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Lord Greystoke
13th December 2012, 08:04 PM
Have you ever heard of any of these systems in your travels... ???

Golden Pyramid
Money Tree Method
Stairway to Heaven

Cheers LG

14th December 2012, 11:59 AM
The Stairway to Heaven used to be a knocking shop just around the corner from where I live.

Lord Greystoke
14th December 2012, 02:06 PM
The Stairway to Heaven used to be a knocking shop just around the corner from where I live.

You might be mistaken. 'Twas the "Downpipe to Doom" from memory


14th December 2012, 02:12 PM
Hi LG,

The "Money Tree" was a Brian Blackwell System from some years back.

I,ve got it here somewhere.

The others I,ve never heard of.


ps.Barry Watsons system (Came 3rd in the Aust Systems competition run by PPM some years ago) is the best I,ve seen.Still going strong all these years since.
As has Winston Charles adaption of the original Dark Horse.

14th December 2012, 02:23 PM
DD - Do you still have the rules for the Barry Watsons System that came 3rd in the PPM Australian systems competition?

14th December 2012, 02:30 PM
Yep.I still use it myself.
Contact me at hotmail with my moniker.

Lord Greystoke
14th December 2012, 02:38 PM
Hi LG,

The "Money Tree" was a Brian Blackwell System from some years back.

I,ve got it here somewhere.

The others I,ve never heard of.


ps.Barry Watsons system (Came 3rd in the Aust Systems competition run by PPM some years ago) is the best I,ve seen.Still going strong all these years since.
As has Winston Charles adaption of the original Dark Horse.

Cheers Darky.

PS LordGreystoke3rd@gmail.com if you find it and don't mind divulging. Thanks mate.

14th December 2012, 04:21 PM
Will have a look for you.
I recenly got rid of some of these 600 systems I had.


Lord Greystoke
14th December 2012, 04:25 PM
Thanks Darky.
Careful with the system dump however.. hope your not throwing out the crown jewels with the cabbage scraps?? !!

Cheers LG

14th December 2012, 04:55 PM
Sorry LG but Brians went as well unless its onthe System 5 thread.

Coming from Brian Blackwell it wil have sensible rules.

Lord Greystoke
7th March 2013, 06:30 PM
Where the heck are you, pal?
There is still much work to be done.

Hopefully not cavorting in the house of pyms!


PS are you well?

7th March 2013, 07:23 PM
From a previous post on here

"This one was actually called 'The Six Pack" and was submitted by a Mr Barry Watson.

The full form lines are x21, x31, x41, 141, 151 and 161.

A contender was eliminated if it had not had a run inside 28 days inclusive UNLESS it has a 50% or greater strike rate.

Price rule was 3/1 to 50/1
Runners with a win strike rate of 20% or less are eliminated.

There were no area restrictions.

This one actually ran 3rd to one called 'The Young Guns"."