View Full Version : Neural exactas

22nd February 2013, 09:41 PM
While watching the races I have noticed that the pointy end of the neurals provides some very good priced quinellas/ exactas.
My 2nd most favoured exacta method is to have my selection to win from the first five favs ( apart from my seln ) to run second. I decided to have a look at how the neurals fared.
My method is ..
8 or more starters
Top rated neural horse to win
Next five rated neurals to run second.
I probably jagged a very good day but the results were ...
39 races 7 collects Outlay 195 Return 652
Profit $457 for $1 units

23rd February 2013, 11:43 AM
Yeah Speedy just had a look at Thursdays results, some good trifectas too. It's a matter of anchoring the 1st pos without wasting too many bets. What I have noticed, while doing these neurals in the past week, is if a selection is rated as a bottom feeder and you see it start favourite, that's when I'd pounce! it tells you that the locals are going to release the handbrake they've had on in the last couple of starts.
I'll keep an eye on it.

23rd February 2013, 12:00 PM
Yeah Speedy just had a look at Thursdays results, some good trifectas too. It's a matter of anchoring the 1st pos without wasting too many bets. What I have noticed, while doing these neurals in the past week, is if a selection is rated as a bottom feeder and you see it start favourite, that's when I'd pounce! it tells you that the locals are going to release the handbrake they've had on in the last couple of starts.
I'll keep an eye on it.
I've noticed the same thing but it's not only the favourite. I was thinking of starting a new thread of "bottom 2 neurals that start under $15 ". It's only a feeling that it would have been profitable but I'll leave that one to you to keep an eye on. I'll keep this up to date until a pattern is established. These neurals seem to have lots of uses.

24th February 2013, 04:34 AM
Yesterday, excluding Eagle Farm & Gold Coast, if you boxed the first 5 neurals for a trifecta: Cost $3180, return $2142.
Standout exacta 1 with 4: Cost $212, return $144.
There were only 10 winners from 53 races using top rated neural.