View Full Version : El Greco!

23rd April 2012, 07:32 AM
Has anyone followed the Sportsmans El Greco system?

Very complex system but the online version of the Sportsman gives the races were there are only 2 contenders.

23rd April 2012, 08:07 AM
A previous propun thread on this system
A bit old so not sure how relevant today


23rd April 2012, 08:38 AM
Was a very hands on system which sometimes produced 5 to 6 horses per horse.
However, the online version of the sportsman just gives you the races with 2 horses per race. Really good results on the weekend

26th April 2012, 04:21 AM
Good results yesterday

SR 6 - 6 15 units
SR 6 - 9 5 units

MR 8 - 7 15 Units
MR 8 - 3 5 Units

Outlay 40 units
return 92.50 units

Just a shame I wasn't on them!

27th April 2012, 03:19 PM
Impressive result Vortech!
This near the norm or an exception? (based on your usage)

27th April 2012, 04:24 PM
Hiya Vortech,

Do they put the ratings in the hard copy version? If so, where?

The Schmile

27th April 2012, 07:46 PM
There is a website under El Greco that only lists the races where there are one or two selections. Many races show three or more horses.

The selections are released around 10.45 Saturday morning.

Am I allowed to show the link or is that breaching the Terms of Conditions

27th April 2012, 08:46 PM
I'm sure it's ok to post it Vortech as long as it's not your website.

The Schmile

28th April 2012, 04:12 AM

28th April 2012, 11:33 AM
A good start with Angel of Mercy getting up on Unitab @ 7.30

28th April 2012, 04:44 PM
A good day Vortech hope you were aboard.

You would have won a lot more on Adelaide R=2,
Unfortunately the $2.20 Fav was a late scratching.
Reducing the dividend of the winner.

Sticking strictly to the rated prices would have,
Also eliminated Adelaide R-3=6 as it didn't get to $2.50.
Saving another 16 unit outlay.


29th April 2012, 05:46 AM
Basing it on unitab results

SR1 h7 7.30 x 5 = 36.50
AR2 no bet.
AR3: 2nd. Hit $2.60 unitab
MR5 h 12 4.20 x 12 = 50.40

Invest: 62 units - return 86.90

Try Try Again
29th April 2012, 07:03 AM
Hi Vortech,

I took the attitude that if I couldn't get the Adelaide race 3 top selection (Keep Cool) rated price on fixed odds (only at $2.20 c/f $2.50 required) then I would not bet in that race. I had already placed my bets on Adelaide race 2 so had to wear the deductions.
Still got 3 winners ($8.50, $3.10 & $6.00) from the 3 rated races.

Outlay $60
Collect $137
Profit $77

Good Day!

29th April 2012, 07:33 AM
I spoke with the developer yesterday and I sense a charge my be applicable in the future. SHort period of betting but one to keep an eye on.

30th April 2012, 07:18 AM
Impressive result Vortech!
This near the norm or an exception? (based on your usage)
No need to respond ;) have lost interest

30th April 2012, 12:55 PM
Results for April

18 Races - 13 Winners 72% Strike rate

Invest 367 Units and Return 686 Units (86% POT)

Now we know this won't continue but put into context, the system looks at eliminating horses to reach around a 75% possibility of horses winning per race.

Of that only bet - 2 horses that fit the criteria and bet if the value is there.

30th April 2012, 07:03 PM
I used to play around with the El Greco system a long time ago with mixed results. I will be keen to see how they perform over the coming months.

2nd May 2012, 08:02 PM
Was comfortable with the system online until I read the latest

Explanations for our unique approach

a) Selections are based solely on my personal methodology,
that incorporates an extensive number of factors plus,
my “Final Golden Rules” and a subjective wholesome approach.
For obvious reasons I cannot reveal the complete methodology.

b) As you have experienced so far, we had a great month with not
even one losing Saturday. We hope to maintain this success level.
I bet on the same selections and want to win, as much as you do.

c) We achieved 80% Profit On Turnover (securing close to best prices)
when most “professionals” say they are happy with +20% POT but,
I strongly believe that if one is skilful, selective and patient, better
results can be achieved consistently and in the long run.

