. You do also seem to have a good sense of humour judging by your posts which is also essential I believe,

To Chrome Prince,

I like your idea, 'the counter productive loop'. We've probably all been in that loop at one time or another. Probably the first 5 - 10 years of my punting life to be totally honest.

The Schmile

23rd January 2012, 04:36 PM
So - go to work , come home , eat , go to sleep and then go to work , come home , eat , go to sleep means you are a LOSER?

What do you actually win if you follow those ten commandments?

Get born , grow , die.
We all the same.

Chrome Prince
23rd January 2012, 04:44 PM
I don't think that's what it means at all.

23rd January 2012, 05:25 PM
So - go to work , come home , eat , go to sleep and then go to work , come home , eat , go to sleep means you are a LOSER?

What do you actually win if you follow those ten commandments?

Get born , grow , die.
We all the same.
Some have purpose and enjoy life. If you pursue your purpose with intent, then the rewards come as a consequence.
Unfortunately most are educated to go to school, to get good grades and then get a good job and you will be made for life. This is not true. It leads to people not enjoying what they do. They are just working to survive. There is a direct relationship between the amount you learn and wealth. However if you work just for money then once you have enough you have nothing.
Whereas if you work out what you enjoy and do that with effort then you are alive.
Unless you see a difference then yes you get born, grow and die. A life left wanting.

23rd January 2012, 05:51 PM
Someone sent this to me ....

<table class="cf hr" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td class="hw">https://mail.google.com/mail/images/generic.gif (https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5e05034db3&view=att&th=1339ee032a7d3c15&attid=0.2&disp=safe&realattid=d3b6d1e26e551056_0.1&zw)</td><td>We_Are_All_The_Same_1.wmv
1725K Download (https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5e05034db3&view=att&th=1339ee032a7d3c15&attid=0.2&disp=safe&realattid=d3b6d1e26e551056_0.1&zw) </td></tr></tbody></table>

23rd January 2012, 07:43 PM
So - go to work , come home , eat , go to sleep and then go to work , come home , eat , go to sleep means you are a LOSER?

What do you actually win if you follow those ten commandments?

Get born , grow , die.
We all the same.

Hi Moee,

I think the essence of it is staying true to your path and doing the right things by your fellow man in the process.

The 10 points are there to guide you in the right direction, whatever that may be for you personally.

The 'winning' part in relation to punting is grafting out a decent profit.

Winning in life could be anything.

If you're happy with your job, your house and life in general then these points may be irrelevant.

I know I struggle to keep things positive all the time and need a little kick up the backside to keep me going.

I personally really like the positive messages, if you don't so be it.


The link isn't working for me at the minute.

The Schmile

23rd January 2012, 08:05 PM
well I am not doing too well in any of those 10 commanndments.
well I didn;t study them too hars so maybe I got some , but I doubt it.

But in Punting I am doing better than most.
I never lose.
Just doing enough to beat the 15% takeout
been like that for 3 or 4 years now

23rd January 2012, 08:42 PM
The link isn't working for me at the minute.

The Schmile

Google it

The Ocho
23rd January 2012, 08:55 PM
All I can see is a bit of monkeying around when I youtubed it.

24th January 2012, 10:13 AM
The Ocho
That was the point.
Two brothers acting exactly like brothers. A mother acting exactly like a mother. And two adult monkeys acting exactly the same in a situation we all know well