View Full Version : Profiting from the Crowd

24th April 2012, 03:25 PM
I'm a big fan of the wisdom of the crowd and have been able to profit from it in a number of punting and non-punting ways. I've just stumbled upon this short YouTube video that in a roundabout way (via jelly beans) shows why the punting public tends to get it pretty right.


I've mentioned this book a few times but it's worth mentioning again. If you think outside your punting square there's some very useful leads contained within.


Enjoy :)

24th April 2012, 04:42 PM
Interesting youtube video there Angry Pixie. So I guess your saying that if you found as many tipsters as you could lay your hands on, and take the "average selection", you "should" be ahead.


24th April 2012, 05:12 PM
If you could aggregate their selections somehow that would be one thing you could do. I would be looking more at things that put a numerical figure on the selections though. ;)

24th April 2012, 05:32 PM
You could do a 3,2,1 format for their tips then come up with a total than create a price, similar to my Consensus ratings.

24th April 2012, 05:40 PM
Lets start a list and see how many we can come up with, have to be aware some tipsters use the same service to get the tips so will always be the same.

must have at least 3 selections most of the time.

Radio Tab
Guest Tipster

24th April 2012, 09:26 PM
Thanks Angry for that most informative link.

But it raises the question...
Can it pick a little vinner .

The answer is yes

I ran my data base through a number of things & this is what I came up with.

By targeting 5 tipsters exactly.

Target their top selection.

If we to only bet those that where tipped 3 times exactly on top .

These indeed had a 30% SR ,the same as favourites , but the difference was, that they did not always start as race favourite.

It amazingly produced a level stakes profit of +10% POT

Go figure.

Lord Greystoke
24th April 2012, 10:52 PM
If you think outside your punting square there's some very useful leads contained within.

Evening Pixie

Yes, in my experience you are correct on this, although it's a bit like 'fuzzy logic' to apply.

I have found that looking for 2-3 different 'signals' or indicators to support a certain selection can significantly strengthen the case to back it. A bit like a set up for a trade.

Also similar to one of the fundamental principles of auditing (if my 1980s memory serves me correct) ie collect information from different sources to evidence an event - if the data gathered collectively points to the same or a similar version of events, you are probably looking at a 'truth'.

So - not a precise science, but a mechanism to support an assumption or conclusion without needing to examine all the records or data = every occurrence of the event.

Find the right 'signals' in the right races and the winners seem to come a little easier, albeit with a lower average DIV it seems.


25th April 2012, 12:52 AM
I also noticed they now have some paper form guides on the NSW and VIC tab websites, not sure how often they have this but it does provide some options.

Lord Greystoke
25th April 2012, 05:37 AM
By targeting 5 tipsters exactly.

Target their top selection.

If we to only bet those that where tipped 3 times exactly on top .

These indeed had a 30% SR ,the same as favourites , but the difference was, that they did not always start as race favourite.

It amazingly produced a level stakes profit of +10% POT

Go figure.

Interesting statistic Bhagwan.

DO you have the equivalent numbers for where Top Selection has been picked 2 times across the 5 'wise men'?

From what I can see, it yields a similar result to a single star bet ie it flops most of the time and is a good candidate for taking out of your top chances, when it comes to finding a winner*

If I only I had your data engine to churn out these gems.

Cheers LG

* except where Shelley Hancox has tipped it but then again, she probably doesn't qualify as a wise man. We can be thankful for that!

25th April 2012, 11:31 AM
This is more what I was thinking. ;)

Here are the "crowd ratings" for todays Flemington quaddie races. Bit quick and dirty. Three well known, easy to obtain sources. Not much into ratings, so you guys can work out the prices. :)

FLEM Race 5
1 66
2 64
3 ---
4 ---
5 100
6 81
7 75
8 87
9 63
10 73
11 60
12 74
13 92
14 64

FLEM Race 6
1 100
2 80
3 90
4 86
5 82
6 71
7 69
8 70
9 60
10 79
11 80
12 76
13 67
14 74
15 83
16 71

1 81
2 95
3 ---
4 90
5 ---
6 91
7 100
8 99
9 ---
10 ---
11 ---
12 78
13 77
14 77
15 87
16 60

1 69
2 87
3 100
4 75
5 100
6 63
7 99
8 ---
9 60
10 79
11 93
12 100

25th April 2012, 12:48 PM
Here is some prices, these ratings are not fully compatable with my pricing but should give a guide.

1 32.74
2 50.67
5 2.57
6 6.06
7 9.18
8 4.39
9 68.65
10 13.64
11 85.00
12 12.49
13 3.50
14 50.67

1 2.68
2 12.20
3 3.98
4 4.81
5 5.97
6 25.03
7 31.49
8 27.93
9 85.00
10 13.01
11 12.20
12 16.06
13 41.72
14 18.86
15 5.64
16 25.03

1 12.40
2 4.27
4 5.26
6 5.04
7 3.55
8 3.68
12 15.03
13 16.12
14 16.12
15 8.97
16 85.00

1 33.96
2 8.95
3 4.02
4 18.72
5 4.02
6 100.00
7 4.17
9 85.00
10 14.02
11 5.25
12 4.02

25th April 2012, 01:31 PM
just for a bit of fun

1 $76
2 $94
5 $2.12
6 $16
7 $30
8 $8.35
9 $105
10 $36
11 $144
12 $33
13 $4.93
14 $94

1 $2.61
2 $21
3 $7.49
4 $11.42
5 $17
6 $55
7 $68
8 $62
9 $177
10 $24
11 $21
12 $33
13 $85
14 $40
15 $16
16 $55

1 $29
2 $6.62
4 $11.20
6 $10.08
7 $3.91
8 $4.34
12 $40
13 $44
14 $44
15 $15
16 $264

1 $128
2 $19
3 $4.89
4 $68
5 $4.89
6 $241
7 $5.43
9 $331
10 $45
11 $10.22
12 $4.89

25th April 2012, 05:09 PM
Started off well there guys.

To be true to the wisdom of the crowd I suppose we'd have to accept that the market price is more accurate than the rated price. Therefore the rated price should perhaps be the maximum that should be accepted.

25th April 2012, 07:48 PM
Your right ... The wisdom of crowds says the more people provide input the closer the result will be to the correct price. It was proven that a small crowd of "experts" actually did worse then a larger crowd of the public .

The same happens here. The final tote price is going to be closer then the experts selections over the long run. The real gems are to find out where the crowd is consistenly wrong and profit from that.

25th April 2012, 08:43 PM
Started off well there guys.

Just read that back and it sounds pretty sarcastic. What I was trying to say is that we started off well on the first couple of races. :o

26th April 2012, 01:39 AM
Hi Greystoke.
With those 2 remaining top 2 selections from 5 Tipsters where 3 tipsters have picked same horse.

Those remaining 2 where all over the place they wouldn't win that often but they sometimes hit some larger prices , so I would not be inclined to lay them.

That 3 from 5 was based on taking the average as per that video .
In this case 2.5 rounded up to 3.

26th April 2012, 09:31 AM
The real gems are to find out where the crowd is consistenly wrong and profit from that.

Doesn't really matter if the public is consistently right or wrong, it's the consistency that matters. We live in the time of betting exchanges. Buyers and sellers - backers and layers. We can do either one or both at the same time. We can back our selections one day and lay them the next.

My best selection method at present has made a whopping lay profit of 3.89 units after 5848 bet's! :D It's amazingly consistent. Since March 12th the expected lay winners is 5213. Observed lay winners is 5214. Bank has increased 415%+ since that date.

Profit follows consistency is my current mantra.

26th April 2012, 09:36 AM
& with the public being wrong ~ 70% of the time, we should be set, no?;)

26th April 2012, 09:41 AM
& with the public being wrong ~ 70% of the time, we should be set, no?;)

Could be ;) You've got the tools.


5th May 2012, 10:47 AM
Crowd ratings for todays Adelaide Guineas. Have included some conservative prices.

1) 100 $ 3.90
2) 76 $ 7.70
3) 83 $ 6.00
4) 90 $ 4.90
5) ---
6) 63 $15.90
7) 54 $55.30
8) 59 $24.60
9) 53 $94.50
10) 96 $ 4.30

5th May 2012, 11:21 AM
This race is a bit of a lottery.


1 85 $6.00
2 95 $4.60
3 91 $5.00
4 78 $7.70
5 78 $7.70
6 80 $7.10
7 76 $8.10
8 ---
9 83 $6.50
10 71 $10.20
11 100 $4.10
12 68 $12.70
13 85 $6.00
14 84 $6.20
15 60 $24.60
16 63 $18.70

5th May 2012, 11:31 AM
And another lottery


1 100 $4.30
2 89 $5.80
3 94 $5.10
4 95 $4.90
5 91 $5.40
6 83 $7.30
7 82 $7.70
8 77 $9.40
9 78 $8.90
10 82 $7.70
11 65 $25.50
12 73 $12.20
13 ---
14 ---
15 65 $25.50
16 73 $12.20
17 84 $7.00
18 60 $115.80

5th May 2012, 11:42 AM
:( Big quaddie coming in SA today???


1 100 $3.70
2 82 $6.40
3 73 $10.30
4 71 $12.00
5 69 $13.00
6 78 $7.70
7 79 $7.30
8 94 $4.40
9 74 $9.70
10 86 $5.50
11 73 $10.30
12 76 $8.60
13 68 $14.30
14 81 $6.70
15 71 $12.00
16 60 $61.50

Think I fluffed the Race 5 ratings a bit as they should be between 100 and 60. Doesn't change the prices though.

5th May 2012, 12:13 PM
For consistency's sake here are the corrected Race 5 ratings

MORP 5 Adelaide Guineas

1 100 $3.90
2 79 $7.70
3 85 $6.00
4 92 $4.90
5 ---
6 68 $15.90
7 61 $55.30
8 65 $24.60
9 60 $94.50
10 96 $4.30

5th May 2012, 04:30 PM
Not a bad Vic Tab quaddie in the end with the winners coming from within our top four of each of the four legs.

Winners were R5#4, R6#11, R7#3, R8#2

Expected Quadrella Div: 4.9 * 4.1 * 5.1 * 6.4 = $655.73
Actual Quadrella Div: $1594.60 :)

12th May 2012, 10:23 AM
ROSE Race 5
1 90 $4.80
2 70 $14.03
3 74 $10.14
4 ---
5 91 $4.65
6 100 $3.61
7 71 $12.80
8 60 $357.80
9 84 $5.98
10 ---
11 79 $7.52
12 73 $10.89

ROSE Race 6
1 96 $4.26
2 70 $14.90
3 100 $3.84
4 85 $6.10
5 60 $379.85
6 86 $5.87
7 64 $35.17
8 73 $11.56
9 61 $110.10
10 86 $5.87

ROSE Race 7
1 79 $6.85
2 73 $9.92
3 79 $6.85
4 67 $17.96
5 84 $5.45
6 60 $325.95
7 76 $8.11
8 71 $11.66
9 61 $94.48
10 71 $11.66
11 61 $94.48
12 100 $3.29
13 89 $4.52

ROSE Race 8
1 81 $7.66
2 79 $8.45
3 96 $4.51
4 74 $11.39
5 ---
6 ---
7 60 $401.90
8 72 $13.22
9 68 $19.51
10 100 $4.06
11 99 $4.16
12 86 $6.21
13 ---
14 ---
15 70 $15.76

12th May 2012, 11:01 AM
LAUN Race 6
1 91 $4.62
2 100 $3.59
3 92 $4.48
4 68 $17.25
5 74 $10.07
6 82 $6.47
7 78 $7.88
8 78 $7.88
9 64 $32.90
10 68 $17.25
11 76 $8.84
12 64 $32.90
13 60 $355.35
14 67 $19.58

LAUN Race 7
1 82 $6.74
2 71 $13.24
3 66 $23.57
4 100 $3.74
5 60 $370.05
6 94 $4.39
7 64 $34.26
8 69 $16.05
9 ---
10 ---
11 66 $23.57
12 78 $8.21
13 92 $4.66
14 81 $7.06

LAUN Race 8
1 97 $4.44
2 95 $4.69
3 100 $4.11
4 83 $7.09
5 89 $5.65
6 65 $30.70
7 75 $10.78
8 60 $406.80

LAUN Race 9
1 92 $4.29
2 72 $11.21
3 81 $6.49
4 100 $3.44
5 61 $98.74
6 73 $10.37
7 63 $40.80
8 67 $18.77
9 77 $7.99
10 60 $340.65
11 87 $5.07

19th May 2012, 09:35 AM
We'll continue this on a little longer so we can share the crowd love around to all the states.

GCST Race 6
1 100 $4.06
2 98 $4.27
3 78 $8.91
4 ---
5 84 $6.72
6 ---
7 79 $8.45
8 81 $7.66
9 81 $7.66
10 98 $4.27
11 82 $7.32
12 71 $14.38
13 60 $401.90
14 82 $7.32
15 60 $401.90

GCST Race 7
1 100 $4.16
2 92 $5.19
3 96 $4.62
4 72 $13.54
5 81 $7.85
6 96 $4.62
7 75 $10.91
8 79 $8.66
9 78 $9.13
10 81 $7.85
11 82 $7.50
12 60 $411.70

GCST Race 8
1 ---
2 75 $10.45
3 100 $3.99
4 ---
5 72 $12.98
6 ---
7 81 $7.52
8 85 $6.34
9 99 $4.09
10 92 $4.97
11 83 $6.88
12 74 $11.18
13 74 $11.18
14 66 $25.13
15 60 $394.55

GCST Race 9
1 100 $4.08
2 68 $19.63
3 93 $4.94
4 92 $5.09
5 87 $6.02
6 83 $7.05
7 86 $6.25
8 84 $6.76
9 91 $5.25
10 72 $13.30
11 70 $15.86
12 78 $8.97
13 60 $404.35

20th May 2012, 08:53 AM
Hi all

If i recall correctly there was a system or maybe even a few based on the tipster selections from the Australian. I think there were 10 tipsters with a consensus tally in the last column.

Out of curiosity how do you arrive at those dividends posted.


25th May 2012, 02:45 PM
Out of curiosity how do you arrive at those dividends posted.

How indeed. Like everybody else they are pretty much just made up. I've no idea how accurate they are. :) See the Ratings accuracy thread.

25th May 2012, 02:55 PM
Thanks AP


25th May 2012, 03:02 PM
Arrive at some arbitrary number and divide by the number of runners in the field is probably the most common method. I use a hybrid of the late Dick Mitchell's method. You could pick up one of his books second hand on Amazon probably. Bit complicated to describe here.

25th May 2012, 03:21 PM

This method originally posted here by norisk is interesting. Fiddle with the POWER figure to make the prices more realistic.



26th May 2012, 03:12 PM
Late with these. Doing a million other things today.

We've visited all the major states now in our Leyland Brothers tour. ;)

BLMT Race 5
1 61 $88.80
2 62 $51.92
3 73 $9.33
4 75 $8.12
5 76 $7.62
6 73 $9.33
7 75 $8.12
8 82 $5.58
9 86 $4.73
10 72 $10.08
11 71 $10.96
12 75 $8.12
13 79 $6.44
14 73 $9.33
15 100 $3.09
16 60 $306.35

BLMT Race 6
1 100 $4.41
2 95 $5.03
3 64 $40.39
4 ---
5 91 $5.67
6 69 $18.92
7 92 $5.49
8 75 $11.55
9 83 $7.61
10 93 $5.33
11 61 $126.43
12 60 $436.20
13 83 $7.61
14 96 $4.89

BLMT Race 7
1 98 $4.11
2 100 $3.91
3 84 $6.47
4 92 $4.88
5 60 $387.20
6 82 $7.05
7 66 $24.66

BLMT Race 8
1 79 $7.47
2 65 $26.82
3 98 $3.78
4 76 $8.84
5 70 $13.94
6 ---
7 78 $7.88
8 79 $7.47
9 66 $22.63
10 80 $7.11
11 86 $5.49
12 100 $3.59
13 ---
14 60 $355.35
15 65 $26.82
16 74 $10.07
17 70 $13.94

1st June 2012, 03:40 PM
Anybody interested in me doing these again for tomorrow? Any venue preferences?

16th June 2012, 11:04 AM
Well doesn't look like there's any interest at all in this but we do need some more results before we can draw any type of conclusion. There's some pleasing numbers come out of what we've done so far :)

FLEM Race 5
1 89 $5.51
2 81 $7.57
3 94 $4.71
4 77 $9.31
5 95 $4.58
6 100 $4.01
7 60 $397.00
8 82 $7.23
9 60 $397.00
10 76 $9.88

FLEM Race 6
1 73 $10.44
2 86 $5.30
3 100 $3.47
4 79 $7.22
5 85 $5.51
6 83 $5.98
7 65 $25.89
8 ---
9 84 $5.74
10 60 $343.10
11 79 $7.22

FLEM Race 7
1 89 $5.10
2 100 $3.71
3 ---
4 86 $5.68
5 90 $4.93
6 76 $9.14
7 73 $11.19
8 ---
9 ---
10 83 $6.41
11 75 $9.74
12 73 $11.19
13 69 $15.95
14 66 $23.41
15 60 $367.60

FLEM Race 8
1 73 $7.98
2 91 $3.41
3 100 $2.65
4 60 $262.25
5 75 $6.95
6 ---
7 60 $262.25
8 66 $16.70
9 66 $16.70
10 ---
11 64 $24.28
12 63 $31.41

16th June 2012, 11:40 AM
MORP Race 5
1 100 $2.97
2 84 $4.92
3 75 $7.79
4 62 $49.85
5 ---
6 84 $4.92
7 71 $10.52
8 75 $7.79
9 71 $10.52
10 60 $294.10
11 70 $11.53

MORP Race 6
1 100 $3.81
2 79 $7.94
3 67 $20.79
4 89 $5.24
5 84 $6.31
6 100 $3.81
7 74 $10.69
8 70 $14.80
9 60 $377.40

MORP Race 7
1 65 $34.22
2 75 $12.01
3 70 $17.78
4 75 $12.01
5 96 $5.08
6 100 $4.58
7 94 $5.38
8 100 $4.58
9 93 $5.54
10 76 $11.28
11 68 $22.01
12 60 $453.35
13 78 $10.05

MORP Race 8
1 95 $4.80
2 60 $416.60
3 79 $8.76
4 96 $4.67
5 100 $4.21
6 80 $8.33
7 ---
8 65 $31.44
9 97 $4.55
10 73 $12.68
11 ---
12 76 $10.36
13 72 $13.70
14 79 $8.76
15 77 $9.77
16 67 $22.95
17 80 $8.33

16th June 2012, 12:25 PM
RHIL Race 6
1 88 $5.88
2 83 $7.14
3 95 $4.72
4 79 $8.61
5 86 $6.33
6 100 $4.13
7 96 $4.59
8 ---
9 81 $7.80
10 82 $7.45
11 68 $19.87
12 ---
13 74 $11.59
14 83 $7.14
15 ---
16 ---
17 73 $12.46
18 ---
19 86 $6.33
20 60 $409.25

RHIL Race 7
1 ---
2 ---
3 80 $6.86
4 100 $3.47
5 76 $8.53
6 ---
7 80 $6.86
8 ---
9 80 $6.86
10 90 $4.61
11 81 $6.54
12 ---
13 79 $7.22
14 87 $5.11
15 74 $9.72
16 60 $343.10

RHIL Race 8
1 78 $8.48
2 ---
3 86 $5.91
4 85 $6.14
5 90 $5.13
6 ---
7 90 $5.13
8 60 $382.30
9 74 $10.83
10 100 $3.86
11 88 $5.49
12 71 $13.68
13 ---
14 77 $8.96
15 ---
16 ---
17 ---
18 74 $10.83

RHIL Race 9
1 71 $13.94
2 100 $3.94
3 86 $6.02
4 ---
5 79 $8.19
6 ---
7 60 $389.65
8 ---
9 ---
10 89 $5.41
11 89 $5.41
12 88 $5.60
13 ---
14 ---
15 73 $11.86
16 91 $5.06
17 ---
18 82 $7.10

16th June 2012, 12:59 PM
IPSW Race 5
1 91 $6.15
2 99 $4.90
3 60 $472.95
4 96 $5.30
5 86 $7.31
6 74 $13.40
7 100 $4.78
8 100 $4.78
9 86 $7.31
10 ---
11 96 $5.30
12 61 $137.09
13 79 $9.95
14 ---
15 73 $14.40
16 67 $26.06
17 87 $7.04
18 79 $9.95

IPSW Race 6
1 100 $3.44
2 76 $8.47
3 98 $3.62
4 ---
5 68 $16.54
6 83 $5.94
7 80 $6.81
8 63 $40.80
9 60 $340.65
10 60 $340.65
11 61 $98.74

IPSW Race 7
1 74 $10.27
2 83 $6.32
3 82 $6.61
4 78 $8.04
5 100 $3.66
6 89 $5.03
7 87 $5.40
8 87 $5.40
9 68 $17.61
10 67 $19.98
11 65 $27.37
12 76 $9.02
13 60 $362.70
14 66 $23.10
15 69 $15.74
16 75 $9.61

IPSW Race 8
1 ---
2 65 $18.31
3 83 $4.23
4 65 $18.31
5 71 $8.68
6 68 $11.78
7 72 $7.98
8 61 $70.33
9 67 $13.37
10 71 $8.68
11 64 $22.47
12 ---
13 68 $11.78
14 100 $2.45
15 61 $70.33
16 ---
17 62 $41.13
18 60 $242.65
19 60 $242.65

16th June 2012, 01:27 PM
BLMT Race 5
1 96 $4.56
2 100 $4.11
3 76 $10.12
4 82 $7.41
5 70 $15.95
6 66 $25.91
7 88 $5.84
8 98 $4.32
9 78 $9.02
10 60 $406.80
11 67 $22.41
12 72 $13.38

BLMT Race 6
1 ---
2 100 $3.69
3 ---
4 70 $14.32
5 82 $6.65
6 94 $4.33
7 94 $4.33
8 68 $17.73
9 77 $8.56
10 67 $20.12
11 75 $9.67
12 73 $11.12
13 60 $365.15

BLMT Race 7
1 100 $3.22
2 74 $9.03
3 84 $5.33
4 79 $6.70
5 67 $17.55
6 60 $318.60
7 85 $5.12
8 63 $38.16
9 80 $6.37
10 79 $6.70
11 ---
12 64 $29.50

BLMT Race 8
1 97 $4.68
2 93 $5.24
3 94 $5.09
4 89 $5.95
5 77 $10.06
6 100 $4.33
7 67 $23.63
8 88 $6.16
9 63 $51.36
10 67 $23.63
11 ---
12 77 $10.06
13 81 $8.18
14 60 $428.85
15 60 $428.85

23rd June 2012, 10:40 AM
Will be away for a couple of weeks after today.

WFRM Race 5
1 ---
2 77 $7.99
3 80 $6.81
4 77 $7.99
5 71 $12.19
6 ---
7 100 $3.44
8 75 $9.02
9 98 $3.62
10 82 $6.20
11 ---
12 60 $340.65

WFRM Race 6
1 95 $4.44
2 100 $3.89
3 70 $15.09
4 87 $5.73
5 78 $8.53
6 ---
7 88 $5.53
8 85 $6.18
9 70 $15.09
10 76 $9.57
11 60 $384.75

WFRM Race 7
1 64 $36.76
2 93 $4.85
3 100 $4.01
4 ---
5 60 $397.00
6 84 $6.64
7 88 $5.70
8 91 $5.16
9 76 $9.88
10 70 $15.57
11 71 $14.20
12 ---
13 81 $7.57
14 88 $5.70

WFRM Race 8
1 94 $5.03
2 94 $5.03
3 81 $8.08
4 90 $5.69
5 92 $5.34
6 72 $13.95
7 100 $4.28
8 60 $423.95
9 87 $6.31
10 91 $5.51
11 91 $5.51
12 77 $9.94
13 74 $12.01
14 74 $12.01
15 70 $16.63

EFRM Race 5
1 100 $3.94
2 99 $4.04
3 81 $7.43
4 81 $7.43
5 92 $4.91
6 83 $6.79
7 83 $6.79
8 82 $7.10
9 ---
10 68 $18.92
11 60 $389.65

EFRM Race 6
1 100 $3.86
2 77 $8.96
3 84 $6.39
4 94 $4.53
5 68 $18.56
6 89 $5.31
7 87 $5.69
8 74 $10.83
9 68 $18.56
10 ---
11 79 $8.04
12 81 $7.29
13 ---
14 72 $12.58
15 76 $9.51
16 68 $18.56
17 72 $12.58
18 60 $382.30

EFRM Race 7
1 100 $3.24
2 93 $3.92
3 73 $9.77
4 72 $10.56
5 70 $12.59
6 81 $6.12
7 68 $15.58
8 62 $54.42
9 60 $321.05
10 61 $93.06
11 71 $11.49
12 71 $11.49
13 76 $7.99
14 79 $6.75
15 75 $8.50
16 76 $7.99
17 75 $8.50
18 66 $20.45

EFRM Race 8
1 60 $421.50
2 85 $6.77
3 85 $6.77
4 100 $4.26
5 95 $4.86
6 91 $5.48
7 73 $12.83
8 89 $5.85
9 74 $11.94
10 95 $4.86
11 75 $11.17
12 63 $50.48

23rd June 2012, 11:50 AM
FLEM Race 5
1 ---
2 64 $34.26
3 92 $4.66
4 77 $8.68
5 ---
6 87 $5.51
7 69 $16.05
8 81 $7.06
9 85 $5.94
10 100 $3.74
11 ---
12 82 $6.74
13 70 $14.51
14 ---
15 77 $8.68
16 85 $5.94
17 60 $370.05

FLEM Race 6
1 100 $4.41
2 89 $6.05
3 91 $5.67
4 ---
5 84 $7.29
6 85 $7.01
7 76 $10.85
8 100 $4.41
9 86 $6.74
10 96 $4.89
11 75 $11.55
12 71 $15.61
13 78 $9.67
14 60 $436.20

FLEM Race 7
1 99 $3.66
2 78 $7.82
3 60 $352.90
4 ---
5 79 $7.42
6 74 $10.00
7 72 $11.61
8 86 $5.45
9 100 $3.56

FLEM Race 8
1 ---
2 88 $4.40
3 100 $3.09
4 66 $19.51
5 82 $5.58
6 ---
7 73 $9.33
8 80 $6.13
9 ---
10 63 $36.69
11 ---
12 60 $306.35

MORP Race 5
1 ---
2 100 $3.71
3 ---
4 84 $6.15
5 82 $6.70
6 ---
7 91 $4.78
8 79 $7.73
9 ---
10 91 $4.78
11 73 $11.19
12 ---
13 73 $11.19
14 75 $9.74
15 66 $23.41
16 60 $367.60

MORP Race 6
1 ---
2 86 $4.05
3 62 $44.45
4 ---
5 100 $2.65
6 ---
7 76 $6.52
8 ---
9 ---
10 81 $5.00
11 60 $262.25

MORP Race 7
1 100 $3.99
2 93 $4.82
3 93 $4.82
4 92 $4.97
5 81 $7.52
6 60 $394.55
7 64 $36.53
8 81 $7.52
9 67 $21.74
10 ---
11 68 $19.15
12 ---
13 65 $29.78

MORP Race 8
1 100 $4.11
2 61 $117.91
3 ---
4 96 $4.56
5 80 $8.14
6 84 $6.80
7 91 $5.29
8 75 $10.78
9 ---
10 69 $17.65
11 ---
12 ---
13 73 $12.38
14 81 $7.76
15 60 $406.80
16 ---
17 93 $4.97
18 77 $9.54

23rd June 2012, 02:50 PM
BLMT Race 5
1 82 $6.96
2 71 $13.68
3 ---
4 81 $7.29
5 100 $3.86
6 94 $4.53
7 64 $35.40
8 60 $382.30
9 89 $5.31
10 ---
11 89 $5.31

BLMT Race 6
1 89 $4.15
2 100 $3.02
3 74 $8.47
4 72 $9.84
5 75 $7.92
6 82 $5.45
7 70 $11.73
8 60 $299.00
9 70 $11.73
10 70 $11.73

BLMT Race 7
1 90 $5.07
2 85 $6.06
3 100 $3.81
4 91 $4.90
5 85 $6.06
6 83 $6.58
7 ---
8 82 $6.87
9 68 $18.32
10 73 $11.49
11 70 $14.80
12 86 $5.83
13 60 $377.40

BLMT Race 8
1 100 $3.84
2 93 $4.64
3 85 $6.10
4 76 $9.45
5 88 $5.46
6 87 $5.66
7 72 $12.50
8 74 $10.76
9 ---
10 82 $6.92
11 75 $10.06
12 ---
13 60 $379.85
14 71 $13.59

23rd June 2012, 05:45 PM
A pleasing day with the rankings accumulating the following

1) 9 from 20 (45%)
2) 11 from 20 (55%)
3) 15 from 20 (75%)
4) 17 from 20 (85%)
5) 18 from 20 (90%)

There were some nice overlays for those that are that way inclined.

