View Full Version : A Excellent Daily Place System
23rd December 2012, 11:35 AM
Go to racingandsports free ratings.
Asessed price $3 or Less.
Last 3 starts in current campaign must be all improving and LS 1 - 4
i.e 654,321,432, etc etc
Merry Xmas
Lord Greystoke
23rd December 2012, 11:53 AM
Go to racingandsports free ratings.
Asessed price $3 or Less.
Last 3 starts in current campaign must be all improving and LS 1 - 4
i.e 654,321,432, etc etc
Merry Xmas
Assessed price...
Morning Line?
Don Scot???
Cheers LG
23rd December 2012, 01:32 PM
Don Scott LG.
23rd December 2012, 02:01 PM
I've been using something similar
using $3.00 or less with the rating score improving on the last 3 runs.
Must be a field of 8 or more after Scr
Good luck
23rd December 2012, 02:23 PM
Yeah I been doing exactly the same thing for 14 weeks.
I'm up heaps.
Those racing and Sports people sure are a magnifecent website.
Proly the best racing website on the whole Internet.
Merry Xmas.
23rd December 2012, 03:49 PM
And so say all of us.
Lord Greystoke
23rd December 2012, 04:06 PM
Merry Crisp-mas, Mr Crispe (
Cheers LG
23rd December 2012, 07:36 PM
Yeah I been doing exactly the same thing for 14 weeks.
I'm up heaps.
Those racing and Sports people sure are a magnifecent website.
Proly the best racing website on the whole Internet.
Merry Xmas.
I agree Moeee,
Brilliant site!
Merry Xmas one and all!!!!!
24th December 2012, 08:47 AM
Yeah I been doing exactly the same thing for 14 weeks.
I'm up heaps.
Yeah me too Moeee. Me and her indoors are looking to buy a new home with our winnings. Pity Darky let the cat out of the bag though. Profits are sure to plummet.
24th December 2012, 09:06 AM
Yeah me too Moeee.
Pity Darky let the cat out of the bag though. Profits are sure to plummet.
A very REAL Merry Xmas to a very REAL member.
Enjoy your posts and envy your tact.
May Santa finally get round to dropping you off a System that actually works , especially that we both will now be looking for day jobs.
24th December 2012, 09:52 AM
Hi Moeee,
A Merry Christmas to you too. You are one of the very few on here who calls a spade a spade. I admire you for that. However, you don't get much understanding from you know who. Most of the genuine people have long since gone but it's great that you are still here.
Cheers Mate
24th December 2012, 10:13 AM
Hi Bernie,
Glad to hear that you,ve discovered the Don Scott ratings and made substantial profits as we all have .
If you add Barry Watsons system and my PLACE method as well as adding Xanadu ""Smart Punting" excellent Tips (and as he advises re Win or Place) then there is no reason why 2013 should not be substantially even better.
My Xmas present to you all.
24th December 2012, 12:41 PM
Thanks for that Darky. I'm already getting excited at the prospects of making my fortune in 2013 with the information you have unselfishly passed on.
May you have a happy and prosperous New Year my friend.
24th December 2012, 02:19 PM
Thank you Bernie.
I do my best.
Keep a eye on Lord Greystoke too.A up and comer if ever I,ve seen one.
Merry Xmas.
24th December 2012, 03:20 PM
I'm pretty much a lurker around here but I owe you a huge thank you and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very prosperous 2013.
Your system 5 thread made me realise I could sit here churning out systems for the next 20 years and they probably won't be as good as the ones produced by the guys with 20-30 years experience so I went looking for 'em and found hundreds over 5 months and hundreds of hours of searching.
I've now got a collection of 37 systems that produce about 800 bets a year and I couldn't be happier with the results. Let's hope that continues and doesn't turn to crap in 2013.
Incidentally, your Price Predictor system in the System 5 thread is currently running at about a 78% POT if my memory serves me correctly.
Thanks very much, you helped me turn the corner.
24th December 2012, 04:13 PM
Incidentally, your Price Predictor system in the System 5 thread is currently running at about a 78% POT if my memory serves me correctly.
Hey there macs.
I also have the worst memory.
I fell on my head at 4 years of Age and I reckon it may be now a delayed reaction to that.
But some things I do remember.
And if I was running a System that was providing me with a POT of 78% , I'm certain my memory would recall that.
In fact , if I was running a System that was returning me a POT of 78% , then that would be the ONLY System I would be running.
But thats just me.
We's all different.
Well done macs on finding and maintaining 37 Profitable Systems.
And Well done DarkyDog for providing those 37 Profitable Systems to macs.
Merry Xmas to the pair of you.
24th December 2012, 05:27 PM
Poor Mooee, have we had a bad day, poor love. Mewwy, mewwy Cwistmas to you to!
24th December 2012, 05:28 PM
Thank you Macs.
Merry Xmas .
24th December 2012, 05:32 PM
Here you go grumpy, results don't lie!
