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18th February 2012, 03:39 PM
I've been successfully Laying the Field based on Unitab's ratings.

My selection method has only one rule, and that is there must be four or more selections that have between 96 and 100 Unitab points. So, its indicating it's an "open" race which is what I want when I lay the field.

Out of interest I've looked at those 96 to 100 pointers (minimum of four selections) for Win betting.

So far there have been 65 selections, and if each had been backed for $1 then the return would have been just over $100 using TAB divvies. And boxing quinellas so far would have returned about a 100% profit.

Interestingly, Flemington R5 there were 4 selections so it was a qualifying race which was surprising because the fave (Helmet) was odds-on. The method selected the winner which paid $7.00.

Chrome Prince
18th February 2012, 05:00 PM
I'm confused Michael,
If it's profitable to lay the field with 4 in the 96 to 100 range, how can it be profitable backing them?

Just curious, I'm missing something.

18th February 2012, 05:13 PM
Its the amount of liability with which I lay the other horses.

The profit for the lay system is rolling along. And with only two more races to go it can't lose for the day.

The Win bets and quinellas are also in profit but it might just be an exceptional day...or the Unitab ratings are in themselves exceptional.

Chrome Prince
18th February 2012, 05:25 PM
Ok thanks Michael, so you are laying part of the field essentially.

18th February 2012, 05:34 PM
No, I'm laying every horse in the field, but for different amounts, except for the 96 - 100 pointers which are the minimum liability of $30. The liability for all the other horses are higher.

I think the success is because they are "open" races.

18th February 2012, 11:10 PM
No revelations there michael, in theory you can make a book on every event, and I try my best to do just this. Some events are just better than others, no ratings or form needed.

And on the subject of Helmet, after his gut busting Caulfield Guineas win I remarked to a few friends that he would never win another race......so far so good.