View Full Version : System with 5.5% POT

6th October 2012, 08:02 PM
Still not good enough POT to dive in with any conviction but it's another one that shows a winning POT

2,148 Selections
250 winners
POT 5.5%

TAB 1 to 6
Barrier 1
Race P'money > $50,000
Runners > 9
SP $4 to $30

6th October 2012, 08:38 PM
This is really good Barny

1. Its a good base for anyone to start on
2. If your a ratings person you can apply, if not you can add more common filters to your likely to increase the POT.
3. You have supported your rules with results.

Nice work

6th October 2012, 08:55 PM
Vortech, I'm actually posting these with you in mind ..... The difference between us is that I'm prepared to accept the risk that a low number of selections in my systems offers. I have a simple system where the number one filter is 100% place ..... As you can imagine, it's not horses that have had only one start, so there's very few bets each year. But if you were at the Flemington races, and you saw a nag that had had say 7 starts for 7 placings (incl the odd win), then you would think that it would run OK, wouldn't you ?? If it was 5 / 1, then that's a good bet for mine. Well they do win, and many times they win when they're "Up in Class" and at good odds too ..... Not many bets, but that's good too, you don't end up chasing your losses.

I'm not a ratings person ..... it might reduce my bets to ************ all !!! lol

BTW, if my systems show a POT each year in VIC then I believe they have legs. You'd be surprised how many good systems don't show a profit in Vic ??!! I discard them .....

6th October 2012, 09:05 PM
What we agree and disagree at the end of the day brings debate to the table. Your threads do give me new ideas that I haven't thought - which is the main idea of a forum.

I'm actually testing a little quiet system at the moment based on a high place %.

Its on maidens with horses 80 - 89% place. I found the 100% were sometimes not showing value in maiden races. I then used SP under 10 and a Metro Last Start.

Showing very good promise.