Races Bet: 56 56 56 56 56 56 Races Won: 23 38 30 21 17 13
S.R./Race: 41.1% 67.9% 53.6% 37.5% 30.4% 23.2%
Outlay($): 58.00 58.00 292.00 294.00 1200.00 3720.00
Return : 103.70 68.34 508.80 786.20 2944.10 7608.10
$ Profit : 45.70 10.34 216.80 492.20 1744.10 3888.10
% P.O.T. : 78.8% 17.8% 74.2% 167.4% 145.3% 104.5%
24th December 2012, 05:48 PM
I fell on my head at 4 years of Age and I reckon it may be now a delayed reaction to that.Ah, that's the reason.
Well done macs on finding and maintaining 37 Profitable Systems. How many tracks are there in Australia Mooee? How many different distances are they Mooee? How many different track conditions are there Mooee?
You might have been around here a while but I don't come here to take your crap.
And Well done DarkyDog for providing those 37 Profitable Systems to macs.He didn't, but he did give me some really good ideas that have turned out real well.
24th December 2012, 06:30 PM
I've been using something similar
using $3.00 or less with the rating score improving on the last 3 runs.
Must be a field of 8 or more after Scr
Good luck
Lovin' this Vortech.
When doing the form I used to make note the same thing using the Wizard years ago.
Now do it with R&S.
24th December 2012, 06:34 PM
I've now got a collection of 37 systems that produce about 800 bets a year and I couldn't be happier with the results. Let's hope that continues and doesn't turn to crap in 2013.
Like your sense of realism macs.
Many in your position would think they've found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Good luck with your pursuit.
24th December 2012, 06:44 PM
How many tracks are there in Australia Mooee? How many different distances are they Mooee? How many different track conditions are there Mooee?
Umm - Thirty seven?
24th December 2012, 08:18 PM
In fact , if I was running a System that was returning me a POT of 78% , then that would be the ONLY System I would be running.
But thats just me.
Over a long period racing's CYCLICAL moeee, and running just one system is a cerain way to lose. When you have the inevitable run of outs you'll either bail too early through 'fright' or you'll go down with the ship, or you'll alter the rules to suit the current environment, only to discover that the system returns to the long term trend. See the financial markets for an example of a CYCLICAL nature moeee. You've got no safety net moeee so if your system starts to trend differently, you wont know if it's permanent, or short term, and that's a recipe for financial disaster. macs has the perfect scenario here I believe. He has approx 20 bets per year for each specifically targetted system (I assume the rules are logical and consistent), and the number of systems allows him to monitor them individually and collectively and ride out the rough times when a few systems turn bad, only to find that are few others outperform. Monitoring these systems as a group will also throw up data from many varied sources (obviously 'coz you've got many different rules over the 37 systems) and useful information covering the whole gammit of racing can be analysed. It's so much better than analysing just one set of rules moeee. It's like talking to a house brick .....
24th December 2012, 08:36 PM
I understand now Barny.
I didn't understand before.
I wasn't aware that the 78% POT was over a year span with only 56 bets.
56 bets? - I prolly have 56 bets in a week - prolly more.
56 bets is hardly an appropriate sample size.
But nobody except me and Bernie seem to understand that.
Its like talking to a house brick...
24th December 2012, 08:48 PM
I understand now Barny.
I didn't understand before.
I wasn't aware that the 78% POT was over a year span with only 56 bets.
56 bets? - I prolly have 56 bets in a week - prolly more.
56 bets is hardly an appropriate sample size.
But nobody except me and Bernie seem to understand that.
Its like talking to a house brick...
What's an appropriate sample size and under what conditions would this sample size be a reliable predictor for the future moeee ??
24th December 2012, 09:26 PM
I wasn't aware that the 78% POT was over a year span with only 56 bets.
56 bets? - I prolly have 56 bets in a week - prolly more.
56 bets is hardly an appropriate sample size.
It may well turn out to be the first 56 bets in a sample of 3000 that is proven to work.
If so, the 78% POT figure would be sure to drop, to state the obvious.
Point being, while the 56 bet sample size is not enough to prove anything with any confidence into the future, there is some chance it may work.
macs said it was a winning system and it is, for now.
macs did not say it is a long term winning system from what my eyes saw.
That is obviously to be proven or otherwise down the track.
I hope it continues to work for macs.
25th December 2012, 05:08 AM
I hope it continues to work for macs.I don't actually use that system Luxinterior, well not yet anyway. It was only mentioned out of interest as it's a Bet Selector system which was put together years ago, probably 8-10 years ago. It's just good to see it still works.
25th December 2012, 05:33 AM
Out of interest. Not exactly a pot of gold like 2012 results but profit is profit and it's great to see systems still perform that were put together years ago with all the changes in racing.
Races Bet: 296 296 296 296 296 296
Races Won: 81 176 125 74 57 36
S.R./Race: 27.4% 59.5% 42.2% 25.0% 19.3% 12.2%
Outlay($): 312.00 312.00 1566.00 1581.00 6450.00 19980.00
Return : 353.90 315.64 1898.90 2156.90 7467.90 20993.40
$ Profit : 41.90 3.64 332.90 575.90 1017.90 1013.40
% P.O.T. : 13.4% 1.2% 21.3% 36.4% 15.8% 5.1%
25th December 2012, 12:21 PM
Caulfield Race 5 H 7
Vain Attraction
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