View Full Version : Favourites Phenomenon System

The Ocho
9th September 2012, 05:31 PM
Has anyone used or heard of the Favourites Phenomenon system?

I believe it is supposed to work on the UK races but I'm not sure if it would work on Australian races.

I ask because I've acquired a copy but it seems that it uses a recovery type set up to win a set amount a day. It's a stop at a winner system (SAW). This, of course, means that the betting amounts grow higher and higher. It does have a stop loss system though which is for various amounts depending on which method you use however with SAW systems, it means that you could go two weeks or more before making up for a losing day.

The reason something like this would suit me is that I could run it off a bot which, after all the rubbish systems I've tried and lost on, is all I want to currently do.

I'm not sure if I should list the rules as it may be against protocol suffice to say it bets (back bets) on certain favourites for a number of races before stopping at a winner or hitting the stop loss.

Has anyone had any experience with this one?

9th September 2012, 06:07 PM
I have no experience with this system.

I would say back test it over 6 months of data and see what you find. Just use the tatts odds if you need to.

Perhaps the money management works , perhaps it doesn't. You won't know or feel comfortable with it till you try.

A few reviews:




All reviews seem to be positive on it. And that is over 3 very different race sets.

If possible could you send me the rules as I can easily back test it on the Australian markets.


The Ocho
9th September 2012, 09:18 PM
Thanks UB. Email sent.

I have already looked at many of the reviews and it looks good but still not positive or if it would be any good for Aussie races.