Back in a couple of weeks with a look at how the crowd went over the past few weeks.

Hope you profited along the way. :)

23rd June 2012, 06:24 PM
Jeez can't complain about those figures (strike rates)My top=3 is only 5% better than A.PS TOP=2.

Do you bet on these A.P. or just a passing interest?.


23rd June 2012, 06:40 PM

Not backing these. Just an exercise to see whether the strike rates get close to those of the market. If there's a profit that's a bonus ;)

11th July 2012, 10:27 AM
Back from holidays and not due in the office until tomorrow so let's see what happens midweek. I'll keep the Saturday ratings going for a while (maybe not every Saturday) until we work up enough races to draw some conclusions.

GRAF Race 3
1 --- ---
2 80 $6.90
3 92 $4.30
4 100 $3.50
5 83 $6.00
6 83 $6.00
7 75 $9.10
8 74 $9.70
9 71 $12.30
10 75 $9.10
11 60 $343.10

GRAF Race 4
1 98 $4.60
2 100 $4.40
3 89 $6.10
4 79 $9.20
5 98 $4.60
6 91 $5.70
7 --- ---
8 81 $8.30
9 --- ---
10 73 $13.30
11 60 $436.20

GRAF Race 5
1 98 $4.70
2 78 $9.90
3 98 $4.70
4 87 $6.60
5 74 $12.60
6 84 $7.50
7 97 $4.90
8 70 $17.50
9 --- ---
10 84 $7.50
11 100 $4.50
12 68 $21.70
13 62 $75.60
14 62 $75.60
15 63 $53.40
16 60 $446.00

GRAF Race 6
1 98 $4.70
2 --- ---
3 100 $4.50
4 96 $5.00
5 76 $11.10
6 91 $5.80
7 60 $446.00
8 71 $16.00
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 75 $11.80
12 95 $5.10

GRAF Race 7
1 100 $4.30
2 95 $4.90
3 78 $9.30
4 --- ---
5 91 $5.50
6 96 $4.70
7 75 $11.20
8 81 $8.00
9 88 $6.10
10 72 $13.90
11 75 $11.20
12 68 $20.50
13 60 $421.50

GRAF Race 8
1 100 $3.40
2 --- ---
3 87 $5.00
4 83 $5.90
5 74 $9.60
6 61 $98.00
7 71 $12.10
8 68 $16.40
9 77 $7.90
10 60 $338.20
11 64 $31.30
12 66 $21.50
13 89 $4.70
14 70 $13.30
15 71 $12.10

EFRM Race 4
1 --- ---
2 96 $4.50
3 81 $7.70
4 --- ---
5 100 $4.10
6 82 $7.30
7 95 $4.60
8 77 $9.40
9 68 $19.50
10 89 $5.60
11 60 $401.90

EFRM Race 5
1 93 $4.60
2 79 $7.80
3 74 $10.60
4 76 $9.30
5 100 $3.80
6 92 $4.70
7 --- ---
8 86 $5.80
9 --- ---
10 60 $372.50

EFRM Race 6
1 --- ---
2 97 $3.90
3 100 $3.60
4 60 $355.40
5 --- ---
6 81 $6.80
7 85 $5.70
8 73 $10.80
9 73 $10.80
10 80 $7.10

EFRM Race 7
1 96 $4.00
2 100 $3.60
3 79 $7.50
4 75 $9.50
5 76 $8.90
6 93 $4.40
7 70 $14.00
8 63 $42.90
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 60 $357.80

11th July 2012, 11:04 AM
GAWL Race 6
1 64 $33.80
2 80 $7.30
3 100 $3.70
4 100 $3.70
5 71 $13.10
6 73 $11.10
7 83 $6.40
8 79 $7.70
9 60 $365.20
10 84 $6.10
11 61 $105.80
12 67 $20.10

GAWL Race 7
1 100 $3.70
2 --- ---
3 85 $5.90
4 68 $18.00
5 75 $9.80
6 87 $5.50
7 90 $5.00
8 87 $5.50
9 82 $6.70
10 63 $44.30
11 63 $44.30
12 72 $12.20
13 --- ---
14 60 $370.10

GAWL Race 8
1 83 $7.30
2 85 $6.70
3 81 $7.90
4 96 $4.70
5 91 $5.40
6 100 $4.20
7 96 $4.70
8 64 $38.60
9 69 $18.10
10 71 $14.90
11 67 $23.00
12 63 $49.90
13 61 $120.80
14 60 $416.60

GAWL Race 9
1 73 $12.10
2 60 $397.00
3 83 $6.90
4 91 $5.20
5 100 $4.00
6 73 $12.10
7 92 $5.00
8 81 $7.60
9 65 $30.00
10 90 $5.30
11 64 $36.80
12 87 $5.90
13 65 $30.00

CANT Race 1
1 100 $3.10
2 --- ---
3 86 $4.80
4 87 $4.60
5 74 $8.80
6 --- ---
7 78 $6.90
8 60 $311.30

CANT Race 5
1 89 $5.60
2 60 $404.40
3 100 $4.10
4 95 $4.70
5 92 $5.10
6 76 $10.10
7 83 $7.10
8 87 $6.00
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 60 $404.40
12 --- ---
13 70 $15.90

CANT Race 6
1 100 $4.50
2 88 $6.40
3 91 $5.80
4 88 $6.40
5 --- ---
6 --- ---
7 96 $5.00
8 100 $4.50
9 77 $10.50
10 94 $5.30
11 60 $448.50

CANT Race 7
1 91 $4.60
2 89 $4.90
3 --- ---
4 --- ---
5 --- ---
6 77 $8.30
7 --- ---
8 --- ---
9 85 $5.70
10 100 $3.60
11 71 $12.60
12 --- ---
13 75 $9.30
14 --- ---
15 76 $8.80
16 60 $352.90

11th July 2012, 12:13 PM
CRAN Race 6
1 81 $7.80
2 --- ---
3 82 $7.50
4 72 $13.50
5 96 $4.60
6 100 $4.10
7 88 $5.90
8 74 $11.60
9 99 $4.20
10 82 $7.50
11 68 $19.90
12 60 $409.30
13 71 $14.60
14 75 $10.80

CRAN Race 7
1 99 $4.10
2 76 $9.80
3 87 $5.90
4 71 $14.10
5 81 $7.50
6 82 $7.20
7 86 $6.10
8 100 $4.00
9 87 $5.90
10 73 $12.00
11 60 $394.60

CRAN Race 8
1 60 $360.30
2 --- ---
3 69 $15.60
4 68 $17.50
5 --- ---
6 73 $11.00
7 90 $4.80
8 --- ---
9 89 $5.00
10 86 $5.60
11 69 $15.60
12 76 $9.00
13 68 $17.50
14 80 $7.20
15 --- ---
16 66 $22.90
17 100 $3.60

CRAN Race 9
1 --- ---
2 84 $6.70
3 75 $10.60
4 87 $6.00
5 87 $6.00
6 100 $4.10
7 --- ---
8 92 $5.10
9 60 $401.90
10 96 $4.50
11 --- ---
12 77 $9.40
13 81 $7.70
14 60 $401.90
15 67 $22.10

BLMT Race 5
1 93 $5.30
2 --- ---
3 100 $4.40
4 89 $6.00
5 81 $8.20
6 88 $6.20
7 85 $6.90
8 88 $6.20
9 79 $9.10
10 81 $8.20
11 92 $5.40
12 100 $4.40
13 81 $8.20
14 88 $6.20
15 87 $6.40
16 --- ---
17 --- ---
18 60 $431.30
19 65 $32.60

BLMT Race 6
1 88 $5.60
2 100 $4.00
3 86 $6.10
4 79 $8.20
5 75 $10.40
6 76 $9.80
7 91 $5.10
8 81 $7.50
9 --- ---
10 81 $7.50
11 93 $4.80
12 71 $14.00
13 66 $25.00
14 73 $11.90
15 66 $25.00
16 60 $392.10
17 69 $17.00

BLMT Race 7
1 91 $5.10
2 70 $15.40
3 74 $11.10
4 91 $5.10
5 77 $9.20
6 70 $15.40
7 100 $4.00
8 86 $6.10
9 --- ---
10 81 $7.50
11 90 $5.30
12 --- ---
13 82 $7.10
14 79 $8.20
15 68 $19.00
16 74 $11.10
17 69 $17.00
18 60 $392.10

BLMT Race 8
1 84 $6.50
2 --- ---
3 94 $4.60
4 75 $10.30
5 100 $3.90
6 91 $5.10
7 85 $6.30
8 64 $36.10
9 87 $5.80
10 76 $9.70
11 74 $11.00
12 60 $389.70
13 83 $6.80
14 78 $8.60
15 79 $8.20
16 64 $36.10

14th July 2012, 10:55 AM
Wednesday's top raters were well below our running average.

CAUL Race 4
1 87 $6.30
2 93 $5.10
3 100 $4.30
4 96 $4.70
5 84 $7.00
6 60 $421.50
7 94 $5.00
8 76 $10.50
9 --- ---
10 77 $9.90
11 72 $13.90
12 --- ---
13 70 $16.50

CAUL Race 5
1 91 $4.50
2 74 $9.80
3 76 $8.60
4 86 $5.30
5 75 $9.20
6 100 $3.50
7 66 $22.00
8 86 $5.30
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 70 $13.60
12 72 $11.40
13 71 $12.40
14 60 $345.60
15 69 $15.00

CAUL Race 6
1 81 $8.70
2 --- ---
3 75 $12.10
4 80 $9.10
5 100 $4.60
6 80 $9.10
7 98 $4.80
8 71 $16.30
9 61 $132.10
10 75 $12.10
11 99 $4.70
12 78 $10.10
13 91 $5.90
14 --- ---
15 96 $5.10
16 91 $5.90
17 60 $455.80

CAUL Race 7
1 100 $2.80
2 77 $6.50
3 75 $7.30
4 82 $5.00
5 73 $8.40
6 77 $6.50
7 67 $15.30
8 62 $46.90
9 60 $277.00
10 65 $20.90
11 60 $277.00
12 60 $277.00

CAUL Race 8
1 97 $5.20
2 75 $12.60
3 96 $5.30
4 89 $6.60
5 93 $5.80
6 89 $6.60
7 99 $4.90
8 72 $15.60
9 100 $4.80
10 96 $5.30
11 60 $475.40
12 85 $7.60
13 72 $15.60
14 100 $4.80

DOOM Race 1
1 --- ---
2 100 $4.10
3 93 $4.90
4 --- ---
5 84 $6.80
6 87 $6.00
7 99 $4.20
8 77 $9.50
9 --- ---
10 60 $404.40

DOOM Race 2
1 --- ---
2 --- ---
3 100 $2.90
4 --- ---
5 100 $2.90
6 60 $289.20
7 73 $8.80
8 83 $5.00

DOOM Race 5
1 100 $3.40
2 --- ---
3 100 $3.40
4 --- ---
5 --- ---
6 85 $5.40
7 --- ---
8 --- ---
9 77 $7.90
10 60 $338.20
11 --- ---
12 74 $9.60

DOOM Race 6
1 79 $6.40
2 100 $3.10
3 --- ---
4 --- ---
5 94 $3.60
6 73 $9.30
7 60 $303.90
8 76 $7.60
9 61 $88.10
10 66 $19.40

DOOM Race 7
1 --- ---
2 60 $406.80
3 83 $7.10
4 84 $6.80
5 100 $4.10
6 97 $4.40
7 96 $4.60
8 87 $6.10
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 --- ---
12 77 $9.50
13 --- ---
14 79 $8.60
15 --- ---
16 60 $406.80
17 71 $14.60

DOOM Race 8
1 86 $4.70
2 --- ---
3 --- ---
4 73 $9.30
5 86 $4.70
6 100 $3.10
7 66 $19.50
8 73 $9.30
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 --- ---
12 74 $8.70
13 --- ---
14 73 $9.30
15 77 $7.20
16 --- ---
17 --- ---
18 60 $306.40

WFRM Race 4
1 100 $3.80
2 82 $6.80
3 100 $3.80
4 60 $375.00
5 81 $7.10
6 88 $5.40
7 71 $13.40
8 64 $34.70
9 67 $20.70
10 66 $23.90
11 61 $108.70

WFRM Race 5
1 84 $7.10
2 72 $13.90
3 100 $4.30
4 82 $7.70
5 98 $4.50
6 91 $5.50
7 98 $4.50
8 72 $13.90
9 66 $27.00
10 79 $8.90
11 60 $424.00
12 72 $13.90

WFRM Race 6
1 78 $8.60
2 95 $4.50
3 100 $3.90
4 98 $4.10
5 61 $112.90
6 73 $11.90
7 81 $7.40
8 70 $15.30
9 83 $6.80
10 61 $112.90
11 61 $112.90
12 60 $389.70

WFRM Race 7
1 88 $4.50
2 --- ---
3 72 $10.30
4 63 $37.60
5 61 $90.90
6 100 $3.20
7 --- ---
8 79 $6.60
9 62 $53.20
10 87 $4.70
11 --- ---
12 60 $313.70
13 63 $37.60

WFRM Race 8
1 100 $4.10
2 65 $30.50
3 73 $12.30
4 99 $4.20
5 --- ---
6 87 $6.00
7 71 $14.50
8 92 $5.10
9 84 $6.80
10 85 $6.50
11 --- ---
12 60 $404.40

14th July 2012, 11:33 AM
Belmont to follow.

MORP Race 3
1 100 $4.00
2 64 $36.30
3 --- ---
4 97 $4.30
5 99 $4.10
6 81 $7.50
7 81 $7.50
8 --- ---
9 69 $17.00
10 60 $392.10
11 --- ---
12 --- ---
13 66 $25.00

MORP Race 5
1 --- ---
2 100 $3.50
3 86 $5.40
4 78 $7.70
5 74 $9.90
6 98 $3.70
7 78 $7.70
8 78 $7.70
9 67 $19.20
10 78 $7.70
11 64 $32.20
12 60 $348.00

MORP Race 6
1 69 $14.00
2 --- ---
3 72 $10.60
4 84 $5.40
5 93 $4.00
6 --- ---
7 --- ---
8 100 $3.30
9 81 $6.20
10 60 $323.50

MORP Race 7
1 88 $5.10
2 71 $12.60
3 89 $4.90
4 100 $3.60
5 79 $7.40
6 86 $5.50
7 75 $9.30
8 --- ---
9 79 $7.40
10 78 $7.80
11 72 $11.60
12 78 $7.80
13 66 $22.50
14 60 $352.90

MORP Race 8
1 100 $2.60
2 --- ---
3 --- ---
4 79 $5.40
5 71 $9.10
6 77 $6.00
7 62 $43.20
8 60 $254.90
9 74 $7.20
10 72 $8.40

14th July 2012, 01:31 PM
BLMT Race 3
1 91 $5.30
2 80 $8.20
3 91 $5.30
4 100 $4.10
5 81 $7.80
6 85 $6.60
7 83 $7.10
8 70 $16.00
9 60 $409.30
10 84 $6.80
11 61 $118.60
12 98 $4.30

BLMT Race 4
1 --- ---
2 95 $4.50
3 62 $66.50
4 64 $36.30
5 --- ---
6 75 $10.40
7 60 $392.10
8 98 $4.20
9 84 $6.60
10 100 $4.00
11 80 $7.80
12 81 $7.50
13 68 $19.00

BLMT Race 5
1 82 $6.20
2 75 $9.10
3 79 $7.20
4 100 $3.50
5 82 $6.20
6 85 $5.50
7 77 $8.00
8 76 $8.50
9 84 $5.70
10 --- ---
11 87 $5.10
12 60 $343.10
13 --- ---
14 67 $18.90
15 69 $14.90

BLMT Race 6
1 --- ---
2 98 $4.60
3 96 $4.80
4 91 $5.60
5 85 $6.90
6 88 $6.20
7 88 $6.20
8 100 $4.30
9 80 $8.60
10 64 $39.70
11 73 $13.10
12 66 $27.30
13 79 $9.00
14 60 $428.90
15 69 $18.60
16 75 $11.40

BLMT Race 7
1 84 $7.50
2 73 $13.70
3 100 $4.50
4 100 $4.50
5 83 $7.80
6 98 $4.80
7 98 $4.80
8 68 $21.80
9 85 $7.20
10 62 $76.00
11 60 $448.50
12 61 $130.00
13 65 $33.80
14 78 $9.90
15 66 $28.60
16 81 $8.60

BLMT Race 8
1 79 $7.00
2 89 $4.60
3 100 $3.40
4 68 $16.20
5 64 $30.90
6 72 $11.00
7 78 $7.40
8 67 $18.40
9 61 $96.60
10 74 $9.40
11 67 $18.40
12 60 $333.30
13 78 $7.40
14 88 $4.80
15 66 $21.20
16 63 $39.90

14th July 2012, 07:13 PM
Not a bad day with one of the top five winning in 22 of the 27 (81.5%) assessed races. Pretty close to the market average. A nice overlay or two to be had also. :)

The accumulative results for the day follow.

1) 7 from 27 (26%)
2) 13 from 27 (48%)
3) 18 from 27 (67%)
4) 22 from 27 (81%)
5) 22 from 27 (81%)

Lord Greystoke
14th July 2012, 07:59 PM
Not a bad day with one of the top five winning in 22 of the 27 (81.5%) assessed races. Pretty close to the market average.

A very interesting result - where did you get the market average from if you don't mind me asking?

Cheers LG

14th July 2012, 11:30 PM

Think it's fairly common knowledge amongst punters that the first five in the market win between 80-85% of races. You can work it out pretty easily in Excel. If we assume that the first favourite wins 30% of races then if we put 5thFAV_A.jpg into Excel, we should get 5thFAV_B.jpg. You can extend this on as you like.

Lord Greystoke
15th July 2012, 06:26 AM
Very helpful Pixie.

A brush up on basic prob and Excel.

Ta mate, LG

Chrome Prince
15th July 2012, 07:00 AM
All races from 1/1/2011 to 30/6/2012
Races: 24,306
Won by first 5: 20,037
Percentage: 82.44%

Lord Greystoke
15th July 2012, 07:26 AM
Morning Chrome.

Would that be BF SP?


Chrome Prince
16th July 2012, 12:54 PM
No, that's Tote rankings.

20th July 2012, 04:16 PM
I've just quickly done this on a sheet of paper but these are the cumulative results from April 25th to July 14th. I'm leaving out the July 11th midweek as they confuse things a bit.

The accumulative results so far:

1) 28 from 91 (31%)
2) 39 from 91 (43%)
3) 57 from 91 (63%)
4) 67 from 91 (74%)
5) 71 from 91 (78%)

Interestingly close to Excel numbers above. We'll see if we can get a couple of hundred results together.

20th July 2012, 06:46 PM
1) 28 from 91 (31%)
2) 39 from 91 (43%)
3) 57 from 91 (63%)
4) 67 from
91 (74%)
5) 71 from 91 (78%)


Are these the ranked tips and the strike rate ? ie the top rank win 28 from 91, the top two ranked are 39 from 91,etc.

If so can I suggest you do one more analysis. Break it down by race for the top 3 to top 5 and see if there is a difference in the strike rate in the first few races (races 1 to 4) compared to the later races (5+). I think you might be surprised with the result. I say this without having done any analysis on your results though.

20th July 2012, 09:02 PM

Yes these are the cumulative results so the top two have won 39 of 91, the top three have won 57 from 91, and so on. The second picks are letting us down at present. The top picks are about exactly where I thought they'd be.

The bulk of the rated races are the quaddie legs so therefore the last four on the card. I've started to throw in a few of the other better races. An analysis as you suggest is therefore a little difficult. :(

After we get a hundred or so more races under our belt's I'll put some effort into a different pricing structure (I think I know what I'll do here), then go back and re-price all the rated races to get some idea as to whether we'd have made any money from this. :)

21st July 2012, 10:19 AM
Other venues to follow.

EFRM Race 1
1 100 $3.30
2 95 $3.80
3 78 $7.30
4 74 $9.30
5 85 $5.30
6 74 $9.30
7 60 $328.40

EFRM Race 2
1 --- ---
2 75 $9.70
3 85 $5.90
4 100 $3.70
5 69 $15.90
6 79 $7.70
7 --- ---
8 --- ---
9 86 $5.70
10 98 $3.90
11 --- ---
12 66 $23.40
13 60 $367.60

EFRM Race 6
1 100 $4.50
2 77 $10.40
3 94 $5.30
4 91 $5.80
5 97 $4.80
6 97 $4.80
7 78 $9.80
8 --- ---
9 77 $10.40
10 74 $12.60
11 --- ---
12 60 $443.60

EFRM Race 7
1 99 $4.10
2 89 $5.50
3 77 $9.30
4 73 $12.00
5 --- ---
6 100 $4.00
7 89 $5.50
8 71 $14.10
9 82 $7.20
10 --- ---
11 --- ---
12 64 $36.50
13 --- ---
14 66 $25.10
15 60 $394.60

EFRM Race 8
1 100 $4.20
2 96 $4.70
3 76 $10.40
4 100 $4.20
5 87 $6.20
6 86 $6.50
7 64 $38.80
8 69 $18.20
9 60 $419.10
10 78 $9.30
11 66 $26.70
12 66 $26.70

EFRM Race 9
1 71 $14.80
2 68 $20.10
3 92 $5.20
4 --- ---
5 76 $10.30
6 100 $4.20
7 88 $6.00
8 94 $4.90
9 85 $6.70
10 87 $6.20
11 77 $9.70
12 93 $5.10
13 66 $26.40
14 --- ---
15 67 $22.80
16 60 $414.20

FLEM Race 3
1 100 $3.90
2 87 $5.70
3 93 $4.70
4 87 $5.70
5 84 $6.40
6 88 $5.50
7 78 $8.50
8 73 $11.70
9 60 $384.80

FLEM Race 5
1 97 $4.60
2 92 $5.30
3 100 $4.30
4 91 $5.50
5 68 $20.50
6 90 $5.70
7 77 $9.90
8 77 $9.90
9 70 $16.50
10 67 $23.20
11 60 $421.50

FLEM Race 6
1 82 $6.60
2 64 $33.40
3 82 $6.60
4 100 $3.60
5 --- ---
6 81 $6.90
7 61 $104.40
8 69 $15.60
9 --- ---
10 72 $11.90
11 93 $4.40
12 88 $5.20
13 77 $8.40
14 70 $14.10
15 60 $360.30

FLEM Race 7
1 77 $8.00
2 93 $4.20
3 85 $5.50
4 100 $3.50
5 --- ---
6 76 $8.50
7 80 $6.90
8 80 $6.90
9 73 $10.40
10 62 $58.20
11 60 $343.10

FLEM Race 8
1 100 $4.50
2 82 $8.00
3 90 $5.90
4 90 $5.90
5 99 $4.60
6 80 $8.80
7 99 $4.60
8 61 $127.90
9 60 $441.10
10 67 $24.30
11 73 $13.40
12 62 $74.80
13 68 $21.40

21st July 2012, 11:18 AM
Still more to come.

K_GR Race 5
1 100 $4.10
2 89 $5.60
3 --- ---
4 96 $4.50
5 93 $4.90
6 60 $401.90
7 84 $6.70
8 79 $8.50
9 66 $25.60
10 60 $401.90

GCST Race 4
1 78 $8.50
2 95 $4.40
3 81 $7.30
4 --- ---
5 79 $8.00
6 60 $382.30
7 100 $3.90
8 --- ---
9 61 $110.80
10 83 $6.70
11 94 $4.50
12 --- ---
13 82 $7.00

GCST Race 5
1 89 $5.40
2 100 $4.00
3 91 $5.10
4 94 $4.70
5 --- ---
6 84 $6.60
7 84 $6.60
8 --- ---
9 66 $25.00
10 81 $7.50
11 76 $9.80
12 82 $7.10
13 60 $392.10

RHIL Race 3
1 72 $10.10
2 86 $4.70
3 100 $3.10
4 81 $5.80
5 60 $306.40
6 74 $8.70
7 82 $5.60

RHIL Race 5
1 71 $10.20
2 100 $2.90
3 84 $4.80
4 63 $34.00
5 73 $8.70
6 86 $4.40
7 71 $10.20
8 60 $284.30
9 66 $18.10
10 65 $21.50

RHIL Race 6
1 87 $4.30
2 62 $49.40
3 100 $2.90
4 76 $7.30
5 67 $16.10
6 78 $6.50
7 68 $14.20
8 76 $7.30
9 73 $8.90
10 75 $7.70
11 60 $291.70
12 65 $22.00

RHIL Race 7
1 98 $4.70
2 90 $6.00
3 100 $4.50
4 100 $4.50
5 78 $9.90
6 92 $5.60
7 74 $12.60
8 90 $6.00
9 75 $11.80
10 76 $11.10
11 60 $446.00

RHIL Race 8
1 74 $11.20
2 89 $5.50
3 70 $15.60
4 --- ---
5 100 $4.00
6 --- ---
7 85 $6.40
8 88 $5.70
9 60 $397.00
10 89 $5.50
11 76 $9.90
12 71 $14.20
13 --- ---
14 94 $4.70

MORP Race 4
1 100 $3.80
2 85 $6.00
3 97 $4.10
4 79 $7.80
5 63 $44.60
6 --- ---
7 83 $6.50
8 77 $8.70
9 61 $108.00
10 85 $6.00
11 61 $108.00
12 60 $372.50
13 67 $20.50

MORP Race 5
1 72 $12.10
2 95 $4.20
3 100 $3.70
4 60 $367.60
5 84 $6.10
6 --- ---
7 70 $14.40
8 83 $6.40
9 86 $5.70

MORP Race 6
1 100 $3.20
2 76 $7.80
3 74 $8.90
4 76 $7.80
5 76 $7.80
6 87 $4.70
7 75 $8.30
8 --- ---
9 --- ---
10 60 $313.70
11 68 $15.20
12 87 $4.70

MORP Race 7
1 78 $9.00
2 74 $11.50
3 100 $4.10
4 --- ---
5 --- ---
6 60 $406.80
7 88 $5.80
8 65 $30.70
9 97 $4.40
10 --- ---
11 85 $6.50
12 63 $48.70
13 88 $5.80
14 91 $5.30
15 60 $406.80

MORP Race 8
1 97 $4.70
2 100 $4.30
3 95 $4.90
4 88 $6.10
5 --- ---
6 92 $5.40
7 74 $12.10
8 76 $10.60
9 --- ---
10 88 $6.10
11 75 $11.30
12 --- ---
13 78 $9.50
14 60 $426.40

21st July 2012, 12:05 PM
That'll do it for today. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon. :)

GUND Race 2
1 60 $321.10
2 100 $3.20
3 66 $20.40
4 69 $13.90
5 89 $4.50
6 74 $9.10
7 94 $3.80
8 72 $10.60

TOWN Race 5
1 97 $4.70
2 60 $426.40
3 100 $4.30
4 90 $5.70
5 81 $8.10
6 97 $4.70
7 73 $13.00
8 88 $6.10
9 76 $10.60
10 --- ---
11 78 $9.50
12 75 $11.30
13 60 $426.40
14 69 $18.50
15 84 $7.10

TOWN Race 6
1 83 $6.20
2 79 $7.50
3 93 $4.40
4 89 $5.00
5 100 $3.60
6 71 $12.80
7 66 $22.80
8 61 $103.70
9 60 $357.80
10 67 $19.70

TOWN Race 7
1 81 $7.10
2 100 $3.80
3 84 $6.20
4 90 $5.00
5 94 $4.40
6 74 $10.60
7 67 $20.50
8 68 $18.10
9 73 $11.30
10 82 $6.80
11 79 $7.80
12 60 $372.50

TOWN Race 8
1 83 $6.40
2 78 $8.10
3 100 $3.70
4 77 $8.60
5 98 $3.90
6 81 $7.00
7 75 $9.70
8 67 $20.10
9 66 $23.30
10 76 $9.10
11 85 $5.90
12 60 $365.20

BLMT Race 1
1 60 $254.90
2 100 $2.60
3 70 $10.00
4 79 $5.40
5 93 $3.10

BLMT Race 2
1 87 $5.80
2 93 $4.80
3 73 $11.90
4 85 $6.30
5 100 $4.00
6 93 $4.80
7 60 $392.10
8 74 $11.10

BLMT Race 5
1 78 $7.70
2 85 $5.60
3 87 $5.10
4 83 $6.00
5 71 $12.40
6 100 $3.50
7 77 $8.10
8 73 $10.50
9 73 $10.50
10 84 $5.80
11 65 $26.10
12 --- ---
13 60 $345.60

BLMT Race 6
1 84 $5.20
2 86 $4.80
3 77 $7.40
4 71 $11.20
5 68 $15.20
6 65 $23.70
7 65 $23.70
8 65 $23.70
9 100 $3.20
10 79 $6.60
11 60 $313.70
12 70 $12.30

