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View Full Version : DIY Greyhound Formguide

12th April 2012, 04:04 PM
This is something I stole from good helping Member Kennedy91210.

Its only part of the donation he gave , so I don't believe it will upset him.

What it does is downloads Form and a handy Excel User can build on this Program to manipulate the data as to however they choose.

The 8 Sheets need to be cleared and the correct animals and Box Numbers need to be placed in the DATA Sheet as necessary.
As does the days date.

I have it set so that it downloads the previous 24 months.

To run it , you must Run the Macro.
I figure that if you don't have the knowledge to do that , then this Program is of zero use to you.

12th April 2012, 04:11 PM
Here is program

12th April 2012, 06:35 PM
Many thanks

12th April 2012, 06:41 PM
This would be easy to automate, just import the dog fields from uinitab site.

12th April 2012, 07:27 PM
I guess so Shaun.

I choose to do a copy and paste.
Takes me maybe 10 seconds tops to paste the dogs names.

I download an Excel Sheet from the GRV Website that has the Fields for Victorian Meetings.
Then I copy and paste straight across.

13th April 2012, 08:00 AM
As a further helping hand , here is the Program with a little more features that approaches how I do things.

The Click Boxes on the Data Sheet Run the Macros.

Reset Fields - Clears the Dogs Sheets.

Get Form - Fills the Sheets with the required 2 years of Form.

Sort Form - Mostly eliminates Lines where an animal was scratched or where it never gained a run as a Reserve.
It also eliminates all runs further back than the latest 18.

This is how I have it set up in my studies.
There is no right or wrong way.
The Macros are there and easily editted and modified to suit the User.

In the FormGuide , The Times are the actual Times the animal ran , as are the Splits.