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View Full Version : 7.20-7.60 Lay Plan

13th October 2012, 07:27 AM
Here's a fun Lay plan that's been working well of late.

Target races where the 2nd fav is <=4.90 Lay side. (Very Important)

Target any runner with the Lay price of 7.20-7.60 Lay side.

If no selection - Go to next race.

1-30 runners. Horses only.

1.00 per 400.00 bet to liability.

Lay Bet to Liability. using Fibonacci bet sequence
1 2 3 5 8 13- 21- 34- 55- 89 ect

400.00 bank

The idea is to go up the next step in the bet sequence, if we get bit & stay there until all losses have been recovered.

Example - Betting to Liability.
1 bit
2 bit again
3 bit yet again.
5 success
5 success
5 success ect. until losses recovered, then start again at 1.

Betting to Liability, means this is the max we can lose on a given lay bet,
regardless of price.

This is calculated by dividing Fractional amounts into Liability for that race (Risk).
e.g. 6.2/1 ($7.20) into say $55.00 Liability (risk) = O/L & profit = $8.87