BLMT Race 7
1 89 $5.30
2 92 $4.80
3 60 $379.90
4 74 $10.80
5 98 $4.00
6 --- ---
7 63 $45.50
8 71 $13.60
9 74 $10.80
10 100 $3.80
11 71 $13.60
12 71 $13.60
13 71 $13.60

BLMT Race 8
1 74 $10.60
2 65 $28.10
3 60 $372.50
4 63 $44.60
5 83 $6.50
6 92 $4.70
7 63 $44.60
8 89 $5.20
9 66 $23.70
10 82 $6.80
11 80 $7.50
12 --- ---
13 69 $16.20
14 100 $3.80
15 86 $5.80
16 62 $63.10

28th July 2012, 10:29 AM
More venues to follow :)

DOOM Race 1
1 72 $14.00
2 60 $426.40
3 97 $4.70
4 83 $7.40
5 99 $4.40
6 100 $4.30
7 82 $7.80
8 88 $6.10
9 85 $6.80
10 64 $39.50
11 67 $23.50
12 88 $6.10
13 67 $23.50

DOOM Race 2
1 96 $5.10
2 100 $4.60
3 75 $11.90
4 96 $5.10
5 60 $450.90
6 95 $5.20
7 73 $13.70
8 95 $5.20
9 64 $41.80
10 82 $8.20
11 73 $13.70
12 69 $19.60

DOOM Race 6
1 87 $5.40
2 100 $3.70
3 81 $7.00
4 76 $9.10
5 71 $13.10
6 68 $17.70
7 72 $12.00
8 87 $5.40
9 86 $5.60
10 69 $15.80
11 --- ---
12 87 $5.40
13 --- ---
14 73 $11.10
15 60 $365.20

DOOM Race 7
1 75 $8.60
2 68 $15.70
3 84 $5.40
4 81 $6.20
5 69 $14.00
6 65 $24.40
7 74 $9.20
8 60 $323.50
9 100 $3.30
10 81 $6.20
11 75 $8.60
12 79 $6.80
13 84 $5.40
14 74 $9.20
15 --- ---
16 --- ---
17 60 $323.50
18 --- ---
19 --- ---
20 69 $14.00

DOOM Race 8
1 78 $10.20
2 100 $4.70
3 99 $4.80
4 100 $4.70
5 93 $5.60
6 91 $6.00
7 78 $10.20
8 88 $6.60
9 85 $7.40
10 94 $5.50
11 --- ---
12 --- ---
13 71 $16.50
14 68 $22.40
15 60 $460.70

DOOM Race 9
1 --- ---
2 88 $4.90
3 --- ---
4 100 $3.40
5 68 $16.40
6 72 $11.10
7 84 $5.70
8 72 $11.10
9 88 $4.90
10 76 $8.40
11 --- ---
12 76 $8.40
13 76 $8.40
14 66 $21.50
15 64 $31.30
16 68 $16.40
17 60 $338.20

CAUL Race 1
1 82 $6.10
2 88 $4.80
3 100 $3.40
4 90 $4.50
5 60 $335.80
6 --- ---
7 75 $8.90
8 60 $335.80

CAUL Race 5
1 71 $12.60
2 83 $6.20
3 100 $3.60
4 82 $6.40
5 84 $5.90
6 89 $4.90
7 81 $6.70
8 86 $5.50
9 79 $7.40
10 75 $9.30
11 69 $15.30
12 74 $10.00
13 --- ---
14 61 $102.30
15 60 $352.90

CAUL Race 6
1 78 $7.00
2 --- ---
3 --- ---
4 72 $10.30
5 --- ---
6 61 $90.90
7 100 $3.20
8 68 $15.20
9 77 $7.40
10 60 $313.70
11 99 $3.20
12 69 $13.60
13 --- ---
14 70 $12.30

CAUL Race 7
1 100 $2.80
2 77 $6.60
3 --- ---
4 79 $5.90
5 78 $6.20
6 78 $6.20
7 --- ---
8 75 $7.40
9 75 $7.40
10 63 $33.50
11 69 $12.10
12 65 $21.10
13 60 $279.40

CAUL Race 8
1 63 $43.40
2 --- ---
3 --- ---
4 --- ---
5 81 $6.90
6 --- ---
7 81 $6.90
8 91 $4.70
9 75 $9.60
10 68 $17.60
11 100 $3.70
12 89 $5.00
13 85 $5.80
14 66 $23.10
15 60 $362.70
16 60 $362.70

WFRM Race 2
1 100 $3.80
2 92 $4.80
3 96 $4.20
4 82 $6.90
5 82 $6.90
6 --- ---
7 67 $20.80
8 --- ---
9 60 $377.40

WFRM Race 5
1 100 $3.90
2 --- ---
3 95 $4.50
4 89 $5.40
5 89 $5.40
6 84 $6.50
7 83 $6.80
8 81 $7.40
9 76 $9.70
10 --- ---
11 60 $389.70

WFRM Race 6
1 89 $5.30
2 88 $5.50
3 --- ---
4 100 $3.80
5 89 $5.30
6 87 $5.70
7 73 $11.60
8 --- ---
9 71 $13.60
10 60 $379.90

WFRM Race 7
1 100 $3.50
2 81 $6.70
3 83 $6.10
4 77 $8.20
5 88 $5.00
6 89 $4.90
7 63 $42.00
8 64 $32.40
9 73 $10.70
10 81 $6.70
11 --- ---
12 60 $350.50

WFRM Race 8
1 76 $11.40
2 97 $5.00
3 60 $458.30
4 93 $5.60
5 93 $5.60
6 99 $4.70
7 96 $5.10
8 --- ---
9 65 $34.60
10 73 $13.90
11 69 $19.90
12 100 $4.60

28th July 2012, 11:13 AM
TOWN Race 2
1 100 $4.30
2 88 $6.10
3 94 $5.10
4 98 $4.50
5 70 $16.70
6 90 $5.70
7 88 $6.10
8 70 $16.70
9 86 $6.60
10 90 $5.70
11 68 $20.70
12 60 $426.40
13 82 $7.80
14 79 $9.00
15 71 $15.30
16 71 $15.30

TOWN Race 4
1 96 $4.30
2 100 $3.80
3 70 $14.90
4 --- ---
5 91 $4.90
6 78 $8.40
7 73 $11.60
8 78 $8.40
9 74 $10.80
10 88 $5.50
11 68 $18.40
12 60 $379.90

TOWN Race 5
1 84 $7.00
2 100 $4.20
3 97 $4.60
4 71 $15.00
5 94 $5.00
6 82 $7.60
7 76 $10.40
8 69 $18.20
9 84 $7.00
10 60 $419.10
11 83 $7.30
12 82 $7.60
13 78 $9.30
14 84 $7.00
15 94 $5.00
16 72 $13.80

TOWN Race 6
1 91 $5.40
2 85 $6.70
3 96 $4.70
4 69 $18.20
5 100 $4.20
6 75 $11.10
7 62 $71.00
8 89 $5.80
9 93 $5.10
10 67 $23.10
11 69 $18.20
12 60 $419.10
13 65 $31.60
14 62 $71.00
15 78 $9.30
16 62 $71.00

TOWN Race 7
1 87 $6.20
2 93 $5.10
3 88 $6.00
4 97 $4.60
5 65 $31.60
6 91 $5.40
7 100 $4.20
8 72 $13.80
9 76 $10.40
10 84 $7.00
11 60 $419.10
12 --- ---
13 --- ---
14 71 $15.00
15 67 $23.10
16 79 $8.80
17 75 $11.10
18 81 $8.00

TOWN Race 8
1 79 $8.40
2 91 $5.20
3 93 $4.90
4 100 $4.00
5 69 $17.30
6 93 $4.90
7 70 $15.70
8 84 $6.70
9 61 $115.80
10 --- ---
11 77 $9.40
12 60 $399.50
13 74 $11.30
14 64 $37.00

MORP Race 1
1 88 $4.80
2 100 $3.40
3 70 $13.10
4 66 $21.20
5 91 $4.30
6 60 $333.30
7 67 $18.40
8 85 $5.40

MORP Race 2
1 96 $4.30
2 100 $3.80
3 85 $6.10
4 60 $379.90
5 72 $12.50
6 67 $20.90
7 64 $35.20
8 100 $3.80
9 68 $18.40
10 71 $13.60

MORP Race 4
1 --- ---
2 --- ---
3 88 $5.30
4 96 $4.10
5 60 $367.60
6 83 $6.40
7 100 $3.70
8 81 $7.00
9 78 $8.20
10 78 $8.20
11 81 $7.00

MORP Race 5
1 70 $10.70
2 100 $2.70
3 60 $272.10
4 69 $11.80
5 --- ---
6 77 $6.40
7 --- ---
8 62 $46.10
9 67 $15.00
10 84 $4.50
11 72 $8.90
12 76 $6.80
13 --- ---
14 62 $46.10

MORP Race 6
1 79 $6.40
2 63 $36.70
3 100 $3.10
4 --- ---
5 60 $306.40
6 72 $10.10
7 72 $10.10
8 76 $7.60
9 --- ---
10 71 $11.00
11 96 $3.40

MORP Race 7
1 60 $357.80
2 74 $10.10
3 91 $4.60
4 81 $6.80
5 80 $7.20
6 100 $3.60
7 64 $33.10
8 --- ---
9 61 $103.70
10 --- ---
11 --- ---
12 87 $5.30
13 85 $5.70

MORP Race 8
1 100 $3.40
2 92 $4.30
3 91 $4.40
4 77 $7.90
5 69 $14.70
6 76 $8.40
7 73 $10.30
8 65 $25.50
9 75 $9.00
10 --- ---
11 61 $98.00
12 60 $338.20
13 67 $18.60

28th July 2012, 11:59 AM
And the remainder for today. All the best.

NCLE Race 5
1 100 $3.20
2 --- ---
3 84 $5.30
4 74 $9.00
5 81 $6.10
6 82 $5.80
7 --- ---
8 81 $6.10
9 60 $318.60
10 62 $54.00

NCLE Race 6
1 98 $4.80
2 99 $4.60
3 76 $11.20
4 90 $6.00
5 100 $4.50
6 94 $5.30
7 76 $11.20
8 --- ---
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 90 $6.00
12 78 $9.90
13 60 $448.50

WNBL Race 5
1 100 $3.60
2 79 $7.50
3 98 $3.80
4 --- ---
5 77 $8.30
6 73 $10.80
7 89 $4.90
8 60 $355.40

WNBL Race 7
1 87 $4.70
2 72 $10.30
3 86 $4.80
4 --- ---
5 100 $3.20
6 74 $8.90
7 76 $7.80
8 --- ---
9 74 $8.90
10 --- ---
11 60 $313.70
12 77 $7.40

BLMT Race 2
1 81 $7.20
2 86 $5.90
3 88 $5.50
4 100 $3.80
5 69 $16.50
6 98 $4.00
7 --- ---
8 74 $10.80
9 60 $379.90
10 74 $10.80

BLMT Race 3
1 64 $32.00
2 91 $4.50
3 66 $22.00
4 92 $4.40
5 77 $8.10
6 76 $8.60
7 79 $7.30
8 73 $10.50
9 100 $3.50
10 71 $12.40
11 68 $16.80
12 68 $16.80
13 60 $345.60
14 75 $9.20

BLMT Race 6
1 83 $6.20
2 86 $5.50
3 79 $7.40
4 61 $102.30
5 63 $42.30
6 73 $10.70
7 75 $9.30
8 60 $352.90
9 63 $42.30
10 66 $22.50
11 65 $26.60
12 84 $5.90
13 100 $3.60
14 67 $19.40
15 68 $17.10
16 89 $4.90

BLMT Race 7
1 71 $12.50
2 85 $5.60
3 91 $4.50
4 63 $41.70
5 82 $6.30
6 --- ---
7 60 $348.00
8 64 $32.20
9 82 $6.30
10 72 $11.40
11 100 $3.50
12 75 $9.20

BLMT Race 8
1 100 $3.70
2 68 $18.00
3 69 $16.10
4 64 $34.30
5 77 $8.70
6 61 $107.30
7 70 $14.50
8 --- ---
9 87 $5.50
10 94 $4.40
11 91 $4.80
12 60 $370.10
13 74 $10.50
14 60 $370.10

BLMT Race 9
1 86 $5.40
2 63 $42.00
3 77 $8.20
4 74 $9.90
5 76 $8.70
6 89 $4.90
7 76 $8.70
8 87 $5.20
9 76 $8.70
10 76 $8.70
11 100 $3.50
12 --- ---
13 71 $12.50
14 79 $7.40
15 60 $350.50
16 65 $26.40

TWBA Race 1
1 94 $5.10
2 99 $4.40
3 79 $9.00
4 94 $5.10
5 60 $428.90
6 66 $27.30
7 100 $4.30
8 86 $6.60
9 63 $51.40
10 64 $39.70

TWBA Race 2
1 71 $12.10
2 60 $338.20
3 100 $3.40
4 78 $7.50
5 82 $6.20
6 79 $7.10
7 97 $3.70
8 70 $13.30
9 70 $13.30

28th July 2012, 12:17 PM
Sorry just relised MORP 2 was a 2yo race and shouldn't have appeared in the list. Those ratings are actually for MORP 3. Corrected here. Sorry about that :o

MORP Race 3
1 96 $4.30
2 100 $3.80
3 85 $6.10
4 60 $379.90
5 72 $12.50
6 67 $20.90
7 64 $35.20
8 100 $3.80
9 68 $18.40
10 71 $13.60

4th August 2012, 10:41 AM
A little bit longer to go before we draw any conclusions :)

DOOM Race 2
1 100 $2.60
2 --- ---
3 95 $2.90
4 74 $7.20
5 60 $254.90
6 73 $7.80

DOOM Race 3
1 75 $6.90
2 73 $7.90
3 100 $2.60
4 --- ---
5 71 $9.30
6 --- ---
7 60 $259.80
8 85 $4.20
9 67 $14.30
10 71 $9.30

DOOM Race 4
1 100 $4.00
2 93 $4.90
3 96 $4.50
4 94 $4.70
5 78 $8.90
6 77 $9.40
7 60 $399.50
8 --- ---
9 73 $12.20
10 66 $25.40

DOOM Race 5
1 100 $3.90
2 92 $4.90
3 79 $8.10
4 94 $4.60
5 84 $6.50
6 72 $12.70
7 86 $6.00
8 82 $7.10
9 78 $8.60
10 79 $8.10
11 74 $11.00
12 60 $387.20

DOOM Race 6
1 79 $6.80
2 94 $3.80
3 100 $3.30
4 77 $7.60
5 68 $15.70
6 62 $54.80
7 68 $15.70
8 60 $323.50
9 --- ---
10 61 $93.80
11 80 $6.50
12 69 $14.00
13 67 $17.80

DOOM Race 7
1 100 $3.20
2 76 $8.00
3 84 $5.40
4 75 $8.50
5 77 $7.50
6 87 $4.80
7 --- ---
8 81 $6.10
9 74 $9.10
10 60 $321.10

DOOM Race 8
1 83 $5.60
2 74 $9.10
3 64 $29.70
4 76 $8.00
5 69 $13.90
6 72 $10.60
7 60 $321.10
8 70 $12.60
9 61 $93.10
10 81 $6.10
11 100 $3.20
12 89 $4.50
13 --- ---
14 63 $38.40
15 69 $13.90

CANT Race 2
1 98 $4.60
2 68 $20.80
3 100 $4.30
4 95 $4.90
5 73 $13.10
6 94 $5.10
7 86 $6.60
8 60 $428.90
9 69 $18.60

CANT Race 4
1 100 $3.70
2 78 $8.20
3 86 $5.70
4 91 $4.80
5 71 $13.20
6 94 $4.40
7 74 $10.50
8 66 $23.60
9 68 $18.00
10 69 $16.10
11 60 $370.10
12 69 $16.10

CANT Race 5
1 100 $4.00
2 --- ---
3 91 $5.10
4 91 $5.10
5 90 $5.30
6 83 $6.80
7 80 $7.80
8 86 $6.10
9 --- ---
10 66 $25.00
11 69 $17.00
12 60 $392.10

CANT Race 6
1 100 $3.50
2 60 $350.50
3 89 $4.90
4 88 $5.00
5 71 $12.50
6 67 $19.30
7 81 $6.70
8 83 $6.10

CANT Race 7
1 89 $5.40
2 --- ---
3 77 $9.10
4 76 $9.70
5 79 $8.20
6 100 $3.90
7 88 $5.60
8 99 $4.00
9 81 $7.40
10 60 $389.70

CANT Race 8
1 --- ---
2 100 $3.50
3 63 $42.00
4 --- ---
5 88 $5.00
6 88 $5.00
7 60 $350.50
8 86 $5.40
9 70 $13.70
10 79 $7.40
11 75 $9.30
12 70 $13.70
13 72 $11.50

M_V_ Race 2
1 84 $6.30
2 74 $10.60
3 60 $375.00
4 75 $9.90
5 82 $6.80
6 100 $3.80
7 70 $14.70
8 85 $6.00
9 93 $4.60
10 87 $5.60
11 74 $10.60
12 75 $9.90
13 86 $5.80

M_V_ Race 3
1 81 $5.70
2 74 $8.40
3 60 $296.60
4 100 $3.00
5 75 $7.90
6 67 $16.30
7 82 $5.40
8 --- ---
9 78 $6.60
10 69 $12.90
11 78 $6.60
12 65 $22.40
13 65 $22.40
14 76 $7.40
15 62 $50.30

M_V_ Race 4
1 96 $4.80
2 95 $4.90
3 100 $4.30
4 95 $4.90
5 --- ---
6 85 $6.80
7 85 $6.80
8 70 $16.60
9 85 $6.80
10 60 $424.00

M_V_ Race 5
1 64 $32.70
2 --- ---
3 87 $5.30
4 100 $3.60
5 93 $4.30
6 60 $352.90
7 70 $13.80
8 61 $102.30
9 92 $4.40

M_V_ Race 6
1 79 $7.60
2 --- ---
3 77 $8.50
4 77 $8.50
5 100 $3.70
6 73 $11.00
7 95 $4.20
8 71 $13.00
9 90 $4.90
10 82 $6.60
11 60 $362.70

M_V_ Race 7
1 75 $10.50
2 95 $4.50
3 75 $10.50
4 --- ---
5 96 $4.40
6 88 $5.70
7 100 $4.00
8 80 $7.90
9 60 $394.60
10 61 $114.40

M_V_ Race 8
1 100 $4.20
2 72 $13.80
3 74 $11.90
4 97 $4.60
5 --- ---
6 --- ---
7 86 $6.50
8 90 $5.60
9 60 $419.10
10 92 $5.30
11 90 $5.60
12 63 $50.20
13 66 $26.70

4th August 2012, 12:25 PM
MORP Race 3
1 84 $5.30
2 100 $3.20
3 90 $4.20
4 82 $5.80
5 60 $316.20
6 71 $11.30
7 70 $12.40

MORP Race 4
1 100 $3.40
2 90 $4.50
3 91 $4.30
4 73 $10.10
5 70 $13.10
6 80 $6.70
7 69 $14.50
8 60 $333.30

MORP Race 5
1 --- ---
2 100 $2.70
3 73 $8.10
4 89 $3.70
5 66 $16.90
6 73 $8.10
7 --- ---
8 66 $16.90
9 60 $264.70
10 71 $9.50

MORP Race 6
1 81 $7.70
2 95 $4.70
3 91 $5.30
4 65 $30.50
5 77 $9.50
6 88 $5.80
7 100 $4.10
8 69 $17.50
9 89 $5.60
10 72 $13.30
11 60 $404.40

MORP Race 7
1 85 $5.60
2 68 $16.90
3 78 $7.70
4 71 $12.50
5 64 $32.20
6 100 $3.50
7 89 $4.80
8 64 $32.20
9 60 $348.00
10 88 $5.00
11 63 $41.70

MORP Race 8
1 100 $3.70
2 66 $23.60
3 60 $370.10
4 76 $9.20
5 88 $5.30
6 --- ---
7 89 $5.10
8 88 $5.30
9 84 $6.20
10 --- ---
11 67 $20.40
12 78 $8.20
13 82 $6.70
14 79 $7.80

BLMT Race 2
1 100 $3.70
2 93 $4.50
3 88 $5.20
4 78 $8.10
5 60 $365.20
6 79 $7.70
7 71 $13.10
8 87 $5.40

BLMT Race 3
1 74 $8.60
2 81 $5.80
3 92 $3.80
4 67 $16.70
5 69 $13.20
6 75 $8.10
7 100 $3.10
8 71 $10.90
9 61 $88.10
10 60 $303.90

BLMT Race 4
1 77 $7.60
2 74 $9.20
3 100 $3.30
4 83 $5.60
5 84 $5.40
6 80 $6.50
7 68 $15.70
8 60 $323.50
9 83 $5.60
10 --- ---
11 62 $54.80

BLMT Race 5
1 60 $362.70
2 78 $8.00
3 --- ---
4 93 $4.40
5 87 $5.40
6 69 $15.70
7 100 $3.70
8 77 $8.50
9 77 $8.50
10 75 $9.60
11 85 $5.80
12 74 $10.30
13 81 $6.90
14 62 $61.50
15 60 $362.70

BLMT Race 6
1 89 $5.20
2 64 $34.90
3 67 $20.80
4 74 $10.70
5 100 $3.80
6 85 $6.10
7 60 $377.40
8 73 $11.50
9 84 $6.30
10 79 $7.90
11 76 $9.40
12 76 $9.40
13 94 $4.50

BLMT Race 7
1 100 $4.20
2 86 $6.40
3 81 $7.90
4 94 $4.90
5 90 $5.60
6 82 $7.60
7 67 $23.00
8 94 $4.90
9 79 $8.80
10 60 $416.60
11 90 $5.60
12 77 $9.80
13 88 $6.00

BLMT Race 8
1 --- ---
2 77 $9.20
3 96 $4.40
4 88 $5.60
5 65 $29.60
6 --- ---
7 89 $5.40
8 85 $6.30
9 --- ---
10 79 $8.20
11 67 $21.60
12 80 $7.80
13 69 $17.00
14 68 $19.00
15 100 $4.00
16 --- ---
17 60 $392.10

GCST Race 5
1 82 $6.80
2 95 $4.30
3 60 $372.50
4 88 $5.40
5 77 $8.70
6 100 $3.80
7 85 $6.00
8 70 $14.60
9 --- ---
10 66 $23.70
11 --- ---
12 60 $372.50

GCST Race 6
1 91 $3.80
2 60 $291.70
3 73 $8.90
4 64 $27.00
5 63 $34.90
6 63 $34.90
7 61 $84.50
8 85 $4.70
9 100 $2.90
10 68 $14.20

GCST Race 7
1 100 $4.10
2 83 $7.00
3 97 $4.40
4 79 $8.50
5 60 $401.90
6 91 $5.20
7 91 $5.20
8 64 $37.20
9 79 $8.50

GCST Race 8
1 80 $5.10
2 61 $73.90
3 100 $2.60
4 66 $16.20
5 --- ---
6 76 $6.30
7 75 $6.80
8 61 $73.90
9 60 $254.90
10 71 $9.10
11 65 $19.20

K_GR Race 5
1 80 $7.60
2 --- ---
3 71 $13.60
4 84 $6.40
5 77 $8.90
6 69 $16.50
7 --- ---
8 100 $3.80
9 --- ---
10 73 $11.60
11 60 $379.90
12 100 $3.80
13 --- ---
14 66 $24.20
15 89 $5.30
16 67 $20.90

TRAR Race 6
1 100 $4.20
2 92 $5.30
3 60 $419.10
4 91 $5.40
5 85 $6.70
6 95 $4.80
7 91 $5.40
8 66 $26.70
9 77 $9.80
10 76 $10.40

TWBA Race 2
1 97 $4.30
2 92 $4.90
3 100 $4.00
4 60 $392.10
5 80 $7.80
6 89 $5.40
7 74 $11.10
8 63 $47.00
9 62 $66.50

TWBA Race 3
1 74 $10.40
2 100 $3.70
3 69 $15.90
4 92 $4.60
5 81 $7.00
6 99 $3.80
7 76 $9.10
8 --- ---
9 60 $367.60
10 60 $367.60

TWBA Race 4
1 80 $5.90
2 82 $5.40
3 86 $4.60
4 100 $3.00
5 60 $296.60
6 63 $35.50
7 66 $18.90
8 71 $10.60

5th August 2012, 05:17 PM
Back of the envelope cumulative results from April 25th to August 4th. The figures in blue are those output from Excel using 0.284 in cell B2 (post #55 above). You can see that our second ranked selections continue to under perform dragging everything else after down. Way too early to know whether this will continue. Some pleasant overs to be had from our top pick though. :)

Top 1) won 59 from 208 (28.4%) (28.4%)
Top 2) won 84 from 208 (40.4%) (48.7%)
Top 3) won 119 from 208 (57.2%) (63.2%)
Top 4) won 145 from 208 (69.7%) (73.6%)
Top 5) won 155 from 208 (74.5%) (81.0%)

5th August 2012, 05:33 PM
Way too early to know whether this will continue.

Actually I'll take that comment back. A quick chi-test shows that the second selection is very likely to continue under performing :(

6th August 2012, 12:31 AM
For those interested here are the cumulative Crowd Ratings results for GOOD and DEAD tracks only. The strike rate of the top slection improves as does the strike rate of those outside the top five :( 31.1% is a great result if it can be maintained.

I'll continue to split the results into the future.

GOOD and DEAD tracks only
Top 1) won 42 from 135 (31.1%)
Top 2) won 58 from 135 (43.0%)
Top 3) won 76 from 135 (56.3%)
Top 4) won 88 from 135 (65.2%)
Top 5) won 98 from 135 (72.6%)

11th August 2012, 10:39 AM
ARMI Race 4
1 100 $4.30
2 100 $4.30
3 --- ---
4 90 $5.80
5 90 $5.80
6 65 $32.40
7 93 $5.20
8 60 $428.90
9 83 $7.50
10 72 $14.10
11 69 $18.60
12 65 $32.40

CRNS Race 3
1 100 $3.50
2 75 $9.30
3 68 $17.00
4 77 $8.20
5 83 $6.10
6 83 $6.10
7 95 $4.00
8 63 $42.00
9 68 $17.00
10 80 $7.00
11 60 $350.50
12 62 $59.40

CRNS Race 5
1 69 $14.90
2 67 $18.90
3 94 $4.10
4 67 $18.90
5 100 $3.50
6 79 $7.20
7 75 $9.10
8 64 $31.80
9 90 $4.60
10 63 $41.10
11 60 $343.10

CRNS Race 6
1 100 $3.70
2 84 $6.20
3 86 $5.70
4 69 $16.10
5 74 $10.50
6 60 $370.10
7 67 $20.40
8 86 $5.70
9 93 $4.50
10 76 $9.20
11 62 $62.70
12 62 $62.70

EFRM Race 1
1 96 $4.60
2 88 $5.90
3 72 $13.50
4 82 $7.50
5 86 $6.40
6 90 $5.50
7 88 $5.90
8 78 $9.10
9 92 $5.20
10 88 $5.90
11 100 $4.20
12 64 $38.10
13 60 $411.70

EFRM Race 3
1 60 $250.00
2 63 $29.90
3 93 $3.10
4 67 $13.80
5 70 $9.80
6 70 $9.80
7 100 $2.50
8 62 $42.40

EFRM Race 4
1 97 $4.30
2 98 $4.20
3 60 $397.00
4 87 $5.90
5 68 $19.30
6 67 $21.90
7 75 $10.50
8 67 $21.90
9 100 $4.00
10 60 $397.00
11 72 $13.10
12 78 $8.80

EFRM Race 5
1 85 $6.70
2 86 $6.40
3 77 $9.80
4 100 $4.20
5 89 $5.80
6 60 $416.60
7 69 $18.10
8 91 $5.40
9 94 $4.90
10 94 $4.90
11 78 $9.20
12 --- ---
13 77 $9.80
14 68 $20.20
15 77 $9.80

EFRM Race 6
1 92 $5.50
2 87 $6.50
3 92 $5.50
4 100 $4.40
5 97 $4.70
6 87 $6.50
7 --- ---
8 87 $6.50
9 94 $5.10
10 70 $17.00
11 78 $9.60
12 92 $5.50
13 79 $9.10
14 66 $27.60
15 60 $433.80

EFRM Race 7
1 93 $3.70
2 71 $11.00
3 100 $3.10
4 73 $9.30
5 69 $13.30
6 --- ---
7 67 $16.90
8 71 $11.00
9 79 $6.40
10 74 $8.70
11 77 $7.20
12 60 $306.40
13 70 $12.00
14 71 $11.00
15 70 $12.00

EFRM Race 8
1 60 $446.00
2 --- ---
3 --- ---
4 94 $5.30
5 --- ---
6 83 $7.80
7 73 $13.60
8 100 $4.50
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 83 $7.80
12 100 $4.50
13 62 $75.60
14 77 $10.50
15 68 $21.70
16 92 $5.60
17 68 $21.70
18 94 $5.30
19 79 $9.40
20 87 $6.60
21 71 $16.00

FLEM Race 2
1 100 $3.60
2 --- ---
3 81 $6.80
4 69 $15.40
5 79 $7.50
6 77 $8.30
7 85 $5.70
8 90 $4.80
9 86 $5.50
10 82 $6.50
11 81 $6.80
12 --- ---
13 72 $11.70
14 60 $355.40

FLEM Race 3
1 93 $4.90
2 93 $4.90
3 88 $5.80
4 --- ---
5 --- ---
6 77 $9.40
7 100 $4.10
8 --- ---
9 60 $401.90
10 77 $9.40
11 79 $8.50
12 88 $5.80

FLEM Race 4
1 99 $4.50
2 88 $6.30
3 --- ---
4 82 $7.90
5 97 $4.80
6 92 $5.50
7 78 $9.70
8 --- ---
9 100 $4.40
10 --- ---
11 86 $6.70
12 77 $10.20
13 78 $9.70
14 60 $436.20

FLEM Race 5
1 69 $15.20
2 99 $3.60
3 67 $19.30
4 76 $8.70
5 72 $11.50
6 100 $3.50
7 88 $5.00
8 --- ---
9 76 $8.70
10 78 $7.80
11 --- ---
12 --- ---
13 76 $8.70
14 --- ---
15 60 $350.50
16 76 $8.70
17 70 $13.70
18 64 $32.40

FLEM Race 6
1 70 $11.40
2 78 $6.50
3 --- ---
4 100 $2.90
5 61 $84.50
6 89 $4.00
7 71 $10.40
8 60 $291.70
9 79 $6.10
10 67 $16.10
11 --- ---
12 61 $84.50
13 66 $18.60

FLEM Race 7
1 --- ---
2 --- ---
3 83 $5.50
4 65 $23.70
5 75 $8.30
6 --- ---
7 86 $4.80
8 100 $3.20
9 82 $5.70
10 --- ---
11 62 $53.20
12 65 $23.70
13 60 $313.70
14 60 $313.70

FLEM Race 8
1 68 $16.70
2 --- ---
3 90 $4.60
4 --- ---
5 100 $3.50
6 --- ---
7 80 $6.90
8 60 $343.10
9 100 $3.50
10 --- ---
11 --- ---
12 --- ---
13 --- ---
14 68 $16.70

GCST Race 6
1 100 $3.90
2 95 $4.50
3 86 $6.00
4 78 $8.60
5 68 $18.80
6 97 $4.20
7 62 $65.60
8 63 $46.40
9 68 $18.80
10 60 $387.20
11 63 $46.40

GCST Race 8
1 87 $5.80
2 93 $4.80
3 82 $7.10
4 93 $4.80
5 85 $6.30
6 --- ---
7 100 $4.00
8 60 $392.10
9 78 $8.70
10 72 $12.90
11 62 $66.50

11th August 2012, 11:20 AM
BLMT and TWBA to follow a little later.