80% POT - Give me a Break!!!

2nd May 2012, 08:04 PM
Some say yes , others No. In a democracy , majority rules. All in favour say Aye!

Have sampled with mixed results , but very reasonable. If you have to do all the
work yourself , start on a wednesday for Saturdays racing. If you can get info ,
makes life easier and results to match. Ill just sit on the fence for now and watch CLOSELY just like a backbencher!

2nd May 2012, 08:27 PM
V , I agree. 80% is living in the Maldives stuff!!!

But ,

I once was told - Life at the top , is sensational , but shortlived.
But while your there , Live it , you mightnt be there tomorrow.

Sound advice ? I dont know , never been there myself.

One day , id like to go to the Maldives , Maybe , just maybe , El-Greko ,
or Bags , schmile even DarkyDog might take me , but we will see.

I once was told - (different bloke) If your drowning in a shallow pond , hold your breath , If drowning in a deep pond , dont.

2nd May 2012, 08:40 PM
The only problem i see was the statement "maintaining Aprils,
P.O.T. level" now that is impossible to achieve every month.

You can sometimes have good months like they just did,
But not over a sustained period that's for sure.

Very selective and while i am not actually backing them,
It wouldn't do any harm to at least moniter them for a while.


Then see what happens later on down the track.


2nd May 2012, 09:41 PM


Once was told - "No taxes in the Pen , Now im free , these blokes
rob ya' more than what i got put away for"

More food for thought!!!!

<ps - Please , if someone can monitor these blokes , good or bad ,
would be appreciated , in reality very interested!>

Once was told - (This one my brother takes credit for - hes a muso , and
a ************ good one to boot!) "you can be the best band in the world , but
unless you can get that across with a good sound system , you are still
back with the rest of em' "

A good sound system. Relevant ?

2nd May 2012, 10:22 PM
UMM ok then A.D.


3rd May 2012, 03:59 PM
Please note that information is available at www.elgrekoracing.com (http://www.elgrekoracing.com/)

Please do not disclose or just copy and paste whole pages from www.elgrekoracing.com (http://www.elgrekoracing.com/) onto our Forum.

If you are interested then you can register on the site yourself at www.elgrekoracing.com (http://www.elgrekoracing.com/)

Thank you for your cooperation.
<!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->

4th May 2012, 09:24 AM
I got an e-mail back from this mob about my registration, seams they didn't agree with my policy of private details.

Dear Mr Shaun

Just a short note to inform you that our technical site system does pick up
any inconsistencies or wrongful information (accidental or deliberate)
when registering new members.

As you are aware, we do provide FREE access to all content on the site and
selections, to registered members. All we ask in return is courtesy and honesty.

If you had joined an expensive racing service taking your hard earned money,
I am sure you would have provided them with the right details.
If for any reasons you do not like our FREE service and Selections,
by all means join another service.

Providing details like: Surname: me and suburb: where I live is not acceptable.

Therefore we are sorry to inform you that we will be disabling your membership.

Kind regards


So i was nice enough to send them a reply.

That's fine, i do not provide my private information for marketing purposes, as you do not require personal details for a free service then this information is not needed.

The information you ask for goes beyond general registration so i think you should consider changing the sign up policy as it is a major security risk asking for these details when not needed.

I will be sure to let others know what is required from your site so they can make the decision them selves to signup or not.

Have a nice day.

4th May 2012, 10:49 AM
I would like to apolgoise for my actions in posting the Greko selections to the forum.

I had no intention of breaking the confidentiality agreement and infringe upon there copyright agreement.

My intentions were to help promote the selections to other users and allow them to enjoy your selections and to build a registry of users.

By beening a long time reader of the sportsman I was quite excited to see the enhancements bought to the systems and his ratings and at any stage I did not want to bring any harm to the parties involved.
