View Full Version : Bookies Openers

16th November 2012, 09:18 PM
One of Mark's gems today.

Profit 328.61 (after commission laying to payout 100)

Races 28/32

Strike Rate 87.50%

Selections 40/44

Strike Rate 90.91%

16th November 2012, 09:40 PM
Hi Shaun,

Are the rules available for this?

16th November 2012, 10:39 PM
Yes, they have been modified over time but overall they are the same.


There is a few pages there, but an interesting read, i only used these rules today.

Prices from virtualformguide, bookies prices from unibet (old bet choice site) after selections are made i have a minimum lay price of $2.50 and a max price of $10

16th November 2012, 11:27 PM
Cool, thanks for sharing that Shaun.

Unibet looks pretty good.

17th November 2012, 05:32 PM
Bit lower today but still a profit.

Profit 74.31

Races 23/30

Strike Rate 76.67%

Selections 43/50

Strike Rate 86.00%

The Ocho
17th November 2012, 06:42 PM
You've cottoned on to this well Shaun. Well done! :)

17th November 2012, 08:08 PM
It was always one of my favs but i could never get in to laying, all Marks research and testing was done on Saturday and i did some testing midweek with mixed results.

At the moment my interest for racing is a bit low with some mixed results so i guess this is the best time to bring this back to life as it involves no emotion, well if it losses i am sure i will be ********ed but i will set up a bank that i can afford to lose and let it run it's course.

I was thinking if i set each race to lose a max 5% of bank sounds good, i will start tomorrow and keep a log similar to your trading thread.

17th November 2012, 09:40 PM
Shaun, good on you for keeping the faith.
I've been back from my trip now for 29 days, have worked the races every day and won on 26 of those days (1 losing day was for $1 !!).
Looks like revealing all here has made no difference to the markets, just as I expected. Despite missing the Caulfield Cup day this has been my best Melboure carnival ever, in terms of turnover and profits. 25 races today for 19 winners.

17th November 2012, 10:58 PM
Hey there Mark.

As i said this was my fav idea of yours, i find it so funny that when you see laying threads anywhere if you told them you could lay 50 runners a day and average around 90% and all these are priced under $10 they say it can't be done.

If it wasn't for excel and Gruss it would be a lot of work, i just setup the venues and add in the correct info for Unibet and VFG and that's it.

I might have to look at how i can include rule 1 & 2 will be interesting to see how it performs midweek.

Hey do you know who owns Sportsbetting.com.au i see they have the same flucs as Unibet not many bookies display the flucs.

18th November 2012, 07:30 PM
Loss -280.90

Races 17/28

Strike Rate 60.71%

Selections 30/41

Strike Rate 73.17%

Bit of a loss today, might trial a bit longer before i put money down

18th November 2012, 10:31 PM
Maybe it was the Sunday Curse lol

Or maybe Mark has a few secret filters up his sleeve :P

18th November 2012, 11:46 PM
He always said his filters were for Saturday M/S/B only, my guess is because there is more reliable information around for that day.

I am only testing for now but if it is viable for midweek and so i will try it out.

19th November 2012, 04:51 PM
Profit 114.66

Races 13/19

Strike Rate 68.42%

Selections 30/36

Strike Rate 83.33%

20th November 2012, 03:17 PM
It does seem to have some merit, might have to check this out soon :)

20th November 2012, 04:58 PM
Profit 199.11

Races 18/24

Strike Rate 75.00%

Selections 39/45

Strike Rate 86.67%

21st November 2012, 07:09 AM
Prices from virtualformguide, bookies prices from unibet (old bet choice site) after selections are made i have a minimum lay price of $2.50 and a max price of $10

excuse the dumb question Shaun, but where on the virtualformguide site do you get the prices?

21st November 2012, 10:35 AM
http://formguide.cyberhorse.com.au/Form/view-form.html click on any of the fields links, each race has a set of prices.

I am also using www.SportsBetting.com.au for the bookies prices, same info as unibet just the webpage is handled better in excel.

21st November 2012, 11:04 AM

21st November 2012, 04:56 PM
Loss 122.10

Races 12/17

Strike Rate 70.59%

Selections 20/25

Strike Rate 80.00%

21st November 2012, 05:01 PM
With 1 day to go for a weeks test on these we are in profit $343.69 so far, i will give full results after the last tomorrow.

22nd November 2012, 05:08 PM
Loss 127.34

Races 18/25

Strike Rate 72.00%

Selections 27/34

Strike Rate 79.41%

22nd November 2012, 05:42 PM
I didn't record the actual prices or turnover, i might record some extra info and run this again for another week.

Day Races Winners SR Selections Winners SR Result
Fri 32 28 87.50% 44 40 90.91% 328.61
Sat 30 23 76.67% 50 43 86.00% 74.31
Sun 28 17 60.71% 41 30 73.17% -280.9
Mon 19 13 68.42% 36 30 83.33% 114.66
Tue 24 18 75.00% 45 39 86.67% 199.11
Weed 17 12 70.59% 25 20 80.00% -122.1
Thur 25 18 72.00% 34 27 79.41% -127.34
Total 175 129 73.71% 275 229 83.27% 186.35