MORP Race 2
1 84 $5.50
2 95 $3.80
3 81 $6.30
4 100 $3.30
5 --- ---
6 73 $10.10
7 60 $330.90

MORP Race 4
1 100 $4.10
2 84 $6.80
3 74 $11.50
4 79 $8.50
5 93 $4.90
6 93 $4.90
7 60 $404.40
8 93 $4.90

MORP Race 5
1 60 $330.90
2 73 $10.10
3 73 $10.10
4 --- ---
5 97 $3.60
6 73 $10.10
7 63 $39.60
8 90 $4.40
9 --- ---
10 100 $3.30

MORP Race 6
1 84 $5.70
2 85 $5.40
3 --- ---
4 82 $6.20
5 69 $14.70
6 85 $5.40
7 --- ---
8 --- ---
9 100 $3.40
10 60 $338.20

MORP Race 7
1 85 $6.20
2 79 $8.10
3 77 $9.10
4 88 $5.60
5 84 $6.50
6 73 $11.80
7 76 $9.60
8 60 $387.20
9 100 $3.90
10 95 $4.50
11 88 $5.60

MORP Race 8
1 74 $9.50
2 74 $9.50
3 82 $6.10
4 --- ---
5 90 $4.50
6 68 $16.30
7 66 $21.40
8 100 $3.40
9 89 $4.70
10 60 $335.80
11 60 $335.80

WFRM Race 2
1 100 $3.90
2 89 $5.40
3 99 $4.00
4 96 $4.40
5 73 $11.90
6 69 $16.90
7 60 $389.70

WFRM Race 4
1 86 $4.50
2 100 $2.90
3 64 $26.80
4 76 $7.20
5 90 $3.90
6 60 $289.20
7 60 $289.20
8 60 $289.20

WFRM Race 5
1 68 $14.60
2 100 $3.00
3 73 $9.20
4 60 $301.50
5 83 $5.30
6 75 $8.00
7 71 $10.80
8 60 $301.50
9 90 $4.00

WFRM Race 6
1 100 $3.30
2 83 $5.80
3 84 $5.50
4 89 $4.60
5 60 $330.90
6 77 $7.80
7 66 $21.10
8 60 $330.90

WFRM Race 7
1 100 $4.20
2 98 $4.40
3 100 $4.20
4 66 $26.20
5 60 $411.70
6 66 $26.20
7 73 $12.50
8 90 $5.50
9 78 $9.10
10 71 $14.70
11 --- ---
12 71 $14.70

WFRM Race 8
1 82 $6.90
2 100 $3.80
3 83 $6.60
4 70 $14.90
5 97 $4.10
6 60 $379.90
7 73 $11.60
8 63 $45.50
9 67 $20.90
10 83 $6.60
11 77 $8.90
12 --- ---
13 82 $6.90
14 90 $5.10
15 80 $7.60

11th August 2012, 11:31 AM
Hi Angrypixie,

I hope you're well!

I have a few questions for you:

1/ Would you recommend the best play to take the top selection when overs can be attained?

2/ Have you found metro to be better than provincial/country or vice versa?

11th August 2012, 11:52 AM

I'm not quite ready to form any conclusions yet as I've not really committed anything to analysis. There looks to be a profit to be made from backing the top rated selection if you can secure say between 30% to 100% overs. I wouldn't be going much over that though, and this conclusion is really only from sight. The prices used here are reasonably close for the top selection but I'd be ignoring anything else. I'm intending on re-pricing everything soon.

I've done a small amount of testing on weekday country races and the Crowd Rating appear to perfom quite well there. If you stick to the good to dead tracks the Saturday country races probably perform to the average.

Sorry I've really not given it much thought yet :)

11th August 2012, 12:07 PM
Forgot to say thanks for showing some interest :)

11th August 2012, 02:18 PM
BLMT Race 3
1 92 $4.70
2 81 $7.10
3 75 $9.80
4 100 $3.70
5 --- ---
6 83 $6.50
7 --- ---
8 86 $5.70
9 60 $370.10
10 88 $5.30

BLMT Race 4
1 --- ---
2 92 $4.20
3 100 $3.30
4 84 $5.50
5 71 $11.80
6 60 $330.90
7 71 $11.80
8 77 $7.80
9 80 $6.60
10 75 $8.80

BLMT Race 5
1 81 $6.80
2 83 $6.20
3 77 $8.30
4 83 $6.20
5 77 $8.30
6 81 $6.80
7 60 $355.40
8 73 $10.80
9 86 $5.50
10 91 $4.60
11 100 $3.60

BLMT Race 6
1 89 $5.60
2 91 $5.20
3 69 $17.40
4 98 $4.30
5 71 $14.40
6 76 $10.00
7 84 $6.70
8 100 $4.10
9 60 $401.90

BLMT Race 7
1 83 $6.80
2 82 $7.10
3 100 $4.00
4 77 $9.20
5 69 $17.00
6 --- ---
7 78 $8.70
8 83 $6.80
9 60 $392.10
10 98 $4.20
11 91 $5.10
12 65 $29.60
13 --- ---
14 86 $6.10

BLMT Race 8
1 --- ---
2 89 $4.80
3 80 $6.90
4 67 $19.00
5 64 $32.00
6 67 $19.00
7 60 $345.60
8 71 $12.40
9 100 $3.50
10 --- ---
11 85 $5.60
12 60 $345.60
13 85 $5.60
14 75 $9.20
15 --- ---
16 62 $58.60

TWBA Race 1
1 79 $7.90
2 97 $4.10
3 100 $3.80
4 77 $8.80
5 84 $6.30
6 92 $4.80
7 --- ---
8 71 $13.50
9 68 $18.30
10 60 $377.40

TWBA Race 2
1 100 $3.40
2 94 $4.00
3 89 $4.70
4 77 $8.00
5 72 $11.20
6 75 $9.00
7 77 $8.00
8 60 $340.70

TWBA Race 6
1 89 $5.00
2 89 $5.00
3 100 $3.60
4 64 $33.10
5 67 $19.70
6 84 $6.00
7 82 $6.50
8 60 $357.80

TWBA Race 7
1 86 $5.10
2 100 $3.30
3 84 $5.50
4 90 $4.40
5 70 $13.00
6 73 $10.10
7 60 $330.90

11th August 2012, 02:25 PM
Interested as well AP, but just don't know how to apply this new piece of info.

11th August 2012, 02:33 PM

I'm not quite ready to form any conclusions yet as I've not really committed anything to analysis. There looks to be a profit to be made from backing the top rated selection if you can secure say between 30% to 100% overs. I wouldn't be going much over that though, and this conclusion is really only from sight. The prices used here are reasonably close for the top selection but I'd be ignoring anything else. I'm intending on re-pricing everything soon.

I've done a small amount of testing on weekday country races and the Crowd Rating appear to perfom quite well there. If you stick to the good to dead tracks the Saturday country races probably perform to the average.

Sorry I've really not given it much thought yet :)
Thanks for your reply and honesty AngryPixie,

In my experience with ratings, Good to Dead tracks have generally performed better. In the case of Heavy tracks, it appears the crowd are generally onto it, though somewhat cautious, so overs can be attained. Personally, I'm not afraid to back a wet tracker if they are top of the ratings and all their form is on wet tracks.

I for one am always looking at your posts AngryPixie, as I greatly respect your knowledge and if I recall from one of your posts, you're a muso, so you're alright with me!!

Have a great night.

11th August 2012, 02:44 PM
Interested as well AP, but just don't know how to apply this new piece of info.


If you can wait a month or so we both might have more of an idea.

11th August 2012, 02:48 PM
I for one am always looking at your posts AngryPixie, as I greatly respect your knowledge

Thanks TS, nice of you to say so :blush:

and if I recall from one of your posts, you're a muso, so you're alright with me!!

Have been and somebody is trying to convince me to come out of retirement but the spandex doesn't fit as well as it did in the 80's.

11th August 2012, 05:38 PM
One application this could have is the jockeys challenge. Never bet on this before but have had 4 successes from 4 attempts over the last 2 weeks. My early impression is that its a very inexact market - find a market where there is a good "lay", dutch 3 or 4 to profit from this imperfection.

Chrome Prince
11th August 2012, 05:48 PM
Thanks TS, nice of you to say so :blush:

Have been and somebody is trying to convince me to come out of retirement but the spandex doesn't fit as well as it did in the 80's.

Aah AP is Plastic Bertrand?


11th August 2012, 07:38 PM
One application this could have is the jockeys challenge. Never bet on this before but have had 4 successes from 4 attempts over the last 2 weeks.
Using the Crowd Ratings? That would be impressive :D

My early impression is that its a very inexact market - find a market where there is a good "lay", dutch 3 or 4 to profit from this imperfection.
My original thought for these ratings was to gather the top three in a group overlay but the strike rate of the top three is a little too low for this.

11th August 2012, 07:41 PM
Aah AP is Plastic Bertrand?

A bit more leather than plastic back then, and more nylon and elastic these days. :)

11th August 2012, 10:09 PM
A pleasing 32.14% of top raters winning today. Our first dead heat too.

ALL track conditions
Top 1) won 72.5 from 250 (29.0%)
Top 2) won 106.5 from 250 (42.6%)
Top 3) won 146.5 from 250 (58.6%)
Top 4) won 174.5 from 250 (69.8%)
Top 5) won 186.5 from 250 (74.6%)

GOOD and DEAD tracks only
Top 1) won 53.5 from 170 (31.5%)
Top 2) won 75.5 from 170 (44.5%)
Top 3) won 97.5 from 170 (57.5%)
Top 4) won 111.5 from 170 (65.5%)
Top 5) won 122.5 from 170 (72.0%)

18th August 2012, 11:08 AM
RHIL Race 1
1 69 $16.50
2 60 $379.90
3 100 $3.80
4 93 $4.60
5 76 $9.40
6 93 $4.60
7 91 $4.90

RHIL Race 2
1 99 $3.70
2 100 $3.60
3 82 $6.40
4 --- ---
5 82 $6.40
6 75 $9.30
7 79 $7.40
8 73 $10.70
9 60 $352.90
10 63 $42.30

RHIL Race 4
1 100 $4.60
2 94 $5.30
3 --- ---
4 100 $4.60
5 60 $450.90
6 91 $5.90
7 83 $7.90
8 94 $5.30
9 63 $54.00
10 94 $5.30
11 94 $5.30

RHIL Race 5
1 76 $10.00
2 86 $6.20
3 64 $37.20
4 70 $15.80
5 90 $5.40
6 72 $13.20
7 82 $7.30
8 100 $4.10
9 90 $5.40
10 76 $10.00
11 82 $7.30
12 60 $401.90
13 96 $4.50

RHIL Race 6
1 87 $4.50
2 91 $3.90
3 --- ---
4 100 $3.00
5 60 $299.00
6 63 $35.80
7 69 $13.00
8 70 $11.70
9 72 $9.80

RHIL Race 7
1 71 $9.60
2 66 $17.00
3 77 $6.30
4 100 $2.70
5 69 $11.60
6 68 $13.00
7 69 $11.60
8 60 $267.20
9 82 $4.90
10 62 $45.30
11 77 $6.30
12 68 $13.00
13 63 $32.00

RHIL Race 8
1 67 $21.10
2 83 $6.70
3 --- ---
4 100 $3.90
5 72 $12.60
6 65 $28.90
7 81 $7.30
8 95 $4.40
9 86 $5.90
10 90 $5.10
11 --- ---
12 81 $7.30
13 --- ---
14 67 $21.10
15 77 $9.00
16 --- ---
17 60 $382.30

CAUL Race 1
1 83 $6.40
2 100 $3.70
3 80 $7.40
4 --- ---
5 95 $4.20
6 --- ---
7 --- ---
8 90 $4.90
9 --- ---
10 60 $367.60
11 60 $367.60

CAUL Race 2
1 --- ---
2 76 $8.00
3 93 $3.90
4 100 $3.20
5 69 $13.90
6 84 $5.40
7 71 $11.50
8 --- ---
9 60 $321.10
10 62 $54.40
11 76 $8.00

CAUL Race 5
1 --- ---
2 78 $4.40
3 60 $198.60
4 100 $2.00
5 --- ---
6 63 $23.80
7 --- ---
8 78 $4.40

CAUL Race 6
1 68 $19.30
2 92 $5.00
3 100 $4.00
4 --- ---
5 70 $15.60
6 100 $4.00
7 64 $36.80
8 74 $11.20
9 78 $8.80
10 68 $19.30
11 90 $5.30
12 --- ---
13 60 $397.00

CAUL Race 7
1 92 $5.50
2 --- ---
3 100 $4.40
4 83 $7.60
5 66 $27.80
6 71 $15.60
7 77 $10.20
8 71 $15.60
9 98 $4.60
10 94 $5.20
11 83 $7.60
12 --- ---
13 60 $436.20
14 92 $5.50

CAUL Race 8
1 69 $15.20
2 78 $7.80
3 98 $3.70
4 60 $350.50
5 96 $3.90
6 100 $3.50
7 --- ---
8 --- ---
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 67 $19.30

DOOM Race 2
1 60 $343.10
2 98 $3.60
3 100 $3.50
4 94 $4.10
5 70 $13.50
6 76 $8.50

DOOM Race 3
1 100 $2.70
2 --- ---
3 75 $7.10
4 60 $269.60
5 82 $4.90
6 77 $6.30
7 65 $20.30
8 63 $32.30
9 68 $13.10
10 74 $7.60

DOOM Race 4
1 71 $8.90
2 82 $4.60
3 60 $250.00
4 66 $15.90
5 100 $2.50
6 62 $42.40
7 68 $12.10
8 79 $5.30

DOOM Race 5
1 100 $3.70
2 88 $5.30
3 95 $4.30
4 74 $10.50
5 88 $5.30
6 78 $8.20
7 --- ---
8 60 $370.10

DOOM Race 6
1 81 $5.50
2 63 $34.30
3 62 $48.60
4 --- ---
5 81 $5.50
6 79 $6.00
7 66 $18.30
8 --- ---
9 71 $10.30
10 74 $8.10
11 60 $286.80
12 100 $2.90
13 66 $18.30

DOOM Race 7
1 88 $5.50
2 85 $6.20
3 97 $4.20
4 77 $9.00
5 100 $3.90
6 65 $29.00
7 85 $6.20
8 70 $15.10
9 --- ---
10 67 $21.20
11 65 $29.00
12 63 $46.10
13 65 $29.00
14 70 $15.10
15 72 $12.70
16 --- ---
17 60 $384.80

DOOM Race 8
1 --- ---
2 --- ---
3 --- ---
4 100 $3.50
5 86 $5.30
6 84 $5.70
7 60 $343.10
8 88 $4.90
9 68 $16.70
10 64 $31.80
11 62 $58.20
12 80 $6.90
13 64 $31.80

MORP Race 1
1 100 $4.10
2 90 $5.40
3 88 $5.80
4 86 $6.20
5 77 $9.40
6 84 $6.70
7 98 $4.30
8 60 $401.90
9 65 $30.30

MORP Race 4
1 73 $13.90
2 --- ---
3 100 $4.60
4 98 $4.80
5 94 $5.40
6 79 $9.60
7 60 $455.80
8 94 $5.40
9 98 $4.80

MORP Race 5
1 78 $5.80
2 --- ---
3 69 $11.30
4 74 $7.40
5 100 $2.60
6 83 $4.50
7 63 $31.10
8 60 $259.80

MORP Race 6
1 100 $2.50
2 62 $42.00
3 76 $6.20
4 60 $247.60
5 --- ---
6 84 $4.10
7 63 $29.60
8 76 $6.20

MORP Race 7
1 --- ---
2 69 $13.90
3 75 $8.50
4 88 $4.60
5 82 $5.80
6 84 $5.40
7 100 $3.20
8 73 $9.80
9 61 $93.10
10 60 $321.10

COWR Race 2
1 91 $5.20
2 100 $4.00
3 72 $13.10
4 84 $6.60
5 91 $5.20
6 73 $12.10
7 76 $9.90
8 87 $5.90
9 91 $5.20
10 70 $15.60
11 69 $17.20
12 60 $397.00

K_GR Race 7
1 80 $8.80
2 71 $15.70
3 82 $8.00
4 91 $5.70
5 96 $4.90
6 95 $5.10
7 100 $4.40
8 95 $5.10
9 78 $9.70
10 --- ---
11 85 $7.00
12 84 $7.30
13 60 $438.70

TATU Race 8
1 --- ---
2 --- ---
3 --- ---
4 --- ---
5 100 $2.30
6 60 $223.10
7 85 $3.60
8 62 $37.80
9 75 $5.90
10 --- ---
11 67 $12.30

GCST Race 4
1 93 $4.90
2 86 $6.10
3 100 $4.00
4 79 $8.30
5 97 $4.30
6 60 $397.00
7 84 $6.60
8 62 $67.30
9 69 $17.20

GCST Race 5
1 87 $4.70
2 94 $3.80
3 73 $9.60
4 60 $316.20
5 100 $3.20
6 71 $11.30
7 64 $29.30
8 62 $53.60
9 73 $9.60
10 60 $316.20

GCST Race 8
1 100 $4.10
2 94 $4.80
3 60 $401.90
4 90 $5.40
5 76 $10.00
6 92 $5.10
7 70 $15.80
8 86 $6.20
9 --- ---
10 72 $13.20
11 68 $19.50
12 60 $401.90

18th August 2012, 01:46 PM
BLMT Race 3
1 83 $6.10
2 85 $5.60
3 82 $6.30
4 78 $7.70
5 80 $7.00
6 90 $4.70
7 100 $3.50
8 60 $348.00
9 73 $10.60

BLMT Race 4
1 71 $12.40
2 71 $12.40
3 100 $3.50
4 95 $4.00
5 95 $4.00
6 67 $19.00
7 65 $26.10
8 78 $7.70
9 60 $345.60

BLMT Race 5
1 84 $7.10
2 95 $4.90
3 98 $4.50
4 100 $4.30
5 76 $10.60
6 95 $4.90
7 60 $426.40
8 82 $7.80
9 --- ---
10 73 $13.00
11 73 $13.00
12 67 $23.50

BLMT Race 6
1 60 $301.50
2 73 $9.20
3 73 $9.20
4 87 $4.50
5 76 $7.50
6 78 $6.70
7 78 $6.70
8 69 $13.10
9 64 $27.90
10 78 $6.70
11 78 $6.70
12 100 $3.00
13 60 $301.50

BLMT Race 7
1 100 $4.70
2 91 $6.10
3 62 $79.30
4 84 $7.80
5 77 $11.00
6 --- ---
7 86 $7.20
8 76 $11.60
9 100 $4.70
10 95 $5.40
11 86 $7.20
12 95 $5.40
13 97 $5.10
14 97 $5.10
15 86 $7.20
16 60 $468.10

BLMT Race 8
1 93 $4.10
2 84 $5.60
3 69 $14.60
4 60 $335.80
5 71 $12.00
6 78 $7.40
7 78 $7.40
8 60 $335.80
9 100 $3.40
10 73 $10.20
11 80 $6.70
12 76 $8.40
13 --- ---
14 --- ---
15 60 $335.80
16 67 $18.50
17 62 $56.90

TWBA Race 2
1 --- ---
2 100 $4.10
3 84 $6.70
4 --- ---
5 100 $4.10
6 90 $5.40
7 88 $5.80
8 60 $401.90
9 65 $30.30

TWBA Race 4
1 95 $4.90
2 90 $5.80
3 82 $7.80
4 78 $9.50
5 93 $5.20
6 --- ---
7 60 $428.90
8 --- ---
9 95 $4.90
10 100 $4.30
11 70 $16.80

TWBA Race 5
1 92 $4.50
2 94 $4.20
3 100 $3.60
4 75 $9.50
5 71 $12.80
6 83 $6.20
7 66 $22.80
8 66 $22.80
9 60 $357.80

19th August 2012, 09:52 PM
Just over half the races were won by our top two raters yesterday. :cool"

ALL track conditions
Top 1) won 81.5 from 290 (28.1%)
Top 2) won 127.5 from 290 (43.9%)
Top 3) won 172.5 from 290 (59.5%)
Top 4) won 203.5 from 290 (70.2%)
Top 5) won 217.5 from 290 (75.0%)

GOOD and DEAD tracks only
Top 1) won 59.5 from 198 (30.2%)
Top 2) won 91.5 from 198 (46.4%)
Top 3) won 116.5 from 198 (59.1%)
Top 4) won 132.5 from 198 (67.2%)
Top 5) won 143.5 from 198 (72.8%)

20th August 2012, 06:48 AM

I can get similar figures just using the tatts ratings.

Top rank : 22%
Top 2 : 40%
Top 3 : 54%
Top 4 : 66%
Top 5 : 77%

All Ratings are good at finding the main contenders but how are you going to use these to profit ?

20th August 2012, 09:51 AM
UB yes that's around about the same figure I get for the Tatt's top rater.

This really started as an exercise in to see if we could improve the accuracy of our three "crowd" members by combining their freely available ratings into a single rating. To date I think we're achieving that. From my very irregular recordings of their individual performances I show the following

Tatt's: 22.74%
Sky: 23.74%
Neural: 20.06%

At worst the "crowd" is doing 18.3% better than the best individual. Not too bad I think. I got that figure by dividing the Crowd's all track conditions top rated result 28.1% by the best of the individual's - Sky's 23.74%

Now making a profit is another matter entirely and the next puzzle piece to work on after improving the pricing equation. If we can firm up our strike rate which can only happen over time, and improve the accuracy of our prices so they take that strike rate into consideration, there's almost certainly going to be some way of using these numbers for profit.

There was very little value around last Saturday but the week before from memory a couple of double figure 100 raters won.

20th August 2012, 01:03 PM
AP I don't know how you can incorporate this but at this time of year any set of ratings struggle.
On the one hand you have rock hard fit "Winter" class horses meeting on the other hand not quite fully fit "Carnival" class horses.
Which tends to even the fields out somewhat.
If you can separate out the period from 1st July to 1st Sept from the rest of the year you may see some improvement.
looking forward to the findings from this exercise as it happens, as surely there has to be a way to get a quid out of this. (That has been my war cry for 30+ years by the way)

20th August 2012, 04:07 PM

I understand what you're getting at and in a small way we can see that from the improved strike rate of our top selection on Good and Dead tracks. I've observed that a couple of the ratings services (Neurals mainly but also Sky to some extent) often over estimate the effect of returning from a spell. If I was to do this again I'd certainly set days last raced to zero in the Neurals. As we've pretty much operated this within the months you mentioned I look forward to an improved strike rate in the coming months :)

Without pre-empting the findings at all I think I can say that the market must be respected and when the money is not there for our selection, or it comes for another lower ranked selection then our crowd have probably missed something. I think we'll find that there's a point where our overlay becomes a liability and we shouldn't go over.

I think the optimum size of the "crowd" in this exercise is probably from 3 to 5. My feeling is that as we add more members the benefits will start to diminish until eventually our crowd will really just reflect the market which although being the most accurate crowd, is tough to make a profit from. :(

With this in mind my view is that ratings and the prices we derive from them are really only useful in the way we can use them to influence the size our bet's. I feel some hold ratings in much higher regard than is warranted, especially in modern markets as opposed to the Don Scott market's of the 50's, 60's and 70's. To this end I don't believe in the conventional interpretation of overs or unders. I don't think a 3/1 rated horse starting at 5/1 has been missed by the market. It's just a 5/1 horse that we're hoping will run as a 3/1 horse. If we win on this "overlay" it isn't because we were right and everybody else was wrong, it's just that we've profited from variance and luck :)

20th August 2012, 05:56 PM

Thanks for your response and it was a really thought inspiring answer.

I was talking more from the top 5 selections rather then top rater as the top 5 are probably similar between all the ratings in most races although tipped differnt order.

But your top rater is out performing the other tipsters which is excellent.

Thanks for the ratings.

21st August 2012, 08:39 AM
Saturday September 1st will be the last day of listing the Crowd Ratings in the current form. I'll spend September re-pricing and reviewing with view of returning in an improved form in October for the Spring.

25th August 2012, 11:12 AM
More venues to follow.

WFRM Race 1
1 98 $3.40
2 100 $3.20
3 72 $10.40
4 85 $5.10
5 --- ---
6 72 $10.40
7 68 $15.30
8 60 $316.20

WFRM Race 2
1 93 $4.60
2 90 $5.00
3 100 $3.80
4 60 $375.00
5 80 $7.50
6 63 $44.90
7 88 $5.40
8 69 $16.30

WFRM Race 3
1 78 $6.70
2 100 $3.00
3 83 $5.30
4 90 $4.00
5 66 $19.20
6 65 $22.80
7 70 $11.80
8 60 $301.50
9 67 $16.60

WFRM Race 4
1 75 $10.10
2 --- ---
3 80 $7.60
4 95 $4.40
5 68 $18.40
6 78 $8.40
7 77 $8.90
8 88 $5.50
9 69 $16.50
10 60 $379.90
11 75 $10.10
12 82 $6.90
13 88 $5.50
14 --- ---
15 100 $3.80

WFRM Race 5
1 94 $5.00
2 84 $7.10
3 99 $4.40
4 100 $4.30
5 83 $7.40
6 70 $16.60
7 60 $424.00
8 94 $5.00
9 63 $50.80
10 75 $11.20

WFRM Race 6
1 78 $7.00
2 100 $3.20
3 74 $9.00
4 65 $23.90
5 73 $9.60
6 72 $10.40
7 61 $91.60
8 60 $316.20
9 81 $6.00
10 72 $10.40
11 75 $8.40
12 84 $5.30
13 84 $5.30

WFRM Race 7
1 72 $9.30
2 79 $5.90
3 60 $281.90
4 64 $26.10
5 --- ---
6 74 $8.00
7 77 $6.60
8 82 $5.10
9 75 $7.50
10 100 $2.80

WFRM Race 8
1 94 $4.20
2 88 $5.10
3 76 $8.80
4 100 $3.60
5 79 $7.50
6 78 $7.90
7 --- ---
8 82 $6.50
9 74 $10.10
10 69 $15.40
11 60 $355.40
12 70 $13.90
13 68 $17.30

M_V_ Race 2
1 85 $5.50
2 100 $3.40
3 84 $5.70
4 78 $7.60
5 89 $4.70
6 60 $340.70
7 79 $7.20
8 74 $9.70
9 76 $8.50
10 77 $8.00
11 75 $9.00

M_V_ Race 3
1 --- ---
2 100 $2.50
3 --- ---
4 93 $3.00
5 67 $13.50
6 --- ---
7 64 $22.70
8 --- ---
9 74 $6.90
10 60 $245.10
11 61 $71.00

M_V_ Race 4
1 100 $3.30
2 79 $6.90
3 78 $7.20
4 85 $5.20
5 69 $14.10
6 64 $30.20
7 84 $5.50
8 60 $326.00
9 83 $5.70
10 75 $8.60
11 71 $11.70

M_V_ Race 5
1 60 $308.80
2 100 $3.10
3 82 $5.60
4 76 $7.70
5 84 $5.20
6 82 $5.60
7 60 $308.80
8 63 $37.00
9 73 $9.40
10 61 $89.50

M_V_ Race 6
1 90 $4.80
2 74 $10.20
3 100 $3.60
4 74 $10.20
5 71 $12.90
6 --- ---
7 63 $43.10
8 90 $4.80
9 --- ---
10 --- ---
11 70 $14.10
12 73 $11.00
13 85 $5.80
14 80 $7.20
15 60 $360.30

M_V_ Race 7
1 76 $10.10
2 60 $406.80
3 84 $6.80
4 79 $8.60
5 76 $10.10
6 100 $4.10
7 65 $30.70
8 74 $11.50
9 79 $8.60
10 94 $4.80
11 95 $4.70
12 91 $5.30
13 67 $22.40

M_V_ Race 8
1 100 $3.90
2 81 $7.40
3 --- ---
4 92 $4.90
5 60 $389.70
6 98 $4.10
7 69 $16.90
8 76 $9.70
9 67 $21.50
10 78 $8.60
11 86 $6.00
12 76 $9.70
13 73 $11.90

DOOM Race 1
1 88 $5.20
2 100 $3.70
3 91 $4.70
4 88 $5.20
5 70 $14.30
6 80 $7.30
7 72 $12.00
8 60 $365.20

DOOM Race 2
1 82 $6.10
2 60 $335.80
3 97 $3.70
4 96 $3.80
5 100 $3.40

DOOM Race 3
1 95 $4.70
2 97 $4.40
3 91 $5.30
4 80 $8.10
5 68 $19.60
6 60 $404.40
7 76 $10.10
8 79 $8.50
9 73 $12.30
10 100 $4.10
11 76 $10.10

DOOM Race 4
1 100 $3.20
2 73 $9.50
3 86 $4.80
4 76 $7.80
5 80 $6.30
6 84 $5.20
7 68 $15.20
8 75 $8.30
9 68 $15.20
10 65 $23.70
11 63 $37.60
12 66 $20.00
13 60 $313.70

DOOM Race 6
1 100 $4.10
2 63 $49.00
3 94 $4.90
4 89 $5.70
5 94 $4.90
6 88 $5.90
7 69 $17.80
8 63 $49.00
9 75 $10.80
10 60 $409.30
11 --- ---
12 85 $6.60
13 --- ---
14 61 $118.60

DOOM Race 7
1 80 $8.40
2 100 $4.30
3 62 $71.40
4 100 $4.30
5 75 $11.20
6 82 $7.70
7 79 $8.90
8 74 $11.90
9 76 $10.50
10 79 $8.90
11 97 $4.60
12 74 $11.90
13 91 $5.50
14 61 $122.20
15 60 $421.50
16 82 $7.70

DOOM Race 8
1 --- ---
2 93 $4.90
3 77 $9.30
4 --- ---
5 86 $6.10
6 74 $11.20
7 100 $4.00
8 87 $5.90
9 94 $4.70
10 85 $6.40
11 80 $7.90
12 77 $9.30
13 60 $397.00
14 73 $12.10
15 61 $115.10

MORP Race 1
1 91 $3.90
2 100 $3.00
3 72 $9.80
4 75 $7.90
5 82 $5.40
6 60 $299.00

MORP Race 3
1 71 $6.80
2 63 $22.90
3 72 $6.30
4 70 $7.50
5 100 $1.90
6 --- ---
7 --- ---
8 60 $191.20

MORP Race 4
1 61 $88.10
2 100 $3.10
3 89 $4.20
4 74 $8.60
5 85 $4.90
6 74 $8.60
7 60 $303.90
8 64 $28.10
9 64 $28.10

MORP Race 5
1 85 $5.20
2 68 $15.70
3 100 $3.30
4 --- ---
5 71 $11.60
6 --- ---
7 97 $3.50
8 --- ---
9 70 $12.70
10 60 $323.50
11 77 $7.60

MORP Race 6
1 92 $4.60
2 --- ---
3 84 $6.10
4 90 $4.90
5 --- ---
6 81 $7.00
7 100 $3.70
8 67 $20.10
9 60 $365.20

MORP Race 7
1 88 $4.90
2 68 $16.70
3 77 $8.00
4 77 $8.00
5 88 $4.90
6 85 $5.50
7 --- ---
8 67 $18.90
9 63 $41.10
10 72 $11.30
11 60 $343.10
12 100 $3.50

MORP Race 8
1 99 $4.30
2 60 $419.10
3 89 $5.80
4 --- ---
5 69 $18.20
6 95 $4.80
7 100 $4.20
8 86 $6.50
9 77 $9.80
10 --- ---
11 80 $8.40
12 74 $11.90

25th August 2012, 12:19 PM
BLMT and TWBA to follow. Busy day today :eek:

GCST Race 5
1 --- ---
2 --- ---
3 66 $13.10
4 70 $8.10
5 79 $4.30
6 --- ---
7 67 $11.30
8 100 $2.10
9 60 $205.90

GCST Race 7
1 85 $5.60
2 100 $3.50
3 87 $5.20
4 84 $5.90
5 81 $6.70
6 85 $5.60
7 82 $6.40
8 77 $8.20
9 73 $10.70
10 72 $11.50
11 60 $350.50
12 72 $11.50
13 64 $32.40

GCST Race 8
1 94 $4.70
2 70 $15.50
3 95 $4.50
4 84 $6.60
5 86 $6.10
6 75 $10.50
7 100 $4.00
8 81 $7.50
9 --- ---
10 80 $7.90
11 68 $19.20
12 62 $66.90
13 60 $394.60

NCLE Race 5
1 99 $5.00
2 97 $5.30
3 87 $7.20
4 100 $4.90
5 100 $4.90
6 99 $5.00
7 83 $8.40
8 84 $8.10
9 --- ---
10 60 $482.80

TOWN Race 2
1 81 $7.40
2 94 $4.60
3 100 $3.90
4 84 $6.50
5 77 $9.10
6 93 $4.70
7 85 $6.20
8 74 $11.00
9 82 $7.10
10 60 $387.20
11 75 $10.30
12 75 $10.30
13 66 $24.70
14 69 $16.80

TOWN Race 4
1 99 $4.60
2 100 $4.50
3 90 $6.00
4 92 $5.60
5 87 $6.60
6 97 $4.80
7 91 $5.80
8 84 $7.40
9 60 $443.60

TOWN Race 5
1 100 $3.60
2 --- ---
3 77 $8.30
4 77 $8.30
5 68 $17.10
6 94 $4.20
7 71 $12.60
8 81 $6.70
9 90 $4.70
10 60 $352.90
11 63 $42.30
12 65 $26.60
13 62 $59.80

TOWN Race 6
1 96 $4.70
2 100 $4.20
3 94 $4.90
4 70 $16.30
5 69 $18.10
6 70 $16.30
7 91 $5.40
8 87 $6.20
9 60 $416.60

TOWN Race 7
1 83 $5.40
2 100 $3.10
3 78 $6.80
4 74 $8.70
5 75 $8.20
6 86 $4.80
7 72 $10.20
8 77 $7.20
9 65 $23.30
10 66 $19.70
11 60 $308.80

25th August 2012, 12:55 PM
BLMT Race 2
1 68 $20.50
2 64 $39.00
3 100 $4.30
4 83 $7.30
5 90 $5.70
6 60 $421.50
7 100 $4.30
8 97 $4.60

BLMT Race 3
1 100 $3.20
2 86 $4.90
3 89 $4.40
4 --- ---
5 --- ---
6 73 $9.60
7 60 $316.20
8 65 $23.90
9 79 $6.60
10 68 $15.30

BLMT Race 4
1 100 $4.10
2 81 $7.80
3 92 $5.20
4 60 $409.30
5 81 $7.80
6 92 $5.20
7 --- ---
8 77 $9.60
9 100 $4.10
10 67 $22.50

BLMT Race 6
1 96 $4.30
2 79 $8.00
3 100 $3.80
4 84 $6.40
5 76 $9.40
6 76 $9.40
7 81 $7.20
8 92 $4.80
9 72 $12.50
10 60 $379.90

BLMT Race 7
1 86 $6.50
2 100 $4.20
3 68 $20.30
4 93 $5.10
5 67 $23.10
6 77 $9.80
7 98 $4.50
8 60 $419.10
9 --- ---
10 75 $11.10
11 92 $5.30

BLMT Race 8
1 --- ---
2 --- ---
3 84 $7.00
4 87 $6.20
5 100 $4.20
6 83 $7.30
7 73 $12.80
8 --- ---
9 71 $15.00
10 81 $8.00
11 73 $12.80
12 78 $9.30
13 95 $4.80
14 --- ---
15 98 $4.50
16 82 $7.60
17 --- ---
18 89 $5.80
19 60 $419.10

TWBA Race 1
1 100 $3.50
2 90 $4.70
3 95 $4.00
4 78 $7.70
5 66 $22.20
6 77 $8.20
7 60 $348.00
8 61 $100.90
9 67 $19.20

TWBA Race 5
1 --- ---
2 100 $3.00
3 90 $4.00
4 76 $7.40
5 89 $4.10
6 64 $27.50
7 60 $296.60

TWBA Race 7
1 100 $2.70
2 92 $3.40
3 63 $32.60
4 77 $6.40
5 77 $6.40
6 60 $272.10

26th August 2012, 05:09 AM
Here's one way to bet the top 5 rated, using estimated prices.

Bet 1.0 unit on the unders.

Bet 1.3 units on the overs.

Try & target races where the 3rd Fav in the live market, is 6.20+
This generally helps to avoid being confronted with constant short paying results, thus helping in the process towards showing a profit overall.

26th August 2012, 05:15 AM
Using 3-5 tipsters is a sound idea,
rather than using , say 10 tipsters.

I have noticed in the past that using say the 5 tipsters in the Herald seemed to deliver stronger priced results than say using the 10 tipsters in The Australian.

1st September 2012, 10:35 AM
Thanks Bhag's. There'll probably be a number of way's we can look at these ratings including ways I haven't envisaged. :)

1st September 2012, 10:52 AM
Today concludes the trial in it's current form. Today's prices are a sneak peak at what I'll probably use when the Crowd Ratings return. I'd still take them with a grain of salt at this stage though. You'll notice that there's a more realistic spread of prices over the field. I've included a percentage next to each runner for ease of repricing the field in case of scratchings. The calculation of the ratings figure remains unchanged.

Hope you've found these of some use over the trial period. I'll post some of my reworkings during the month as I work out where (hopefully) the profit lays. I'd be interested to hear how you've used these numbers to date, if at all.

BLMT and TWBA to follow.

RHIL Race 1
1 100 37.4% $2.70
2 91 17.2% $5.80
3 --- --- ---
4 82 7.9% $12.60
5 89 14.5% $6.90
6 77 5.2% $19.40
7 80 6.7% $15.00
8 76 4.7% $21.10
9 60 1.2% $83.70
10 77 5.2% $19.40

RHIL Race 3
1 83 6.1% $16.30
2 --- --- ---
3 92 13.3% $7.50
4 94 15.8% $6.30
5 80 4.7% $21.10
6 99 24.4% $4.10
7 66 1.4% $70.40
8 100 26.6% $3.80
9 80 4.7% $21.10
10 70 2.0% $49.90
11 60 0.8% $117.90

RHIL Race 4
1 --- --- ---
2 67 1.9% $51.80
3 72 3.0% $33.70
4 77 4.6% $21.90
5 60 1.1% $94.70
6 87 10.8% $9.30
7 100 33.1% $3.00
8 --- --- ---
9 66 1.8% $56.50
10 100 33.1% $3.00
11 87 10.8% $9.30

RHIL Race 5
1 97 33.8% $3.00
2 100 43.8% $2.30
3 61 1.5% $65.70
4 89 17.0% $5.90
5 60 1.4% $71.60
6 67 2.6% $39.20

RHIL Race 6
1 60 1.6% $64.30
2 89 18.9% $5.30
3 64 2.2% $45.60
4 75 5.7% $17.70
5 100 48.7% $2.10
6 79 8.0% $12.50
7 68 3.1% $32.30
8 67 2.8% $35.20
9 65 2.4% $41.80
10 77 6.7% $14.90

RHIL Race 7
1 94 17.4% $5.70
2 72 2.6% $38.20
3 71 2.4% $41.60
4 100 29.2% $3.40
5 99 26.8% $3.70
6 91 13.4% $7.40
7 64 1.3% $76.10
8 73 2.9% $35.10
9 69 2.0% $49.50
10 62 1.1% $90.40
11 60 0.9% $107.40

RHIL Race 8
1 72 4.6% $21.90
2 70 3.8% $26.00
3 79 8.3% $12.00
4 83 11.8% $8.50
5 64 2.3% $43.60
6 --- --- ---
7 --- --- ---
8 85 14.0% $7.20
9 60 1.6% $61.60
10 --- --- ---
11 66 2.7% $36.70
12 --- --- ---
13 --- --- ---
14 100 50.9% $2.00

CAUL Race 2
1 88 11.7% $8.60
2 63 1.4% $73.60
3 85 9.0% $11.10
4 81 6.4% $15.60
5 60 1.0% $95.30
6 91 15.1% $6.60
7 91 15.1% $6.60
8 --- --- ---
9 76 4.2% $24.00
10 100 32.9% $3.00
11 67 1.9% $52.20
12 62 1.2% $80.20

CAUL Race 3
1 94 15.6% $6.40
2 86 7.8% $12.70
3 --- --- ---
4 89 10.2% $9.80
5 --- --- ---
6 100 26.2% $3.80
7 85 7.2% $13.90
8 95 17.0% $5.90
9 88 9.3% $10.70
10 60 0.8% $119.60
11 70 2.0% $50.50
12 68 1.7% $60.00
13 71 2.2% $46.40

CAUL Race 5
1 100 49.8% $2.00
2 --- --- ---
3 90 21.1% $4.70
4 66 2.7% $37.50
5 68 3.2% $31.50
6 --- --- ---
7 70 3.8% $26.60
8 60 1.6% $62.80
9 79 8.2% $12.20
10 81 9.7% $10.30

CAUL Race 6
1 79 6.3% $15.90
2 67 2.2% $44.70
3 87 12.5% $8.00
4 64 1.7% $57.90
5 60 1.2% $81.70
6 62 1.5% $68.80
7 67 2.2% $44.70
8 100 38.3% $2.60
9 71 3.2% $31.70
10 84 9.7% $10.30
11 72 3.4% $29.10
12 81 7.5% $13.40
13 66 2.1% $48.70
14 80 6.9% $14.60
15 61 1.3% $74.90

CAUL Race 7
1 75 2.9% $34.60
2 85 6.8% $14.60
3 94 14.8% $6.70
4 67 1.5% $68.90
5 94 14.8% $6.70
6 72 2.2% $44.80
7 100 24.9% $4.00
8 69 1.7% $58.00
9 81 4.8% $20.60
10 73 2.4% $41.10
11 86 7.4% $13.40
12 84 6.3% $15.90
13 60 0.8% $125.90
14 80 4.4% $22.50
15 70 1.9% $53.20
16 72 2.2% $44.80

CAUL Race 8
1 78 4.9% $20.20
2 81 6.4% $15.60
3 100 32.9% $3.00
4 62 1.2% $80.10
5 96 23.3% $4.30
6 --- --- ---
7 83 7.6% $13.10
8 75 3.8% $26.20
9 79 5.4% $18.50
10 60 1.1% $95.20
11 65 1.6% $61.90
12 65 1.6% $61.90
13 84 8.3% $12.10
14 66 1.8% $56.80

EFRM Race 1
1 85 10.5% $9.50
2 100 38.3% $2.60
3 86 11.5% $8.70
4 91 17.6% $5.70
5 88 13.6% $7.30
6 64 1.7% $58.00
7 68 2.4% $41.10
8 71 3.1% $31.70
9 60 1.2% $81.90

EFRM Race 2
1 60 1.6% $63.20
2 63 2.1% $48.80
3 100 49.6% $2.00
4 88 17.6% $5.70
5 73 4.8% $20.60
6 --- --- ---
7 85 13.6% $7.30
8 70 3.7% $26.70
9 60 1.6% $63.20
10 60 1.6% $63.20
11 70 3.7% $26.70

EFRM Race 4
1 86 10.5% $9.50
2 75 4.1% $24.50
3 100 35.1% $2.90
4 100 35.1% $2.90
5 75 4.1% $24.50
6 68 2.2% $44.80
7 --- --- ---
8 60 1.1% $89.30
9 76 4.4% $22.50
10 73 3.4% $29.20

EFRM Race 5
1 85 6.4% $15.60
2 90 9.9% $10.10
3 68 1.5% $67.30
4 88 8.3% $12.00
5 --- --- ---
6 81 4.5% $22.00
7 --- --- ---
8 80 4.2% $24.00
9 75 2.7% $36.90
10 99 21.4% $4.70
11 100 23.4% $4.30
12 93 12.8% $7.80
13 --- --- ---
14 80 4.2% $24.00
15 --- --- ---
16 60 0.7% $134.10

EFRM Race 6
1 96 15.5% $6.50
2 100 21.8% $4.60
3 86 6.5% $15.30
4 80 3.9% $25.70
5 80 3.9% $25.70
6 92 11.0% $9.10
7 89 8.5% $11.80
8 98 18.4% $5.40
9 71 1.8% $55.70
10 72 2.0% $51.10
11 70 1.6% $60.70
12 61 0.8% $131.80
13 66 1.2% $85.70
14 60 0.7% $143.60
15 64 1.0% $101.80
16 70 1.6% $60.70

EFRM Race 7
1 89 7.1% $14.10
2 93 10.0% $10.00
3 77 2.5% $39.60
4 86 5.5% $18.20
5 84 4.6% $21.70
6 100 18.3% $5.50
7 --- --- ---
8 --- --- ---
9 87 6.0% $16.70
10 83 4.2% $23.60
11 100 18.3% $5.50
12 94 10.9% $9.20
13 60 0.6% $171.00
14 95 11.9% $8.40

EFRM Race 8
1 82 7.9% $12.70
2 73 3.6% $27.60
3 --- --- ---
4 95 24.1% $4.20
5 --- --- ---
6 69 2.6% $39.00
7 --- --- ---
8 --- --- ---
9 60 1.2% $84.60
10 70 2.8% $35.80
11 68 2.4% $42.50
12 63 1.5% $65.40
13 87 12.1% $8.30
14 70 2.8% $35.80
15 100 37.0% $2.70
16 67 2.2% $46.30

MORP Race 6
1 60 1.2% $86.90
2 96 25.5% $3.90
3 --- --- ---
4 86 10.8% $9.30
5 68 2.3% $43.70
6 100 36.0% $2.80
7 83 8.3% $12.00
8 89 14.0% $7.20
9 --- --- ---
10 66 1.9% $51.90

MORP Race 7
1 91 16.1% $6.20
2 85 9.6% $10.40
3 75 4.1% $24.60
4 70 2.6% $37.80
5 78 5.3% $19.00
6 70 2.6% $37.80
7 88 12.5% $8.00
8 100 35.0% $2.90
9 76 4.4% $22.50
10 77 4.8% $20.70
11 --- --- ---
12 60 1.1% $89.40
13 65 1.7% $58.10

MORP Race 8
1 79 8.8% $11.40
2 100 53.6% $1.90
3 --- --- ---
4 65 2.6% $38.00
5 --- --- ---
6 --- --- ---
7 76 6.8% $14.70
8 72 4.8% $20.80
9 79 8.8% $11.40
10 70 4.0% $24.70
11 70 4.0% $24.70
12 65 2.6% $38.00
13 63 2.2% $45.20
14 60 1.7% $58.50

HAWK Race 2
1 100 58.1% $1.70
2 --- --- ---
3 90 24.6% $4.10
4 67 3.4% $29.50
5 67 3.4% $29.50
6 --- --- ---
7 78 8.7% $11.40
8 60 1.9% $53.90

HAWK Race 4
1 100 49.1% $2.00
2 90 20.8% $4.80
3 72 4.4% $22.70
4 90 20.8% $4.80
5 69 3.4% $29.40
6 60 1.6% $63.80

KILM Race 6
1 87 12.6% $7.90
2 91 17.8% $5.60
3 76 4.9% $20.40
4 92 19.4% $5.10
5 60 1.2% $80.90
6 70 2.9% $34.20
7 67 2.3% $44.30
8 --- --- ---
9 100 38.7% $2.60

GCST Race 1
1 60 1.6% $61.50
2 100 50.9% $2.00
3 91 23.4% $4.30
4 73 5.0% $20.10
5 81 9.9% $10.10
6 71 4.2% $23.90
7 73 5.0% $20.10

GCST Race 6
1 92 18.5% $5.40
2 100 36.9% $2.70
3 60 1.2% $84.90
4 81 7.2% $13.90
5 93 20.2% $5.00
6 74 3.9% $25.40
7 85 10.1% $9.90
8 66 2.0% $50.60

1st September 2012, 02:11 PM
BLMT Race 4
1 88 18.9% $5.30
2 78 8.0% $12.50
3 65 2.6% $38.30
4 81 10.3% $9.70
5 60 1.7% $59.00
6 69 3.7% $27.20
7 100 53.1% $1.90
8 60 1.7% $59.00

BLMT Race 5
1 80 5.0% $20.20
2 95 18.0% $5.50
3 69 1.9% $52.00
4 60 0.9% $112.80
5 94 16.6% $6.00
6 82 5.9% $17.00
7 --- --- ---
8 95 18.0% $5.50
9 75 3.2% $31.00
10 100 27.8% $3.60
11 73 2.7% $36.80

BLMT Race 6
1 86 10.8% $9.20
2 71 3.0% $33.60
3 88 12.9% $7.80
4 70 2.7% $36.60
5 68 2.3% $43.50
6 85 9.9% $10.10
7 88 12.9% $7.80
8 70 2.7% $36.60
9 60 1.2% $86.60
10 100 36.2% $2.80
11 78 5.4% $18.40

BLMT Race 7
1 85 8.9% $11.30
2 60 1.0% $97.00
3 100 32.3% $3.10
4 --- --- ---
5 86 9.7% $10.30
6 86 9.7% $10.30
7 86 9.7% $10.30
8 72 2.9% $34.50
9 77 4.5% $22.40
10 70 2.4% $41.00
11 85 8.9% $11.30
12 71 2.7% $37.60
13 83 7.5% $13.40

BLMT Race 8
1 100 19.0% $5.30
2 84 4.8% $20.90
3 84 4.8% $20.90
4 98 16.0% $6.30
5 78 2.9% $35.00
6 93 10.4% $9.60
7 87 6.2% $16.10
8 78 2.9% $35.00
9 99 17.4% $5.70
10 83 4.4% $22.80
11 90 8.0% $12.50
12 60 0.6% $164.90
13 61 0.7% $151.30
14 74 2.0% $49.40

TWBA Race 1
1 60 1.1% $93.40
2 --- --- ---
3 87 11.0% $9.10
4 93 18.4% $5.40
5 89 13.0% $7.70
6 86 10.0% $10.00
7 89 13.0% $7.70
8 100 33.5% $3.00

TWBA Race 2
1 --- --- ---
2 94 16.5% $6.10
3 100 27.7% $3.60
4 --- --- ---
5 85 7.6% $13.20
6 100 27.7% $3.60
7 94 16.5% $6.10
8 75 3.2% $31.10
9 60 0.9% $113.20

TWBA Race 4
1 88 15.8% $6.30
2 83 10.3% $9.70
3 60 1.4% $70.50
4 93 24.3% $4.10
5 100 44.4% $2.30
6 64 2.0% $50.00
7 63 1.8% $54.50

2nd September 2012, 10:07 AM
Any luck with how to apply this yet AP?

Out of curiosity, what are the sets of data are you using for this.
As I have had a look at yesterdays results and when they are put up against another set of ratings that I use there is a laying opportunity there.

Having said that, if the ratings that I am using are already in your "sets" of used ratings that would only amplify the ratings.

Have just re-read this and I hope it makes some sort of sense.
Anyhow, from yesterday there were 31 lay bets for 3 winners. All these bets were single figures in the market.
The winners were $4.80, $4.40, $1.90.

3rd September 2012, 01:55 PM
Any luck with how to apply this yet AP?
Jose, just about to start looking at this. There's probably one very obvious way to use these which isn't too dissimilar to what you've suggested.

Out of curiosity, what are the sets of data are you using for this.
As I have had a look at yesterdays results and when they are put up against another set of ratings that I use there is a laying opportunity there.
No secrets just the obvious three, Skyform, Tatt's and Neurals.

Anyhow, from yesterday there were 31 lay bets for 3 winners. All these bets were single figures in the market.
The winners were $4.80, $4.40, $1.90.
Nice, well if you feel like sharing

angrypixie123-propun at yahoo dot com dot au

4th September 2012, 06:29 PM
... I'll be posting the Crowd Ratings once more this Saturday. Good to hear your creative ideas.

8th September 2012, 10:40 AM
So this *IS* the last day. Not going to do a John Farnham.

Other venues to follow.

WFRM Race 1
1 71 4.5% $22.40
2 100 54.2% $1.80
3 71 4.5% $22.40
4 --- --- ---
5 62 2.1% $48.70
6 60 1.7% $57.80
7 91 25.0% $4.00
8 78 8.2% $12.30

WFRM Race 2
1 71 2.5% $40.30
2 --- --- ---
3 94 18.0% $5.60
4 96 21.3% $4.70
5 87 9.8% $10.20
6 100 30.1% $3.30
7 80 5.4% $18.60
8 86 9.0% $11.10
9 73 2.9% $34.00
10 60 1.0% $104.00

WFRM Race 3
1 87 14.1% $7.10
2 --- --- ---
3 75 5.0% $19.90
4 72 3.9% $25.80
5 81 8.4% $11.90
6 100 43.3% $2.30
7 79 7.1% $14.10
8 89 16.8% $6.00
9 --- --- ---
10 60 1.4% $72.40

WFRM Race 5
1 89 18.2% $5.50
2 64 2.1% $47.40
3 60 1.5% $66.90
4 77 6.5% $15.50
5 68 3.0% $33.60
6 65 2.3% $43.50
7 68 3.0% $33.60
8 88 16.7% $6.00
9 100 46.8% $2.10

WFRM Race 6
1 81 5.3% $18.80
2 100 27.3% $3.70
3 96 19.4% $5.20
4 95 17.8% $5.60
5 91 12.6% $7.90
6 91 12.6% $7.90
7 --- --- ---
8 60 0.9% $114.60
9 70 2.1% $48.40
10 60 0.9% $114.60
11 64 1.2% $81.20

WFRM Race 7
1 83 12.6% $7.90
2 100 54.5% $1.80
3 --- --- ---
4 --- --- ---
5 74 5.8% $17.20
6 --- --- ---
7 60 1.7% $57.50
8 70 4.1% $24.30
9 88 19.4% $5.20
10 61 1.9% $52.80

WFRM Race 8
1 72 2.2% $45.30
2 82 5.2% $19.10
3 63 1.0% $98.20
4 97 19.0% $5.30
5 92 12.4% $8.10
6 83 5.7% $17.60
7 64 1.1% $90.10
8 100 24.6% $4.10
9 96 17.4% $5.70
10 76 3.1% $32.10
11 86 7.4% $13.60
12 60 0.8% $127.20

FLEM Race 3
1 73 3.2% $31.20
2 75 3.8% $26.30
3 70 2.5% $40.50
4 100 32.7% $3.10
5 82 6.9% $14.40
6 86 9.8% $10.20
7 86 9.8% $10.20
8 65 1.6% $62.20
9 --- --- ---
10 67 1.9% $52.40
11 69 2.3% $44.10
12 60 1.0% $95.70
13 81 6.4% $15.70
14 65 1.6% $62.20
15 68 2.1% $48.10
16 85 9.0% $11.10
17 79 5.4% $18.60

FLEM Race 4
1 74 2.8% $35.10
2 61 0.9% $107.60
3 75 3.1% $32.20
4 99 24.5% $4.10
5 67 1.6% $64.20
6 61 0.9% $107.60
7 60 0.9% $117.20
8 74 2.8% $35.10
9 99 24.5% $4.10
10 100 26.7% $3.70
11 68 1.7% $58.90
12 88 9.5% $10.50

FLEM Race 6
1 70 2.8% $36.20
2 93 20.0% $5.00
3 69 2.5% $39.50
4 --- --- ---
5 78 5.5% $18.20
6 85 10.0% $10.00
7 88 13.0% $7.70
8 60 1.2% $85.60
9 70 2.8% $36.20
10 62 1.4% $72.10
11 100 36.6% $2.70
12 75 4.2% $23.50

FLEM Race 7
1 87 7.9% $12.60
2 92 12.2% $8.20
3 84 6.1% $16.40
4 79 4.0% $25.20
5 60 0.8% $129.30
6 73 2.4% $42.20
7 80 4.3% $23.10
8 100 24.2% $4.10
9 81 4.7% $21.20
10 90 10.2% $9.80
11 76 3.1% $32.60
12 71 2.0% $50.10
13 75 2.8% $35.50
14 71 2.0% $50.10
15 68 1.5% $64.90
16 66 1.3% $77.10
17 84 6.1% $16.40
18 73 2.4% $42.20
19 71 2.0% $50.10

FLEM Race 8
1 86 9.1% $11.00
2 60 1.0% $103.30
3 67 1.8% $56.50
4 91 14.0% $7.20
5 79 5.0% $20.10
6 100 30.3% $3.30
7 71 2.5% $40.10
8 66 1.6% $61.60
9 78 4.6% $21.90
10 69 2.1% $47.60
11 86 9.1% $11.00
12 65 1.5% $67.10
13 79 5.0% $20.10
14 81 5.9% $16.90
15 71 2.5% $40.10
16 77 4.2% $23.90

DOOM Race 1
1 88 12.7% $7.90
2 69 2.5% $40.30
3 100 35.8% $2.80
4 82 7.6% $13.20
5 72 3.2% $31.10
6 86 10.7% $9.30
7 87 11.7% $8.60
8 67 2.1% $47.90
9 84 9.0% $11.10
10 60 1.1% $87.50
11 73 3.5% $28.60

DOOM Race 2
1 100 33.9% $2.90
2 85 9.3% $10.70
3 95 22.1% $4.50
4 86 10.2% $9.80
5 92 17.0% $5.90
6 71 2.8% $35.80
7 60 1.1% $92.30
8 74 3.6% $27.70

DOOM Race 3
1 73 3.5% $28.80
2 72 3.2% $31.40
3 --- --- ---
4 100 35.5% $2.80
5 96 25.2% $4.00
6 88 12.6% $7.90
7 91 16.4% $6.10
8 60 1.1% $88.10
9 69 2.5% $40.60

DOOM Race 4
1 100 60.9% $1.60
2 62 2.3% $43.30
3 87 19.9% $5.00
4 79 10.0% $10.00
5 71 5.0% $20.00
6 --- --- ---
7 60 1.9% $51.40

DOOM Race 5
1 81 7.9% $12.70
2 83 9.3% $10.70
3 --- --- ---
4 72 3.6% $27.60
5 100 40.3% $2.50
6 75 4.7% $21.30
7 68 2.6% $39.00
8 91 18.6% $5.40
9 84 10.2% $9.80
10 62 1.5% $65.30
11 60 1.3% $77.60

DOOM Race 6
1 88 14.1% $7.10
2 67 2.3% $43.30
3 72 3.5% $28.20
4 74 4.2% $23.70
5 100 39.5% $2.50
6 60 1.3% $79.20
7 82 8.4% $11.90
8 64 1.8% $56.10
9 --- --- ---
10 90 16.7% $6.00
11 72 3.5% $28.20
12 --- --- ---
13 75 4.6% $21.80

DOOM Race 7
1 94 15.1% $6.60
2 68 1.6% $62.00
3 96 18.0% $5.60
4 77 3.5% $28.60
5 --- --- ---
6 87 8.3% $12.10
7 71 2.1% $47.90
8 78 3.8% $26.20
9 60 0.8% $123.50
10 88 9.0% $11.10
11 100 25.4% $3.90
12 64 1.1% $87.50
13 60 0.8% $123.50
14 82 5.4% $18.60
15 65 1.2% $80.30
16 78 3.8% $26.20

DOOM Race 8
1 --- --- ---
2 100 23.3% $4.30
3 100 23.3% $4.30
4 92 11.7% $8.50
5 84 5.9% $17.00
6 --- --- ---
7 --- --- ---
8 83 5.4% $18.50
9 86 7.0% $14.30
10 --- --- ---
11 95 15.2% $6.60
12 80 4.2% $24.00
13 77 3.2% $31.00
14 --- --- ---
15 60 0.7% $134.20

MORP Race 1
1 93 15.4% $6.50
2 100 28.1% $3.60
3 --- --- ---
4 97 21.7% $4.60
5 99 25.8% $3.90
6 84 7.1% $14.10
7 60 0.9% $111.50
8 62 1.1% $93.80

MORP Race 2
1 87 11.9% $8.40
2 78 5.5% $18.20
3 100 36.6% $2.70
4 76 4.6% $21.60
5 79 6.0% $16.70
6 86 11.0% $9.10
7 87 11.9% $8.40
8 85 10.1% $9.90
9 60 1.2% $85.60
10 --- --- ---
11 60 1.2% $85.60

MORP Race 4
1 97 25.9% $3.90
2 66 1.8% $55.80
3 --- --- ---
4 78 5.0% $19.80
5 72 3.0% $33.30
6 --- --- ---
7 90 14.2% $7.10
8 87 10.9% $9.10
9 77 4.6% $21.60
10 100 33.5% $3.00
11 60 1.1% $93.50

MORP Race 5
1 100 39.7% $2.50
2 77 5.5% $18.20
3 91 18.3% $5.50
4 --- --- ---
5 69 2.8% $36.30
6 --- --- ---
7 72 3.6% $28.00
8 60 1.3% $78.80
9 69 2.8% $36.30
10 82 8.4% $11.90
11 84 10.0% $10.00
12 70 3.0% $33.30
13 71 3.3% $30.60
14 61 1.4% $72.30

MORP Race 6
1 100 45.6% $2.20
2 68 2.9% $34.50
3 77 6.3% $15.90
4 --- --- ---
5 71 3.8% $26.70
6 75 5.3% $18.90
7 62 1.7% $57.90
8 76 5.8% $17.30
9 91 21.0% $4.80
10 77 6.3% $15.90
11 60 1.5% $68.70

MORP Race 7
1 81 6.2% $16.20
2 100 31.6% $3.20
3 83 7.3% $13.70
4 60 1.0% $98.90
5 86 9.5% $10.50
6 83 7.3% $13.70
7 95 20.6% $4.90
8 73 3.1% $32.30
9 90 13.4% $7.50

MORP Race 8
1 --- --- ---
2 --- --- ---
3 60 1.0% $96.10
4 74 3.5% $28.80
5 100 32.6% $3.10
6 --- --- ---
7 92 16.4% $6.10
8 88 11.6% $8.60
9 88 11.6% $8.60
10 80 5.8% $17.20
11 89 12.6% $7.90
12 78 4.9% $20.40

8th September 2012, 11:30 AM
BLMT and TWBA to follow later

GCST Race 1
1 100 68.4% $1.50
2 89 26.5% $3.80
3 60 2.2% $45.80
4 63 2.8% $35.30

GCST Race 2
1 87 12.8% $7.80
2 92 19.8% $5.10
3 76 5.0% $20.10
4 100 39.4% $2.50
5 86 11.8% $8.50
6 75 4.6% $21.90
7 60 1.3% $79.60
8 77 5.4% $18.40

GCST Race 6
1 --- --- ---
2 76 5.6% $17.90
3 60 1.4% $71.10
4 --- --- ---
5 99 40.4% $2.50
6 63 1.8% $55.00
7 100 44.0% $2.30
8 67 2.6% $38.90
9 62 1.7% $59.90
10 67 2.6% $38.90

NCLE Race 6
1 78 4.2% $23.90
2 80 5.0% $20.10
3 87 9.1% $11.00
4 93 15.2% $6.60
5 89 10.8% $9.30
6 79 4.6% $21.90
7 87 9.1% $11.00
8 65 1.4% $73.20
9 100 27.8% $3.60
10 84 7.0% $14.20
11 --- --- ---
12 80 5.0% $20.10
13 60 0.9% $112.50

GRAF Race 3
1 87 12.6% $7.90
2 87 12.6% $7.90
3 100 38.7% $2.60
4 77 5.3% $18.70
5 76 4.9% $20.40
6 61 1.3% $74.30
7 76 4.9% $20.40
8 60 1.2% $81.00
9 66 2.1% $48.30
10 90 16.3% $6.10

GRAF Race 4
1 100 30.7% $3.30
2 92 15.4% $6.50
3 89 11.9% $8.40
4 81 6.0% $16.70
5 82 6.5% $15.30
6 79 5.0% $19.80
7 79 5.0% $19.80
8 84 7.7% $12.90
9 72 2.8% $36.30
10 60 1.0% $101.90
11 --- --- ---
12 70 2.3% $43.10
13 68 2.0% $51.20
14 75 3.6% $28.00

CRNS Race 2
1 87 9.8% $10.20
2 100 29.9% $3.30
3 78 4.5% $22.20
4 79 4.9% $20.40
5 99 27.4% $3.60
6 79 4.9% $20.40
7 70 2.3% $44.30
8 87 9.8% $10.20
9 60 1.0% $104.80
10 71 2.5% $40.60
11 74 3.2% $31.40

CRNS Race 3
1 85 11.5% $8.70
2 95 27.3% $3.70
3 80 7.5% $13.30
4 80 7.5% $13.30
5 100 42.0% $2.40
6 60 1.3% $74.60
7 69 2.9% $34.40

CRNS Race 4
1 100 54.5% $1.80
2 79 8.9% $11.20
3 74 5.8% $17.20
4 --- --- ---
5 82 11.6% $8.70
6 60 1.7% $57.50
7 84 13.7% $7.30
8 69 3.8% $26.50

CRNS Race 6
1 100 38.4% $2.60
2 87 12.5% $8.00
3 71 3.2% $31.60
4 88 13.7% $7.30
5 60 1.2% $81.60
6 --- --- ---
7 66 2.1% $48.70
8 71 3.2% $31.60
9 81 7.5% $13.40
10 80 6.9% $14.60
11 86 11.5% $8.70

CRNS Race 7
1 61 1.6% $63.90
2 65 2.2% $45.20
3 60 1.4% $69.60
4 100 45.0% $2.20
5 93 24.6% $4.10
6 80 8.0% $12.40
7 64 2.0% $49.30
8 60 1.4% $69.60
9 64 2.0% $49.30
10 81 8.8% $11.40
11 68 2.9% $34.90

CRNS Race 8
1 100 27.3% $3.70
2 90 11.6% $8.70
3 85 7.5% $13.30
4 97 21.1% $4.70
5 76 3.5% $28.90
6 85 7.5% $13.30
7 84 6.9% $14.50
8 --- --- ---
9 62 1.0% $96.40
10 83 6.3% $15.80
11 --- --- ---
12 75 3.2% $31.50
13 60 0.9% $114.50
14 75 3.2% $31.50

8th September 2012, 01:08 PM
AP, i can't seem to open "my" site!!!!!!!!!!!

8th September 2012, 02:05 PM
AP, i can't seem to open "my" site!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not just you.

8th September 2012, 02:07 PM
BLMT Race 2
1 80 6.5% $15.30
2 86 11.0% $9.10
3 95 23.8% $4.20
4 100 36.6% $2.70
5 74 3.9% $25.60
6 60 1.2% $85.50
7 70 2.8% $36.10
8 89 14.2% $7.00

BLMT Race 3
1 88 13.8% $7.20
2 100 38.9% $2.60
3 91 17.9% $5.60
4 82 8.2% $12.10
5 87 12.7% $7.90
6 61 1.4% $73.90
7 75 4.5% $22.10
8 60 1.2% $80.60
9 61 1.4% $73.90

BLMT Race 4
1 74 5.6% $17.80
2 85 14.5% $6.90
3 100 52.6% $1.90
4 76 6.7% $15.00
5 72 4.7% $21.20
6 77 7.3% $13.80
7 70 4.0% $25.20
8 67 3.1% $32.60
9 --- --- ---
10 60 1.7% $59.60

BLMT Race 5
1 92 20.9% $4.80
2 80 7.4% $13.50
3 86 12.4% $8.00
4 78 6.2% $16.00
5 74 4.4% $22.60
6 100 41.5% $2.40
7 67 2.4% $41.30
8 60 1.3% $75.40
9 63 1.7% $58.20
10 62 1.6% $63.50

BLMT Race 6
1 69 2.6% $38.60
2 100 37.4% $2.70
3 --- --- ---
4 70 2.8% $35.40
5 90 15.8% $6.30
6 78 5.6% $17.80
7 85 10.3% $9.70
8 --- --- ---
9 66 2.0% $50.00
10 94 22.3% $4.50
11 60 1.2% $83.80

BLMT Race 7
1 62 1.4% $72.30
2 71 3.0% $33.30
3 64 1.6% $60.90
4 92 18.3% $5.50
5 74 3.9% $25.70
6 76 4.6% $21.70
7 60 1.2% $85.90
8 78 5.5% $18.20
9 91 16.8% $6.00
10 --- --- ---
11 100 36.5% $2.70
12 71 3.0% $33.30
13 --- --- ---
14 75 4.2% $23.60

BLMT Race 8
1 83 7.6% $13.20
2 94 19.5% $5.10
3 98 27.6% $3.60
4 82 6.9% $14.40
5 67 1.9% $52.40
6 60 1.0% $95.70
7 --- --- ---
8 100 32.7% $3.10
9 --- --- ---
10 71 2.7% $37.10

TWBA Race 1
1 --- --- ---
2 94 29.9% $3.30
3 100 50.1% $2.00
4 72 4.5% $22.30
5 60 1.6% $62.60
6 70 3.8% $26.40
7 66 2.7% $37.30
8 78 7.5% $13.30

TWBA Race 6
1 75 5.4% $18.60
2 67 2.7% $37.00
3 95 30.2% $3.30
4 60 1.5% $67.50
5 100 46.4% $2.20
6 86 13.9% $7.20

TWBA Race 7
1 --- --- ---
2 100 69.1% $1.40
3 --- --- ---
4 60 2.2% $45.30
5 88 24.6% $4.10
6 67 4.0% $24.80

8th September 2012, 05:20 PM
The best laid plans eh?

8th September 2012, 11:24 PM

I'll shoot you off an e-mail in the next couple of days demonstrating my usage idea against today's Doomben results.

9th September 2012, 10:46 AM
Sounds good AP.
Don't know what happened to that site but it threw a spanner into my day I can tell you.

15th September 2012, 08:57 AM
Jose, check your email around midday.

15th September 2012, 09:01 AM
Will do Pixie.

6th October 2012, 10:54 AM
As promised I'm bringing these back for the Spring (well at least to the end of Cup week anyway). Sadly I've had very limited time to do any analysis on these at all. October should be less busy for me.

Later venues to follow.

RAND Race 4
1 --- --- ---
2 100 44.3% $2.30
3 --- --- ---
4 88 15.8% $6.30
5 --- --- ---
6 80 7.9% $12.60
7 86 13.3% $7.50
8 84 11.2% $9.00
9 60 1.4% $70.70
10 67 2.6% $38.70
11 71 3.6% $27.40

RAND Race 5
1 100 54.7% $1.80
2 91 25.2% $4.00
3 75 6.4% $15.70
4 74 5.8% $17.20
5 62 2.1% $48.20
6 60 1.7% $57.30
7 70 4.1% $24.20

RAND Race 6
1 100 40.2% $2.50
2 81 7.8% $12.80
3 91 18.5% $5.40
4 76 5.1% $19.70
5 82 8.5% $11.70
6 87 13.1% $7.60
7 66 2.2% $46.50
8 71 3.3% $30.20
9 60 1.3% $77.90

RAND Race 7
1 100 24.5% $4.10
2 93 13.4% $7.40
3 89 9.5% $10.50
4 63 1.0% $98.50
5 65 1.2% $82.90
6 79 4.0% $24.80
7 89 9.5% $10.50
8 96 17.4% $5.70
9 77 3.4% $29.50
10 75 2.9% $35.10
11 70 1.9% $53.90
12 75 2.9% $35.10
13 82 5.2% $19.20
14 73 2.4% $41.70
15 60 0.8% $127.60

RAND Race 8
1 --- --- ---
2 --- --- ---
3 100 31.4% $3.20
4 88 11.2% $8.90
5 69 2.2% $45.90
6 93 17.2% $5.80
7 86 9.4% $10.60
8 69 2.2% $45.90
9 88 11.2% $8.90
10 72 2.8% $35.50
11 82 6.7% $15.00
12 71 2.6% $38.70
13 60 1.0% $99.70
14 69 2.2% $45.90

RAND Race 9
1 91 18.5% $5.40
2 66 2.1% $46.60
3 60 1.3% $78.10
4 84 10.1% $9.90
5 100 40.1% $2.50
6 73 3.9% $25.50
7 88 14.3% $7.00
8 62 1.5% $65.80
9 74 4.3% $23.40
10 73 3.9% $25.50

FLEM Race 4
1 --- --- ---
2 82 8.2% $12.20
3 --- --- ---
4 --- --- ---
5 100 38.7% $2.60
6 86 11.6% $8.60
7 65 1.9% $52.60
8 96 27.4% $3.60
9 61 1.3% $74.20
10 70 2.9% $34.20
11 65 1.9% $52.60
12 --- --- ---
13 60 1.2% $80.90
14 68 2.5% $40.60
15 67 2.3% $44.30

FLEM Race 5
1 100 27.5% $3.60
2 79 4.5% $22.20
3 64 1.2% $80.70
4 87 9.0% $11.10
5 --- --- ---
6 87 9.0% $11.10
7 83 6.4% $15.70
8 63 1.1% $87.90
9 60 0.9% $113.80
10 85 7.6% $13.20
11 76 3.5% $28.70
12 87 9.0% $11.10
13 88 9.8% $10.20
14 70 2.1% $48.10
15 78 4.1% $24.20
16 71 2.3% $44.10
17 70 2.1% $48.10

FLEM Race 6
1 96 15.8% $6.30
2 74 2.4% $42.00
3 86 6.7% $14.90
4 100 22.3% $4.50
5 99 20.5% $4.90
6 80 4.0% $25.10
7 83 5.2% $19.40
8 86 6.7% $14.90
9 67 1.3% $76.70
10 77 3.1% $32.40
11 73 2.2% $45.80
12 69 1.5% $64.60
13 79 3.7% $27.30
14 --- --- ---
15 77 3.1% $32.40
16 60 0.7% $140.20
17 62 0.8% $118.00

FLEM Race 7
1 66 1.2% $84.70
2 67 1.3% $77.70
3 89 8.6% $11.70
4 74 2.4% $42.60
5 83 5.1% $19.60
6 91 10.2% $9.80
7 65 1.1% $92.40
8 100 22.0% $4.50
9 94 13.2% $7.60
10 79 3.6% $27.70
11 99 20.2% $4.90
12 76 2.8% $35.80
13 60 0.7% $142.10
14 --- --- ---
15 73 2.2% $46.40
16 80 3.9% $25.40
17 70 1.7% $60.00

FLEM Race 8
1 --- --- ---
2 100 31.2% $3.20
3 65 1.5% $65.20
4 100 31.2% $3.20
5 76 4.0% $25.30
6 84 7.9% $12.70
7 75 3.6% $27.50
8 64 1.4% $71.00
9 60 1.0% $100.20
10 60 1.0% $100.20
11 93 17.1% $5.80

FLEM Race 9
1 --- --- ---
2 66 1.3% $75.00
3 --- --- ---
4 76 3.2% $31.70
5 100 24.9% $4.00
6 98 21.0% $4.80
7 80 4.4% $22.50
8 88 8.9% $11.30
9 92 12.5% $8.00
10 73 2.4% $41.10
11 88 8.9% $11.30
12 80 4.4% $22.50
13 84 6.3% $15.90
14 63 1.0% $97.10
15 60 0.8% $125.80

EFRM Race 3
1 --- --- ---
2 100 75.5% $1.30
3 73 7.4% $13.50
4 81 14.7% $6.80
5 --- --- ---
6 60 2.4% $41.50

EFRM Race 5
1 64 2.0% $49.30
2 60 1.4% $69.50
3 100 45.0% $2.20
4 92 22.6% $4.40
5 79 7.4% $13.50
6 76 5.7% $17.50
7 85 12.4% $8.10
8 70 3.4% $29.40

EFRM Race 6
1 83 10.4% $9.60
2 95 29.2% $3.40
3 --- --- ---
4 67 2.6% $38.10
5 100 45.0% $2.20
6 --- --- ---
7 84 11.3% $8.80
8 60 1.4% $69.60

EFRM Race 7
1 100 32.3% $3.10
2 97 24.9% $4.00
3 77 4.5% $22.40
4 79 5.3% $18.90
5 96 22.9% $4.40
6 60 1.0% $97.00
7 82 6.9% $14.60
8 69 2.2% $44.70

EFRM Race 8
1 84 7.1% $14.10
2 60 0.9% $111.20
3 75 3.3% $30.60
4 98 23.7% $4.20
5 90 11.9% $8.40
6 67 1.6% $60.90
7 95 18.3% $5.50
8 80 5.0% $19.90
9 100 28.2% $3.60

EFRM Race 9
1 77 4.5% $22.10
2 100 32.8% $3.00
3 87 10.7% $9.30
4 78 4.9% $20.30
5 92 16.5% $6.10
6 88 11.7% $8.60
7 78 4.9% $20.30
8 74 3.5% $28.60
9 66 1.8% $56.90
10 60 1.0% $95.40
11 83 7.6% $13.20

MORP Race 2
1 --- --- ---
2 97 29.4% $3.40
3 100 38.0% $2.60
4 90 16.1% $6.20
5 85 10.5% $9.60
6 69 2.6% $37.90
7 67 2.2% $45.10
8 60 1.2% $82.30

MORP Race 4
1 100 60.0% $1.70
2 61 2.1% $47.90
3 --- --- ---
4 60 1.9% $52.20
5 83 13.9% $7.20
6 76 7.6% $13.20
7 73 5.9% $17.00
8 66 3.2% $31.10
9 72 5.4% $18.60

MORP Race 5
1 69 2.3% $43.30
2 79 5.5% $18.30
3 100 33.4% $3.00
4 --- --- ---
5 74 3.6% $28.10
6 67 1.9% $51.40
7 93 18.3% $5.50
8 98 28.1% $3.60
9 --- --- ---
10 80 6.0% $16.80
11 60 1.1% $93.90

MORP Race 6
1 100 42.0% $2.40
2 94 25.1% $4.00
3 81 8.2% $12.20
4 85 11.6% $8.70
5 66 2.3% $44.40
6 --- --- ---
7 75 4.9% $20.50
8 61 1.5% $68.30
9 --- --- ---
10 60 1.3% $74.50
11 70 3.2% $31.50

MORP Race 7
1 71 2.3% $43.80
2 77 3.8% $26.10
3 67 1.6% $61.80
4 83 6.4% $15.60
5 66 1.5% $67.40
6 82 5.9% $17.00
7 94 16.5% $6.00
8 81 5.4% $18.50
9 100 27.7% $3.60
10 72 2.5% $40.20
11 60 0.9% $112.90
12 99 25.4% $3.90

MORP Race 8
1 63 1.2% $80.90
2 100 29.9% $3.30
3 73 2.9% $34.20
4 97 23.1% $4.30
5 85 8.2% $12.20
6 85 8.2% $12.20
7 82 6.3% $15.80
8 --- --- ---
9 60 1.0% $104.80
10 79 4.9% $20.40
11 84 7.5% $13.30
12 73 2.9% $34.20
13 76 3.8% $26.40

NCLE Race 2
1 100 31.7% $3.20
2 75 3.7% $27.10
3 79 5.2% $19.20
4 100 31.7% $3.20
5 98 26.7% $3.70
6 --- --- ---
7 60 1.0% $98.80

P_MQ Race 7
1 99 16.5% $6.00
2 100 18.0% $5.50
3 93 9.9% $10.10
4 94 10.8% $9.30
5 94 10.8% $9.30
6 84 4.5% $22.00
7 99 16.5% $6.00
8 77 2.5% $40.20
9 62 0.7% $146.20
10 71 1.5% $67.40
11 86 5.4% $18.50
12 60 0.6% $173.70
13 70 1.4% $73.40
14 66 1.0% $103.60

MURT Race 3
1 91 16.7% $6.00
2 72 3.3% $30.70
3 98 30.6% $3.30
4 --- --- ---
5 100 36.4% $2.80
6 --- --- ---
7 87 11.9% $8.40
8 60 1.2% $86.10

MURT Race 6
1 90 10.4% $9.60
2 99 22.7% $4.40
3 100 24.7% $4.00
4 100 24.7% $4.00
5 91 11.4% $8.80
6 79 4.1% $24.70
7 65 1.2% $82.40
8 60 0.8% $126.70

GCST Race 3
1 100 43.0% $2.30
2 74 4.6% $21.80
3 88 15.3% $6.50
4 80 7.7% $13.00
5 60 1.4% $72.80
6 95 28.0% $3.60

GCST Race 7
1 100 40.7% $2.50
2 93 22.3% $4.50
3 --- --- ---
4 --- --- ---
5 90 17.2% $5.80
6 85 11.2% $8.90
7 60 1.3% $77.00
8 71 3.4% $29.80
9 68 2.6% $38.60
10 61 1.4% $70.60

GCST Race 8
1 --- --- ---
2 97 31.8% $3.10
3 --- --- ---
4 --- --- ---
5 90 17.4% $5.70
6 --- --- ---
7 100 41.2% $2.40
8 63 1.7% $58.70
9 69 2.9% $35.00
10 72 3.7% $27.10
11 60 1.3% $76.00

6th October 2012, 01:23 PM
BLMT Race 1
1 --- --- ---
2 67 4.4% $22.70
3 100 75.7% $1.30
4 60 2.4% $41.40
5 83 17.5% $5.70

BLMT Race 2
1 100 40.4% $2.50
2 86 12.1% $8.30
3 92 20.3% $4.90
4 92 20.3% $4.90
5 60 1.3% $77.50
6 65 2.0% $50.40
7 72 3.6% $27.60

BLMT Race 3
1 90 12.1% $8.30
2 97 22.1% $4.50
3 100 28.6% $3.50
4 60 0.9% $109.50
5 97 22.1% $4.50
6 85 7.9% $12.70
7 75 3.3% $30.10
8 74 3.0% $32.80

BLMT Race 5
1 74 6.2% $16.20
2 85 15.9% $6.30
3 80 10.4% $9.60
4 100 58.0% $1.70
5 71 4.8% $20.90
6 60 1.9% $54.00
7 65 2.8% $35.10

BLMT Race 6
1 100 37.0% $2.70
2 99 33.9% $2.90
3 71 3.0% $32.80
4 80 6.6% $15.10
5 85 10.2% $9.80
6 73 3.6% $27.60
7 71 3.0% $32.80
8 62 1.4% $71.30
9 60 1.2% $84.70

BLMT Race 7
1 97 17.7% $5.60
2 79 3.8% $26.60
3 100 23.0% $4.40
4 75 2.7% $37.50
5 72 2.1% $48.50
6 89 8.9% $11.20
7 60 0.7% $136.30
8 86 6.9% $14.50
9 98 19.3% $5.20
10 95 14.9% $6.70

BLMT Race 8
1 100 34.5% $2.90
2 65 1.7% $59.00
3 60 1.1% $90.80
4 96 24.4% $4.10
5 --- --- ---
6 68 2.2% $45.60
7 87 11.3% $8.90
8 70 2.6% $38.40
9 72 3.1% $32.30
10 76 4.4% $22.90
11 80 6.2% $16.20
12 80 6.2% $16.20
13 69 2.4% $41.80

6th October 2012, 04:43 PM
TWBA Race 2
1 60 1.2% $84.50
2 100 37.1% $2.70
3 77 5.1% $19.50
4 95 24.1% $4.10
5 82 7.9% $12.70
6 61 1.3% $77.50
7 --- --- ---
8 71 3.1% $32.80
9 --- --- ---
10 93 20.3% $4.90

TWBA Race 5
1 62 2.9% $34.90
2 70 5.7% $17.50
3 100 75.5% $1.30
4 --- --- ---
5 80 13.5% $7.40
6 60 2.4% $41.50

TWBA Race 6
1 94 24.7% $4.10
2 100 41.3% $2.40
3 91 19.0% $5.30
4 77 5.7% $17.50
5 70 3.1% $32.00
6 75 4.8% $20.80
7 60 1.3% $75.80

TWBA Race 7
1 100 78.4% $1.30
2 81 15.3% $6.60
3 65 3.8% $26.00
4 60 2.5% $40.00

13th October 2012, 12:20 AM
Ratings from the weeks your missing.

13th October 2012, 10:56 AM
More to follow.

RHIL Race 3
1 71 2.1% $46.60
2 82 5.5% $18.10
3 97 20.2% $5.00
4 96 18.5% $5.40
5 89 10.1% $9.90
6 100 26.1% $3.80
7 90 11.0% $9.10
8 73 2.6% $39.20
9 63 1.1% $92.70
10 70 2.0% $50.70
11 60 0.8% $120.00

RHIL Race 4
1 88 9.7% $10.30
2 60 0.9% $115.20
3 100 27.2% $3.70
4 99 24.9% $4.00
5 84 6.9% $14.60
6 73 2.7% $37.60
7 86 8.1% $12.30
8 88 9.7% $10.30
9 86 8.1% $12.30
10 --- --- ---
11 69 1.9% $53.10

RHIL Race 5
1 64 1.6% $62.30
2 67 2.1% $48.10
3 60 1.1% $87.90
4 --- --- ---
5 100 35.6% $2.80
6 99 32.7% $3.10
7 86 10.7% $9.40
8 --- --- ---
9 60 1.1% $87.90
10 69 2.5% $40.50
11 86 10.7% $9.40
12 --- --- ---
13 66 1.9% $52.40

RHIL Race 6
1 100 38.6% $2.60
2 94 23.0% $4.30
3 65 1.9% $52.70
4 74 4.1% $24.30
5 82 8.2% $12.20
6 74 4.1% $24.30
7 63 1.6% $62.70
8 67 2.3% $44.40
9 --- --- ---
10 89 15.0% $6.70
11 60 1.2% $81.10

RHIL Race 7
1 67 2.8% $36.10
2 --- --- ---
3 70 3.6% $27.90
4 --- --- ---
5 --- --- ---
6 100 47.5% $2.10
7 --- --- ---
8 96 33.6% $3.00
9 73 4.6% $21.50
10 72 4.3% $23.50
11 60 1.5% $66.00
12 64 2.1% $46.80

RHIL Race 8
1 --- --- ---
2 82 6.4% $15.60
3 --- --- ---
4 92 15.1% $6.60
5 100 30.1% $3.30
6 100 30.1% $3.30
7 79 4.9% $20.20
8 --- --- ---
9 75 3.5% $28.60
10 --- --- ---
11 --- --- ---
12 --- --- ---
13 62 1.1% $87.50
14 74 3.2% $31.10
15 60 1.0% $103.90
16 74 3.2% $31.10
17 63 1.2% $80.30

CAUL Race 1
1 91 9.9% $10.10
2 100 21.4% $4.70
3 88 7.6% $13.10
4 78 3.2% $31.10
5 92 10.7% $9.30
6 81 4.2% $24.00
7 87 7.0% $14.30
8 82 4.5% $22.00
9 79 3.5% $28.50
10 82 4.5% $22.00
11 88 7.6% $13.10
12 96 15.2% $6.60
13 60 0.7% $146.40

CAUL Race 4
1 100 37.9% $2.60
2 81 7.4% $13.60
3 75 4.4% $22.70
4 93 20.7% $4.80
5 91 17.4% $5.70
6 67 2.2% $45.30
7 72 3.4% $29.40
8 61 1.3% $75.90
9 74 4.0% $24.80
10 60 1.2% $82.70

CAUL Race 5
1 --- --- ---
2 97 40.5% $2.50
3 62 2.0% $50.30
4 61 1.8% $54.80
5 60 1.7% $59.80
6 100 52.4% $1.90
7 60 1.7% $59.80

CAUL Race 6
1 100 38.7% $2.60
2 85 10.6% $9.40
3 83 9.0% $11.20
4 69 2.7% $37.20
5 84 9.8% $10.20
6 69 2.7% $37.20
7 89 15.0% $6.70
8 81 7.5% $13.30
9 69 2.7% $37.20
10 60 1.2% $80.80

CAUL Race 7
1 100 55.1% $1.80
2 86 16.5% $6.10
3 78 8.3% $12.10
4 69 3.8% $26.20
5 60 1.8% $56.80
6 65 2.7% $36.90
7 74 5.9% $17.00
8 74 5.9% $17.00

CAUL Race 8
1 97 15.7% $6.40
2 100 20.3% $4.90
3 84 5.1% $19.50
4 69 1.4% $71.10
5 86 6.1% $16.40
6 97 15.7% $6.40
7 90 8.6% $11.60
8 89 7.9% $12.70
9 87 6.6% $15.10
10 85 5.6% $17.90
11 60 0.6% $154.20
12 70 1.5% $65.20
13 64 0.9% $109.30
14 71 1.7% $59.80
15 67 1.2% $84.40
16 66 1.1% $92.00

CAUL Race 9
1 80 3.6% $28.00
2 66 1.1% $93.40
3 93 11.0% $9.10
4 99 18.4% $5.40
5 76 2.5% $39.50
6 64 0.9% $110.90
7 60 0.6% $156.50
8 100 20.0% $5.00
9 --- --- ---
10 95 13.0% $7.70
11 78 3.0% $33.20
12 73 2.0% $51.10
13 89 7.8% $12.90
14 92 10.0% $10.00
15 82 4.2% $23.50
16 67 1.2% $85.70
17 62 0.8% $131.70

DOOM Race 3
1 64 1.2% $83.40
2 --- --- ---
3 92 13.4% $7.50
4 91 12.3% $8.20
5 86 8.0% $12.60
6 94 15.9% $6.30
7 100 26.6% $3.80
8 60 0.8% $117.70
9 92 13.4% $7.50
10 76 3.4% $29.70
11 81 5.2% $19.30

DOOM Race 4
1 86 12.3% $8.10
2 72 3.7% $27.00
3 100 41.2% $2.40
4 98 34.7% $2.90
5 60 1.3% $76.00
6 68 2.6% $38.20
7 63 1.7% $58.70
8 67 2.4% $41.60

DOOM Race 5
1 100 29.3% $3.40
2 90 12.4% $8.10
3 89 11.4% $8.80
4 89 11.4% $8.80
5 88 10.4% $9.60
6 79 4.8% $20.80
7 79 4.8% $20.80
8 82 6.2% $16.10
9 71 2.4% $41.40
10 78 4.4% $22.70
11 66 1.6% $63.80
12 60 0.9% $106.90

DOOM Race 6
1 --- --- ---
2 100 29.8% $3.40
3 60 1.0% $104.90
4 76 3.8% $26.50
5 76 3.8% $26.50
6 88 10.6% $9.40
7 64 1.3% $74.30
8 95 19.4% $5.20
9 72 2.7% $37.30
10 90 12.6% $7.90
11 81 5.8% $17.20
12 73 2.9% $34.30
13 78 4.5% $22.30
14 67 1.7% $57.40

DOOM Race 7
1 98 18.6% $5.40
2 89 8.5% $11.70
3 --- --- ---
4 100 22.0% $4.50
5 75 2.6% $39.10
6 84 5.6% $18.00
7 --- --- ---
8 94 13.1% $7.60
9 83 5.1% $19.60
10 88 7.8% $12.80
11 --- --- ---
12 94 13.1% $7.60
13 71 1.8% $55.10
14 --- --- ---
15 --- --- ---
16 64 1.0% $100.70
17 60 0.7% $142.10

DOOM Race 8
1 91 22.5% $4.40
2 --- --- ---
3 100 48.9% $2.00
4 68 3.1% $32.10
5 66 2.6% $38.20
6 --- --- ---
7 --- --- ---
8 --- --- ---
9 60 1.6% $64.00
10 73 4.8% $20.90
11 --- --- ---
12 68 3.1% $32.10
13 83 11.3% $8.80
14 --- --- ---
15 --- --- ---
16 63 2.0% $49.40

MORP Race 2
1 85 6.6% $15.10
2 95 15.6% $6.40
3 100 24.0% $4.20
4 88 8.5% $11.70
5 90 10.2% $9.80
6 88 8.5% $11.70
7 83 5.6% $18.00
8 93 13.1% $7.60
9 81 4.7% $21.40
10 73 2.3% $42.60
11 60 0.8% $130.40

MORP Race 3
1 75 3.9% $25.50
2 79 5.5% $18.00
3 93 18.5% $5.40
4 100 33.8% $3.00
5 --- --- ---
6 64 1.5% $65.60
7 60 1.1% $92.60
8 88 12.0% $8.30
9 85 9.3% $10.80
10 --- --- ---
11 81 6.6% $15.20
12 80 6.0% $16.60
13 65 1.7% $60.20

MORP Race 4
1 100 31.2% $3.20
2 --- --- ---
3 97 24.1% $4.20
4 84 7.9% $12.70
5 92 15.7% $6.40
6 71 2.6% $39.00
7 73 3.0% $32.80
8 --- --- ---
9 68 2.0% $50.40
10 76 3.9% $25.30
11 73 3.0% $32.80
12 76 3.9% $25.30
13 60 1.0% $100.40
14 66 1.7% $59.90

MORP Race 5
1 95 29.3% $3.40
2 76 5.7% $17.60
3 100 45.0% $2.20
4 70 3.4% $29.40
5 60 1.4% $69.60
6 77 6.2% $16.10
7 69 3.1% $32.10
8 --- --- ---
9 63 1.9% $53.80
10 72 4.0% $24.80

MORP Race 6
1 89 10.5% $9.50
2 100 27.0% $3.70
3 82 5.7% $17.40
4 93 14.8% $6.80
5 60 0.9% $115.90
6 78 4.1% $24.60
7 89 10.5% $9.50
8 70 2.0% $49.00
9 75 3.1% $31.80
10 84 6.8% $14.70
11 82 5.7% $17.40
12 --- --- ---
13 --- --- ---
14 87 8.8% $11.30

MORP Race 7
1 80 6.2% $16.30
2 91 15.9% $6.30
3 77 4.8% $21.00
4 100 34.4% $2.90
5 64 1.6% $64.50
6 60 1.1% $91.00
7 65 1.7% $59.10
8 76 4.4% $22.90
9 --- --- ---
10 72 3.1% $32.40
11 88 12.3% $8.20
12 86 10.3% $9.70
13 66 1.8% $54.30
14 70 2.6% $38.40

MORP Race 8
1 --- --- ---
2 61 1.6% $61.50
3 70 3.5% $28.30
4 68 3.0% $33.70
5 --- --- ---
6 74 5.0% $20.10
7 60 1.5% $67.10
8 64 2.1% $47.50
9 85 12.8% $7.80
10 65 2.3% $43.60
11 72 4.2% $23.90
12 64 2.1% $47.50
13 68 3.0% $33.70
14 72 4.2% $23.90
15 76 5.9% $16.90
16 100 46.7% $2.10
17 --- --- ---
18 64 2.1% $47.50

13th October 2012, 11:59 AM
ALBY Race 5
1 74 3.1% $32.10
2 --- --- ---
3 100 29.2% $3.40
4 85 8.0% $12.40
5 78 4.4% $22.70
6 69 2.0% $49.40
7 73 2.9% $35.00
8 93 16.0% $6.30
9 65 1.4% $69.70
10 76 3.7% $27.00
11 77 4.0% $24.80
12 93 16.0% $6.30
13 60 0.9% $107.10
14 --- --- ---
15 82 6.2% $16.10
16 69 2.0% $49.40

ALBY Race 6
1 85 5.7% $17.50
2 94 12.4% $8.10
3 --- --- ---
4 --- --- ---
5 100 20.8% $4.80
6 95 13.5% $7.40
7 95 13.5% $7.40
8 79 3.4% $29.30
9 96 14.7% $6.80
10 87 6.8% $14.70
11 74 2.2% $45.10
12 86 6.2% $16.10
13 --- --- ---
14 60 0.7% $150.60

K_GR Race 3
1 86 17.4% $5.80
2 100 58.0% $1.70
3 80 10.4% $9.60
4 71 4.8% $20.90
5 65 2.8% $35.10
6 71 4.8% $20.90
7 --- --- ---
8 60 1.9% $54.00

K_GR Race 7
1 95 20.9% $4.80
2 86 9.6% $10.40
3 99 29.5% $3.40
4 100 32.2% $3.10
5 60 1.0% $97.30
6 --- --- ---
7 --- --- ---
8 77 4.4% $22.50
9 69 2.2% $44.80

MKAY Race 1
1 100 84.6% $1.20
2 --- --- ---
3 78 12.7% $7.90
4 60 2.7% $37.00

MKAY Race 4
1 89 20.5% $4.90
2 70 4.0% $25.10
3 100 52.8% $1.90
4 60 1.7% $59.30
5 73 5.2% $19.40
6 86 15.8% $6.30

MKAY Race 5
1 100 39.0% $2.60
2 86 11.7% $8.60
3 100 39.0% $2.60
4 78 5.9% $17.00
5 71 3.2% $31.10
6 60 1.2% $80.30

GCST Race 4
1 100 30.8% $3.20
2 74 3.3% $30.40
3 95 20.0% $5.00
4 86 9.2% $10.80
5 60 1.0% $101.60
6 79 5.1% $19.80
7 78 4.6% $21.60
8 98 25.9% $3.90

GCST Race 5
1 97 33.2% $3.00
2 100 43.0% $2.30
3 60 1.4% $72.80
4 85 11.8% $8.50
5 --- --- ---
6 74 4.6% $21.80
7 --- --- ---
8 69 3.0% $33.50
9 69 3.0% $33.50

GCST Race 6
1 83 10.3% $9.70
2 --- --- ---
3 82 9.4% $10.60
4 72 4.0% $25.10
5 --- --- ---
6 60 1.4% $70.50
7 80 7.9% $12.60
8 100 44.4% $2.30
9 85 12.2% $8.20
10 83 10.3% $9.70

16th October 2012, 06:34 AM
How goes it AP?
Been too busy to do much on it myself.

20th October 2012, 10:26 AM

Way too many balls in the air at the moment :eek:

20th October 2012, 10:30 AM
Other venues to follow.

RAND Race 2
1 91 12.8% $7.80
2 100 27.7% $3.60
3 60 0.9% $113.20
4 86 8.3% $12.10
5 87 9.0% $11.10
6 71 2.3% $43.90
7 65 1.4% $73.60
8 98 23.3% $4.30
9 87 9.0% $11.10
10 81 5.4% $18.60

RAND Race 3
1 87 10.0% $10.00
2 94 18.3% $5.50
3 60 1.0% $101.90
4 73 3.0% $33.30
5 73 3.0% $33.30
6 69 2.1% $47.00
7 69 2.1% $47.00
8 100 30.7% $3.30
9 93 16.8% $5.90
10 80 5.5% $18.20
11 78 4.6% $21.60
12 72 2.8% $36.30

RAND Race 4
1 99 19.9% $5.00
2 78 3.3% $30.60
3 76 2.8% $36.30
4 96 15.4% $6.50
5 81 4.2% $23.60
6 87 7.1% $14.10
7 100 21.7% $4.60
8 85 6.0% $16.70
9 60 0.7% $144.10
10 72 1.9% $51.30
11 65 1.1% $93.70
12 78 3.3% $30.60
13 93 11.9% $8.40
14 61 0.8% $132.20

RAND Race 5
1 --- --- ---
2 60 1.9% $52.50
3 76 7.5% $13.20
4 100 59.6% $1.70
5 79 9.8% $10.20
6 80 10.7% $9.40
7 74 6.4% $15.70
8 61 2.1% $48.20
9 --- --- ---
10 61 2.1% $48.20

RAND Race 6
1 100 23.0% $4.30
2 94 13.7% $7.30
3 87 7.5% $13.30
4 78 3.5% $28.90
5 80 4.1% $24.30
6 76 2.9% $34.30
7 99 21.1% $4.70
8 74 2.5% $40.80
9 --- --- ---
10 74 2.5% $40.80
11 80 4.1% $24.30
12 91 10.6% $9.40
13 73 2.2% $44.50
14 69 1.6% $62.70
15 60 0.7% $136.20

RAND Race 7
1 77 7.1% $14.00
2 71 4.3% $23.50
3 65 2.5% $39.40
4 79 8.5% $11.80
5 --- --- ---
6 65 2.5% $39.40
7 --- --- ---
8 100 51.7% $1.90
9 60 1.7% $60.60
10 79 8.5% $11.80
11 67 3.0% $33.20
12 71 4.3% $23.50
13 75 6.0% $16.70

RAND Race 8
1 82 9.3% $10.80
2 60 1.4% $71.80
3 67 2.5% $39.30
4 90 18.4% $5.40
5 66 2.3% $42.80
6 73 4.3% $23.40
7 100 43.6% $2.30
8 61 1.5% $65.90
9 72 3.9% $25.60
10 67 2.5% $39.30
11 65 2.1% $46.70
12 72 3.9% $25.60
13 63 1.8% $55.50
14 66 2.3% $42.80

CAUL Race 5
1 --- --- ---
2 67 2.8% $35.90
3 60 1.5% $65.60
4 80 8.5% $11.70
5 100 47.7% $2.10
6 --- --- ---
7 82 10.1% $9.90
8 62 1.8% $55.20
9 73 4.7% $21.40
10 65 2.3% $42.60
11 77 6.6% $15.20
12 79 7.8% $12.80
13 76 6.0% $16.50

CAUL Race 6
1 82 10.0% $10.00
2 64 2.1% $47.30
3 100 46.9% $2.10
4 77 6.5% $15.40
5 76 5.9% $16.80
6 76 5.9% $16.80
7 77 6.5% $15.40
8 77 6.5% $15.40
9 60 1.5% $66.80
10 76 5.9% $16.80
11 65 2.3% $43.40

CAUL Race 7
1 68 2.9% $34.10
2 79 7.6% $13.20
3 69 3.2% $31.30
4 82 9.8% $10.20
5 100 46.1% $2.20
6 90 19.5% $5.10
7 --- --- ---
8 71 3.8% $26.40
9 --- --- ---
10 65 2.3% $44.20
11 60 1.5% $68.00
12 70 3.5% $28.70

CAUL Race 8
1 74 2.6% $37.90
2 74 2.6% $37.90
3 60 0.8% $126.40
4 61 0.9% $116.00
5 91 11.4% $8.80
6 81 4.8% $20.70
7 --- --- ---
8 60 0.8% $126.40
9 96 17.6% $5.70
10 79 4.1% $24.60
11 80 4.4% $22.60
12 100 24.8% $4.00
13 85 6.8% $14.70
14 63 1.0% $97.70
15 92 12.4% $8.00
16 69 1.7% $58.30
17 67 1.4% $69.20
18 61 0.9% $116.00
19 62 0.9% $106.40

CAUL Race 9
1 100 26.0% $3.90
2 91 12.0% $8.40
3 84 6.5% $15.30
4 100 26.0% $3.90
5 78 3.9% $25.60
6 72 2.3% $42.90
7 75 3.0% $33.20
8 77 3.6% $27.90
9 60 0.8% $120.70
10 81 5.1% $19.80
11 84 6.5% $15.30
12 64 1.2% $85.50
13 72 2.3% $42.90
14 60 0.8% $120.70

CAUL Race 10
1 92 12.3% $8.10
2 99 22.5% $4.40
3 100 24.6% $4.10
4 80 4.4% $22.80
5 79 4.0% $24.80
6 87 8.0% $12.50
7 83 5.7% $17.60
8 82 5.2% $19.20
9 68 1.6% $64.00
10 67 1.4% $69.80
11 79 4.0% $24.80
12 78 3.7% $27.10
13 69 1.7% $58.70
14 60 0.8% $127.50

MORP Race 1
1 86 14.9% $6.70
2 100 49.9% $2.00
3 92 25.0% $4.00
4 76 6.3% $15.80
5 64 2.2% $44.50
6 --- --- ---
7 60 1.6% $62.80

MORP Race 3
1 86 8.8% $11.40
2 98 24.6% $4.10
3 86 8.8% $11.40
4 85 8.0% $12.50
5 --- --- ---
6 --- --- ---
7 100 29.2% $3.40
8 85 8.0% $12.50
9 73 2.9% $35.00
10 79 4.8% $20.90
11 77 4.0% $24.80
12 --- --- ---
13 60 0.9% $107.20

MORP Race 4
1 --- --- ---
2 60 1.4% $69.50
3 63 1.9% $53.70
4 83 10.4% $9.60
5 60 1.4% $69.50
6 --- --- ---
7 92 22.6% $4.40
8 100 45.1% $2.20
9 70 3.4% $29.40
10 80 8.1% $12.40
11 76 5.7% $17.50

MORP Race 5
1 65 1.8% $56.90
2 71 2.9% $33.90
3 82 7.6% $13.20
4 92 18.0% $5.60
5 70 2.7% $37.00
6 60 1.1% $87.50
7 100 35.8% $2.80
8 98 30.1% $3.30

MORP Race 6
1 67 2.0% $49.50
2 91 16.0% $6.30
3 86 10.4% $9.60
4 79 5.7% $17.60
5 100 34.7% $2.90
6 76 4.4% $22.80
7 87 11.3% $8.80
8 83 8.0% $12.50
9 66 1.9% $53.90
10 69 2.4% $41.60
11 60 1.1% $90.40
12 68 2.2% $45.40

MORP Race 7
1 72 2.7% $36.50
2 68 1.9% $51.50
3 81 6.0% $16.80
4 89 11.8% $8.40
5 --- --- ---
6 91 14.1% $7.10
7 73 3.0% $33.50
8 70 2.3% $43.30
9 66 1.6% $61.10
10 86 9.2% $10.90
11 87 10.0% $10.00
12 75 3.5% $28.20
13 100 30.6% $3.30
14 70 2.3% $43.30
15 60 1.0% $102.50

MORP Race 8
1 85 6.0% $16.70
2 82 4.6% $21.60
3 94 13.0% $7.70
4 71 1.8% $55.70
5 95 14.2% $7.10
6 --- --- ---
7 88 7.8% $12.90
8 75 2.5% $39.50
9 78 3.3% $30.50
10 100 21.8% $4.60
11 86 6.5% $15.30
12 75 2.5% $39.50
13 90 9.2% $10.90
14 60 0.7% $143.70
15 77 3.0% $33.20
16 67 1.3% $78.60
17 71 1.8% $55.70

EFRM Race 2
1 100 41.2% $2.40
2 97 31.8% $3.10
3 90 17.4% $5.70
4 71 3.4% $29.50
5 75 4.8% $20.90
6 60 1.3% $76.00

EFRM Race 4
1 100 39.4% $2.50
2 91 18.1% $5.50
3 87 12.9% $7.80
4 78 5.9% $16.90
5 60 1.3% $79.50
6 74 4.2% $23.80
7 88 14.0% $7.10
8 65 1.9% $51.70
9 67 2.3% $43.50

EFRM Race 5
1 74 3.4% $29.30
2 85 8.8% $11.40
3 87 10.5% $9.60
4 80 5.7% $17.50
5 94 19.1% $5.20
6 100 32.0% $3.10
7 74 3.4% $29.30
8 60 1.0% $97.80
9 81 6.2% $16.00
10 75 3.7% $26.90
11 76 4.1% $24.70
12 68 2.0% $49.10

EFRM Race 6
1 73 2.9% $34.90
2 90 12.4% $8.10
3 85 8.0% $12.40
4 88 10.4% $9.60
5 96 20.7% $4.80
6 60 0.9% $107.00
7 67 1.7% $58.50
8 100 29.3% $3.40
9 78 4.4% $22.70
10 80 5.2% $19.10
11 69 2.0% $49.30
12 60 0.9% $107.00
13 61 1.0% $98.10

EFRM Race 7
1 65 1.3% $74.10
2 98 23.1% $4.30
3 77 3.8% $26.40
4 94 16.4% $6.10
5 93 15.0% $6.60
6 100 27.5% $3.60
7 79 4.5% $22.20
8 70 2.1% $48.20
9 81 5.4% $18.70
10 60 0.9% $114.00

EFRM Race 8
1 100 35.1% $2.80
2 60 1.1% $89.10
3 72 3.2% $31.70
4 69 2.4% $41.10
5 94 21.0% $4.80
6 69 2.4% $41.10
7 64 1.6% $63.20
8 69 2.4% $41.10
9 79 5.8% $17.40
10 60 1.1% $89.10
11 75 4.1% $24.50
12 81 6.8% $14.60
13 63 1.5% $68.80
14 87 11.5% $8.70

20th October 2012, 11:29 AM
NARR Race 4
1 80 9.3% $10.80
2 62 2.0% $50.80
3 73 5.1% $19.70
4 75 6.0% $16.60
5 60 1.7% $60.30
6 76 6.6% $15.20
7 71 4.3% $23.40
8 67 3.0% $33.00
9 100 51.9% $1.90
10 72 4.7% $21.50
11 74 5.5% $18.10

BDGO Race 6
1 82 13.2% $7.60
2 100 62.2% $1.60
3 74 6.6% $15.10
4 60 2.0% $50.40
5 61 2.2% $46.20
6 62 2.4% $42.40
7 78 9.4% $10.70
8 --- --- ---
9 61 2.2% $46.20

ROCK Race 1
1 60 2.0% $49.40
2 88 22.6% $4.40
3 74 6.8% $14.80
4 100 63.4% $1.60
5 71 5.2% $19.20

ROCK Race 2
1 86 12.8% $7.80
2 86 12.8% $7.80
3 87 13.9% $7.20
4 100 42.6% $2.30
5 80 7.6% $13.10
6 67 2.5% $40.30
7 62 1.6% $61.90
8 75 4.9% $20.20
9 60 1.4% $73.60

ROCK Race 4
1 100 37.5% $2.70
2 96 26.6% $3.80
3 83 8.7% $11.50
4 85 10.3% $9.70
5 65 1.8% $54.30
6 79 6.1% $16.30
7 60 1.2% $83.60
8 64 1.7% $59.20
9 79 6.1% $16.30

NCLE Race 1
1 100 46.4% $2.20
2 65 2.3% $43.90
3 95 30.2% $3.30
4 88 16.5% $6.10
5 69 3.2% $31.10
6 60 1.5% $67.50

NCLE Race 4
1 75 5.1% $19.60
2 92 22.1% $4.50
3 100 44.0% $2.30
4 --- --- ---
5 78 6.6% $15.10
6 84 11.1% $9.00
7 71 3.6% $27.60
8 77 6.1% $16.50
9 60 1.4% $71.20

BOWR Race 2
1 72 4.3% $23.40
2 100 47.7% $2.10
3 91 22.0% $4.60
4 67 2.8% $36.00
5 60 1.5% $65.70
6 61 1.7% $60.30
7 85 13.1% $7.60
8 75 5.5% $18.10
9 --- --- ---
10 60 1.5% $65.70

BOWR Race 5
1 98 25.7% $3.90
2 100 30.5% $3.30
3 60 1.0% $102.70
4 99 28.0% $3.60
5 76 3.9% $25.90
6 78 4.6% $21.80
7 73 3.0% $33.50
8 68 1.9% $51.60
9 65 1.5% $66.80

GCST Race 2
1 100 51.9% $1.90
2 86 15.5% $6.40
3 --- --- ---
4 94 30.9% $3.20
5 60 1.7% $60.40

GCST Race 3
1 71 5.6% $18.00
2 62 2.6% $39.00
3 87 22.1% $4.50
4 100 67.6% $1.50
5 60 2.2% $46.30

GCST Race 4
1 85 16.2% $6.20
2 --- --- ---
3 100 59.1% $1.70
4 60 1.9% $53.00
5 84 14.9% $6.70
6 73 5.8% $17.30
7 61 2.1% $48.60

20th October 2012, 02:06 PM
ASCT Race 1
1 95 18.3% $5.50
2 100 28.1% $3.60
3 97 21.7% $4.60
4 86 8.4% $11.90
5 --- --- ---
6 94 16.8% $6.00
7 60 0.9% $111.50
8 60 0.9% $111.50
9 80 5.0% $19.90

ASCT Race 2
1 97 31.8% $3.10
2 100 41.1% $2.40
3 70 3.1% $32.20
4 84 10.4% $9.60
5 70 3.1% $32.20
6 60 1.3% $76.20
7 73 4.0% $24.90
8 68 2.6% $38.30
9 68 2.6% $38.30

ASCT Race 3
1 95 15.1% $6.60
2 93 12.7% $7.90
3 72 2.1% $48.10
4 83 5.4% $18.60
5 100 23.2% $4.30
6 72 2.1% $48.10
7 93 12.7% $7.90
8 81 4.5% $22.20
9 90 9.8% $10.20
10 60 0.7% $135.10
11 65 1.1% $87.90
12 91 10.7% $9.40

20th October 2012, 03:33 PM
ASCT Race 5
1 86 3.8% $26.10
2 94 7.6% $13.10
3 100 12.8% $7.80
4 96 9.1% $11.00
5 93 7.0% $14.30
6 100 12.8% $7.80
7 --- --- ---
8 93 7.0% $14.30
9 98 10.8% $9.30
10 91 5.9% $17.00
11 95 8.3% $12.00
12 87 4.2% $24.00
13 81 2.5% $40.20
14 60 0.4% $245.10
15 75 1.5% $67.40
16 84 3.2% $31.00
17 84 3.2% $31.00

ASCT Race 6
1 79 7.8% $12.70
2 74 5.1% $19.60
3 --- --- ---
4 63 2.0% $50.50
5 100 47.9% $2.10
6 65 2.4% $42.50
7 87 15.6% $6.40
8 --- --- ---
9 66 2.6% $39.00
10 85 13.2% $7.60
11 63 2.0% $50.50
12 60 1.5% $65.40

ASCT Race 7
1 100 26.6% $3.80
2 92 13.4% $7.50
3 86 8.0% $12.50
4 81 5.2% $19.30
5 75 3.1% $32.30
6 74 2.8% $35.30
7 70 2.0% $49.70
8 96 18.9% $5.30
9 60 0.8% $117.70
10 81 5.2% $19.30
11 68 1.7% $59.10
12 78 4.0% $25.00
13 77 3.7% $27.20
14 69 1.8% $54.20
15 74 2.8% $35.30

ASCT Race 8
1 60 0.8% $125.70
2 100 24.9% $4.00
3 88 8.9% $11.30
4 90 10.5% $9.50
5 --- --- ---
6 62 0.9% $105.80
7 82 5.3% $18.90
8 63 1.0% $97.10
9 68 1.6% $63.10
10 66 1.3% $75.00
11 85 6.8% $14.60
12 81 4.9% $20.60
13 87 8.1% $12.30
14 76 3.2% $31.70
15 94 14.9% $6.70
16 85 6.8% $14.60

ASCT Race 9
1 100 24.8% $4.00
2 85 6.8% $14.70
3 75 2.9% $34.80
4 60 0.8% $126.50
5 82 5.3% $19.00
6 87 8.1% $12.40
7 64 1.1% $89.60
8 85 6.8% $14.70
9 --- --- ---
10 65 1.2% $82.30
11 74 2.6% $37.90
12 85 6.8% $14.70
13 91 11.4% $8.80
14 82 5.3% $19.00
15 75 2.9% $34.80
16 89 9.6% $10.40
17 --- --- ---
18 78 3.7% $26.90

TWBA Race 1
1 85 10.7% $9.40
2 100 38.9% $2.60
3 --- --- ---
4 99 35.6% $2.80
5 76 4.9% $20.30
6 76 4.9% $20.30
7 67 2.3% $44.10
8 62 1.5% $67.80
9 60 1.2% $80.60

TWBA Race 2
1 100 39.8% $2.50
2 90 16.8% $5.90
3 86 11.9% $8.40
4 81 7.8% $12.90
5 87 13.0% $7.70
6 73 3.9% $25.70
7 74 4.2% $23.60
8 60 1.3% $78.70
9 60 1.3% $78.70

TWBA Race 6
1 79 13.3% $7.50
2 --- --- ---
3 62 3.1% $32.50
4 --- --- ---
5 60 2.6% $38.60
6 100 81.0% $1.20

27th October 2012, 11:24 AM
This is it for today. Enjoy. :)

RHIL Race 3
1 100 41.0% $2.40
2 64 1.8% $54.20
3 95 26.6% $3.80
4 60 1.3% $76.50
5 91 18.9% $5.30
6 79 6.7% $14.90
7 72 3.7% $27.20

RHIL Race 5
1 91 14.3% $7.00
2 100 31.1% $3.20
3 61 1.1% $92.40
4 81 6.1% $16.50
5 83 7.2% $13.90
6 71 2.6% $39.10
7 100 31.1% $3.20
8 60 1.0% $100.70
9 69 2.2% $46.40
10 66 1.7% $60.10
11 67 1.8% $55.10

RHIL Race 6
1 100 39.3% $2.50
2 62 1.5% $67.10
3 64 1.8% $56.50
4 77 5.4% $18.40
5 87 12.8% $7.80
6 61 1.4% $73.10
7 72 3.5% $28.40
8 87 12.8% $7.80
9 71 3.2% $30.90
10 72 3.5% $28.40
11 60 1.3% $79.70
12 80 7.0% $14.20
13 79 6.4% $15.50

RHIL Race 7
1 98 18.4% $5.40
2 80 3.9% $25.50
3 97 16.9% $5.90
4 94 13.1% $7.70
5 60 0.7% $142.90
6 83 5.1% $19.70
7 88 7.8% $12.80
8 --- --- ---
9 73 2.1% $46.70
10 69 1.5% $65.80
11 100 21.9% $4.60
12 89 8.5% $11.80

RHIL Race 8
1 --- --- ---
2 60 1.2% $80.20
3 100 39.1% $2.60
4 67 2.3% $43.90
5 68 2.5% $40.30
6 71 3.2% $31.10
7 --- --- ---
8 79 6.4% $15.60
9 89 15.2% $6.60
10 --- --- ---
11 87 12.8% $7.80
12 75 4.5% $22.00
13 --- --- ---
14 83 9.0% $11.10
15 73 3.8% $26.20

M_V_ Race 2
1 93 26.1% $3.80
2 83 11.0% $9.10
3 100 47.6% $2.10
4 60 1.5% $65.70
5 --- --- ---
6 64 2.1% $46.60
7 72 4.3% $23.40
8 68 3.0% $33.00
9 72 4.3% $23.40

M_V_ Race 3
1 88 20.8% $4.80
2 75 6.8% $14.70
3 100 58.5% $1.70
4 60 1.9% $53.50
5 75 6.8% $14.70
6 61 2.0% $49.10
7 66 3.1% $31.90

M_V_ Race 6
1 60 1.5% $68.70
2 80 8.1% $12.30
3 75 5.3% $18.90
4 87 14.9% $6.70
5 100 45.6% $2.20
6 --- --- ---
7 78 6.9% $14.60
8 60 1.5% $68.70
9 85 12.5% $8.00
10 --- --- ---
11 71 3.8% $26.60

M_V_ Race 7
1 100 35.1% $2.90
2 97 27.1% $3.70
3 66 1.9% $53.30
4 60 1.1% $89.30
5 73 3.4% $29.20
6 94 20.9% $4.80
7 86 10.5% $9.50

M_V_ Race 8
1 94 13.7% $7.30
2 74 2.5% $40.80
3 67 1.3% $74.50
4 93 12.6% $7.90
5 68 1.5% $68.40
6 60 0.7% $136.10
7 71 1.9% $52.80
8 69 1.6% $62.70
9 100 23.0% $4.30
10 90 9.7% $10.30
11 70 1.7% $57.50
12 97 17.8% $5.60
13 90 9.7% $10.30
14 73 2.2% $44.40

M_V_ Race 9
1 100 42.1% $2.40
2 87 13.8% $7.30
3 84 10.6% $9.40
4 80 7.5% $13.30
5 88 15.0% $6.70
6 77 5.8% $17.20
7 60 1.3% $74.30
8 --- --- ---
9 72 3.8% $26.40

DOOM Race 2
1 60 1.0% $100.00
2 --- --- ---
3 94 18.7% $5.40
4 86 9.4% $10.70
5 99 28.7% $3.50
6 82 6.6% $15.00
7 100 31.3% $3.20
8 --- --- ---
9 71 2.6% $38.80
10 66 1.7% $59.70

DOOM Race 3
1 67 1.8% $55.70
2 100 30.8% $3.30
3 63 1.3% $78.70
4 89 11.9% $8.40
5 98 25.9% $3.90
6 93 16.8% $5.90
7 62 1.2% $85.70
8 61 1.1% $93.40
9 60 1.0% $101.80
10 74 3.3% $30.50
11 79 5.0% $19.80

DOOM Race 4
1 71 3.9% $25.80
2 100 47.0% $2.10
3 92 23.6% $4.20
4 89 18.2% $5.50
5 71 3.9% $25.80
6 63 1.9% $51.50
7 60 1.5% $66.60

DOOM Race 5
1 97 29.3% $3.40
2 60 1.2% $82.50
3 83 8.8% $11.40
4 100 38.0% $2.60
5 81 7.4% $13.50
6 69 2.6% $38.00
7 64 1.7% $58.50
8 76 4.8% $20.80
9 62 1.4% $69.50
10 61 1.3% $75.70
11 63 1.6% $63.70
12 65 1.9% $53.60

DOOM Race 6[/B]
1 97 22.6% $4.40
2 --- --- ---
3 78 4.4% $22.70
4 92 14.7% $6.80
5 67 1.7% $58.60
6 89 11.4% $8.80
7 83 6.8% $14.80
8 100 29.3% $3.40
9 --- --- ---
10 60 0.9% $107.00
11 77 4.0% $24.80
12 62 1.1% $90.10
13 74 3.1% $32.10

DOOM Race 7
1 66 2.1% $47.40
2 88 14.0% $7.10
3 69 2.7% $36.60
4 60 1.3% $79.40
5 --- --- ---
6 --- --- ---
7 67 2.3% $43.50
8 --- --- ---
9 97 30.5% $3.30
10 81 7.7% $13.00
11 100 39.4% $2.50

DOOM Race 8
1 89 9.9% $10.10
2 84 6.4% $15.60
3 94 15.2% $6.60
4 78 3.8% $26.10
5 85 7.0% $14.30
6 82 5.4% $18.50
7 94 15.2% $6.60
8 100 25.5% $3.90
9 74 2.7% $36.80
10 79 4.2% $23.90
11 --- --- ---
12 78 3.8% $26.10
13 60 0.8% $122.90

MORP Race 2
1 90 15.5% $6.40
2 91 16.9% $5.90
3 100 36.8% $2.70
4 89 14.3% $7.00
5 60 1.2% $85.20
6 81 7.2% $14.00
7 71 3.0% $33.00
8 72 3.3% $30.30
9 65 1.8% $55.40

MORP Race 4
1 99 31.7% $3.20
2 82 7.3% $13.60
3 76 4.4% $22.90
4 100 34.5% $2.90
5 --- --- ---
6 60 1.1% $90.60
7 82 7.3% $13.60
8 88 12.3% $8.10
9 62 1.3% $76.30

MORP Race 5
1 100 39.4% $2.50
2 90 16.7% $6.00
3 89 15.3% $6.50
4 --- --- ---
5 92 19.8% $5.10
6 67 2.3% $43.50
7 72 3.5% $28.30
8 64 1.8% $56.30
9 60 1.3% $79.50

MORP Race 6
1 88 14.8% $6.70
2 86 12.5% $8.00
3 82 8.8% $11.30
4 60 1.3% $75.20
5 77 5.8% $17.40
6 --- --- ---
7 100 41.7% $2.40
8 73 4.1% $24.50
9 78 6.3% $16.00
10 71 3.4% $29.20
11 60 1.3% $75.20

MORP Race 7
1 72 4.0% $25.10
2 --- --- ---
3 88 15.8% $6.30
4 78 6.7% $15.00
5 79 7.3% $13.70
6 67 2.6% $38.60
7 72 4.0% $25.10
8 73 4.3% $23.00
9 60 1.4% $70.60
10 100 44.4% $2.30
11 68 2.8% $35.40
12 74 4.7% $21.10
13 --- --- ---
14 64 2.0% $50.00

MORP Race 8
1 88 12.2% $8.20
2 60 1.1% $91.50
3 100 34.2% $2.90
4 78 5.1% $19.40
5 90 14.5% $6.90
6 87 11.2% $8.90
7 85 9.4% $10.60
8 80 6.1% $16.30
9 66 1.8% $54.60
10 76 4.3% $23.10

K_GR Race 6
1 85 12.3% $8.10
2 100 44.9% $2.20
3 --- --- ---
4 88 16.0% $6.30
5 85 12.3% $8.10
6 71 3.7% $27.00
7 --- --- ---
8 72 4.0% $24.80
9 75 5.2% $19.20
10 60 1.4% $69.70

TOWN Race 3
1 100 38.0% $2.60
2 91 17.5% $5.70
3 97 29.3% $3.40
4 72 3.4% $29.30
5 81 7.4% $13.50
6 71 3.1% $32.00
7 60 1.2% $82.40

TOWN Race 4
1 100 61.4% $1.60
2 75 7.1% $14.00
3 73 6.0% $16.70
4 60 2.0% $51.00
5 74 6.5% $15.30
6 77 8.5% $11.80
7 77 8.5% $11.80

TOWN Race 5
1 97 27.4% $3.60
2 100 35.5% $2.80
3 86 10.6% $9.40
4 73 3.5% $28.80
5 60 1.1% $88.20
6 78 5.3% $18.70
7 86 10.6% $9.40
8 72 3.2% $31.40
9 70 2.7% $37.30

TOWN Race 6
1 100 35.7% $2.80
2 99 32.8% $3.00
3 88 12.7% $7.90
4 79 5.9% $17.10
5 78 5.4% $18.60
6 80 6.4% $15.70
7 60 1.1% $87.60

ALBY Race 7
1 77 7.9% $12.60
2 100 57.5% $1.70
3 --- --- ---
4 78 8.6% $11.60
5 75 6.7% $15.00
6 64 2.6% $38.60
7 --- --- ---
8 60 1.8% $54.50
9 81 11.2% $8.90
10 --- --- ---
11 68 3.7% $27.40

ARMI Race 6
1 100 36.7% $2.70
2 83 8.5% $11.80
3 85 10.1% $9.90
4 99 33.7% $3.00
5 68 2.3% $42.80
6 70 2.8% $36.00
7 67 2.1% $46.70
8 60 1.2% $85.30
9 69 2.5% $39.30

GCST Race 4
1 91 20.0% $5.00
2 76 5.5% $18.20
3 100 43.4% $2.30
4 88 15.5% $6.50
5 87 14.2% $7.00
6 --- --- ---
7 --- --- ---
8 60 1.4% $72.10

GCST Race 7
1 91 15.0% $6.70
2 100 32.5% $3.10
3 72 2.9% $34.30
4 73 3.2% $31.50
5 74 3.5% $28.90
6 91 15.0% $6.70
7 96 23.0% $4.30
8 60 1.0% $96.40
9 68 2.1% $48.40
10 67 1.9% $52.80

GCST Race 8
1 60 0.8% $123.80
2 88 9.0% $11.10
3 100 25.3% $4.00
4 87 8.3% $12.10
5 93 13.8% $7.20
6 95 16.5% $6.10
7 63 1.0% $95.60
8 62 1.0% $104.20
9 84 6.4% $15.70
10 96 17.9% $5.60

27th October 2012, 01:32 PM
Interesting to see that the crowd has all but abandoned Pierro in the Cox Plate with him drifting out to over $7.0 on all the totes - oh to have layed
him at around even money just a couple weeks ago.

27th October 2012, 04:21 PM
Yep well good value on the winner with it being the top pick for the Crowd Ratings. ;)

3rd November 2012, 09:44 AM
The early venues.

FLEM Race 2
1 100 28.1% $3.60
2 83 6.5% $15.40
3 79 4.6% $21.70
4 84 7.1% $14.10
5 60 0.9% $111.30
6 92 14.1% $7.10
7 86 8.4% $11.90
8 75 3.3% $30.60
9 78 4.2% $23.60
10 62 1.1% $93.70
11 73 2.8% $36.40
12 94 16.8% $6.00
13 70 2.1% $47.10

FLEM Race 5
1 69 3.4% $29.20
2 78 7.4% $13.50
3 84 12.5% $8.00
4 88 17.6% $5.70
5 71 4.1% $24.60
6 60 1.6% $63.40
7 100 49.4% $2.00
8 71 4.1% $24.60

FLEM Race 6
1 100 38.2% $2.60
2 77 5.3% $18.90
3 81 7.4% $13.40
4 86 11.5% $8.70
5 82 8.1% $12.30
6 71 3.1% $31.80
7 73 3.7% $26.70
8 79 6.3% $15.90
9 70 2.9% $34.60
10 65 1.9% $53.20
11 70 2.9% $34.60
12 66 2.0% $48.80
13 66 2.0% $48.80
14 65 1.9% $53.20
15 60 1.2% $81.90
16 62 1.5% $68.90

FLEM Race 7
1 97 20.6% $4.90
2 100 26.6% $3.80
3 91 12.3% $8.10
4 95 17.3% $5.80
5 83 6.2% $16.20
6 81 5.2% $19.30
7 70 2.0% $49.70
8 60 0.9% $117.50
9 63 1.1% $90.80
10 77 3.7% $27.20
11 67 1.6% $64.30
12 68 1.7% $59.00
13 61 0.9% $107.80

FLEM Race 8
1 88 9.4% $10.70
2 92 13.2% $7.60
3 100 26.3% $3.80
4 83 6.1% $16.40
5 90 11.1% $9.00
6 98 22.2% $4.50
7 69 1.8% $54.80
8 --- --- ---
9 80 4.7% $21.20
10 64 1.2% $84.20
11 70 2.0% $50.20
12 60 0.8% $118.90
13 63 1.1% $91.80

FLEM Race 9
1 66 3.1% $31.80
2 --- --- ---
3 79 9.6% $10.40
4 100 58.7% $1.70
5 82 12.5% $8.00
6 --- --- ---
7 72 5.3% $19.00
8 60 1.9% $53.40
9 68 3.7% $26.80
10 72 5.3% $19.00

BLNA Race 2
1 75 6.0% $16.70
2 67 3.0% $33.30
3 69 3.6% $28.00
4 89 20.0% $5.00
5 60 1.6% $60.80
6 80 9.2% $10.90
7 63 2.1% $47.00
8 67 3.0% $33.30
9 --- --- ---
10 100 51.5% $1.90

3rd November 2012, 11:02 AM
This is it for today. There'll be a special Cup Day posting but that's it for now. Need to start working on what this all is.

RHIL Race 3
1 100 29.9% $3.30
2 95 19.4% $5.10
3 75 3.5% $28.80
4 87 9.8% $10.20
5 84 7.5% $13.30
6 83 6.9% $14.50
7 64 1.3% $74.20
8 83 6.9% $14.50
9 91 13.8% $7.30
10 60 1.0% $104.80

RHIL Race 4
1 76 5.1% $19.80
2 86 12.0% $8.40
3 79 6.6% $15.30
4 100 40.0% $2.50
5 66 2.1% $46.70
6 --- --- ---
7 88 14.2% $7.00
8 64 1.8% $55.50
9 69 2.8% $36.10
10 88 14.2% $7.00
11 --- --- ---
12 60 1.3% $78.30

RHIL Race 5
1 --- --- ---
2 83 10.9% $9.20
3 77 6.5% $15.40
4 83 10.9% $9.20
5 82 10.0% $10.00
6 76 6.0% $16.80
7 100 47.1% $2.10
8 78 7.1% $14.10
9 60 1.5% $66.50

RHIL Race 6
1 68 2.9% $34.00
2 95 30.1% $3.30
3 60 1.5% $67.70
4 --- --- ---
5 --- --- ---
6 84 11.7% $8.60
7 100 46.3% $2.20
8 71 3.8% $26.30
9 60 1.5% $67.70
10 --- --- ---
11 65 2.3% $44.00

RHIL Race 7
1 67 2.8% $35.80
2 65 2.4% $42.50
3 77 6.6% $15.10
4 100 47.9% $2.10
5 --- --- ---
6 76 6.1% $16.50
7 --- --- ---
8 88 17.1% $5.90
9 87 15.6% $6.40
10 60 1.5% $65.30

RHIL Race 8
1 60 1.0% $101.30
2 89 12.0% $8.30
3 80 5.5% $18.10
4 100 30.9% $3.20
5 75 3.6% $27.80
6 89 12.0% $8.30
7 92 15.5% $6.40
8 69 2.1% $46.70
9 89 12.0% $8.30
10 69 2.1% $46.70
11 69 2.1% $46.70
12 61 1.1% $93.00

EFRM Race 2
1 96 24.9% $4.00
2 86 10.5% $9.50
3 100 35.2% $2.80
4 95 22.9% $4.40
5 78 5.3% $18.90
6 60 1.1% $89.00

EFRM Race 3
1 95 18.0% $5.60
2 100 27.6% $3.60
3 87 9.0% $11.10
4 76 3.5% $28.60
5 100 27.6% $3.60
6 88 9.8% $10.20
7 76 3.5% $28.60
8 --- --- ---
9 60 0.9% $113.30

EFRM Race 4
1 100 44.7% $2.20
2 70 3.4% $29.60
3 93 24.5% $4.10
4 68 2.8% $35.10
5 64 2.0% $49.60
6 64 2.0% $49.60
7 60 1.4% $70.00
8 67 2.6% $38.30
9 75 5.2% $19.20
10 84 11.3% $8.90

EFRM Race 5
1 74 2.5% $40.50
2 100 23.2% $4.30
3 85 6.4% $15.70
4 94 13.8% $7.20
5 95 15.1% $6.60
6 96 16.4% $6.10
7 60 0.7% $135.10
8 83 5.4% $18.60
9 88 8.2% $12.10
10 81 4.5% $22.20
11 66 1.2% $80.60
12 70 1.8% $57.10
13 61 0.8% $124.00

EFRM Race 6
1 --- --- ---
2 78 2.8% $35.20
3 96 13.4% $7.50
4 100 18.9% $5.30
5 96 13.4% $7.50
6 79 3.1% $32.30
7 73 1.8% $54.10
8 69 1.3% $76.40
9 60 0.6% $165.70
10 96 13.4% $7.50
11 88 6.7% $14.90
12 87 6.2% $16.20
13 90 8.0% $12.50
14 93 10.3% $9.70

EFRM Race 7
1 --- --- ---
2 91 10.9% $9.20
3 98 19.8% $5.00
4 88 8.4% $11.90
5 80 4.2% $23.80
6 84 5.9% $16.80
7 85 6.5% $15.40
8 79 3.9% $25.90
9 80 4.2% $23.80
10 100 23.6% $4.20
11 77 3.3% $30.80
12 73 2.3% $43.40
13 60 0.8% $132.90
14 67 1.4% $72.80
15 82 5.0% $20.00

EFRM Race 8
1 94 13.4% $7.40
2 91 10.4% $9.60
3 87 7.4% $13.60
4 60 0.7% $139.10
5 89 8.7% $11.50
6 62 0.9% $117.10
7 100 22.5% $4.40
8 74 2.4% $41.70
9 96 16.0% $6.30
10 71 1.9% $53.90
11 92 11.3% $8.80
12 --- --- ---
13 --- --- ---
14 63 0.9% $107.40
15 60 0.7% $139.10
16 76 2.9% $35.10

MORP Race 1
1 66 2.5% $40.50
2 74 4.9% $20.30
3 60 1.5% $67.90
4 97 35.6% $2.80
5 74 4.9% $20.30
6 73 4.5% $22.20
7 100 46.1% $2.20

MORP Race 2
1 100 40.7% $2.50
2 92 20.4% $4.90
3 --- --- ---
4 78 6.1% $16.30
5 81 7.9% $12.60
6 75 4.7% $21.10
7 91 18.8% $5.30
8 60 1.3% $76.90

MORP Race 4
1 94 16.6% $6.00
2 100 27.8% $3.60
3 88 9.9% $10.10
4 86 8.3% $12.00
5 96 19.7% $5.10
6 85 7.6% $13.10
7 78 4.2% $23.90
8 --- --- ---
9 80 5.0% $20.10
10 60 0.9% $112.60

MORP Race 5
1 97 17.8% $5.60
2 100 23.1% $4.30
3 90 9.8% $10.20
4 82 4.9% $20.40
5 97 17.8% $5.60
6 96 16.4% $6.10
7 83 5.3% $18.70
8 73 2.3% $44.30
9 71 1.9% $52.60
10 60 0.7% $135.70

MORP Race 6
1 76 4.5% $22.20
2 91 16.4% $6.10
3 82 7.5% $13.30
4 65 1.7% $57.30
5 82 7.5% $13.30
6 100 35.5% $2.80
7 --- --- ---
8 71 2.9% $34.20
9 60 1.1% $88.20
10 77 4.9% $20.40
11 69 2.5% $40.60
12 89 13.8% $7.30
13 64 1.6% $62.50

MORP Race 7
1 86 7.4% $13.60
2 100 24.6% $4.10
3 60 0.8% $127.40
4 87 8.0% $12.50
5 85 6.8% $14.80
6 92 12.3% $8.10
7 72 2.2% $45.30
8 70 1.9% $53.90
9 83 5.7% $17.60
10 93 13.5% $7.40
11 80 4.4% $22.80
12 68 1.6% $64.00
13 72 2.2% $45.30
14 80 4.4% $22.80
15 80 4.4% $22.80

6th November 2012, 12:43 AM
Enjoy :)

FLEM Race 2
1 87 6.2% $16.20
2 99 17.4% $5.70
3 84 4.8% $20.90
4 85 5.2% $19.20
5 70 1.4% $69.80
6 96 13.4% $7.40
7 100 19.0% $5.30
8 93 10.4% $9.60
9 85 5.2% $19.20
10 91 8.7% $11.40
11 69 1.3% $76.10
12 73 1.9% $53.90
13 --- --- ---
14 71 1.6% $64.10
15 62 0.7% $139.00
16 75 2.2% $45.40
17 60 0.6% $165.10

FLEM Race 3
1 87 7.8% $12.80
2 68 1.5% $65.60
3 82 5.1% $19.70
4 72 2.1% $46.50
5 92 12.0% $8.30
6 84 6.0% $16.60
7 75 2.8% $35.90
8 87 7.8% $12.80
9 73 2.3% $42.70
10 86 7.2% $13.90
11 100 24.0% $4.20
12 80 4.3% $23.40
13 --- --- ---
14 83 5.5% $18.00
15 89 9.3% $10.80
16 67 1.4% $71.60
17 60 0.8% $130.70

FLEM Race 4
1 97 21.7% $4.60
2 100 28.1% $3.60
3 72 2.5% $39.60
4 80 5.0% $19.90
5 65 1.4% $72.40
6 83 6.5% $15.40
7 82 6.0% $16.80
8 62 1.1% $93.80
9 78 4.2% $23.60
10 60 0.9% $111.40
11 64 1.3% $78.90
12 79 4.6% $21.70
13 78 4.2% $23.60
14 80 5.0% $19.90
15 76 3.6% $28.10
16 77 3.9% $25.80

FLEM Race 7
1 100 21.2% $4.70
2 88 7.6% $13.20
3 72 1.9% $52.50
4 71 1.7% $57.20
5 64 1.0% $104.50
6 78 3.2% $31.30
7 82 4.5% $22.20
8 79 3.5% $28.70
9 73 2.1% $48.10
10 76 2.7% $37.20
11 70 1.6% $62.30
12 73 2.1% $48.10
13 77 2.9% $34.10
14 92 10.7% $9.40
15 85 5.8% $17.10
16 82 4.5% $22.20
17 88 7.6% $13.20
18 71 1.7% $57.20
19 66 1.1% $87.90
20 81 4.1% $24.20
21 67 1.2% $80.70
22 60 0.7% $147.40
23 76 2.7% $37.20
24 80 3.8% $26.30

FLEM Race 8
1 100 29.4% $3.40
2 95 19.1% $5.20
3 --- --- ---
4 85 8.1% $12.40
5 85 8.1% $12.40
6 60 0.9% $106.40
7 91 13.6% $7.40
8 71 2.4% $41.30
9 72 2.6% $37.90
10 64 1.3% $75.40
11 67 1.7% $58.30
12 84 7.4% $13.50
13 80 5.3% $19.00

FLEM Race 9
1 73 2.1% $48.20
2 84 5.3% $18.70
3 100 21.2% $4.70
4 63 0.9% $114.10
5 70 1.6% $62.40
6 93 11.6% $8.60
7 90 9.0% $11.20
8 92 10.6% $9.40
9 72 1.9% $52.60
10 78 3.2% $31.30
11 63 0.9% $114.10
12 78 3.2% $31.30
13 72 1.9% $52.60
14 85 5.8% $17.20
15 67 1.2% $80.80
16 --- --- ---
17 60 0.7% $147.70
18 90 9.0% $11.20
19 --- --- ---
20 77 2.9% $34.20
21 83 4.9% $20.40
22 --- --- ---
23 73 2.1% $48.20

FLEM Race 10
1 64 0.9% $108.10
2 100 20.5% $4.90
3 96 14.6% $6.90
4 60 0.7% $152.50
5 76 2.6% $38.50
6 68 1.3% $76.60
7 82 4.4% $22.90
8 65 1.0% $99.10
9 96 14.6% $6.90
10 84 5.2% $19.30
11 66 1.1% $91.00
12 96 14.6% $6.90
13 81 4.0% $25.00
14 68 1.3% $76.60
15 80 3.7% $27.20
16 83 4.8% $21.00
17 72 1.8% $54.30
18 75 2.4% $41.90
19 --- --- ---
20 61 0.7% $139.90