View Full Version : formula for 4 placings

18th March 2013, 07:37 PM
Hi . separate the 4 or 6 last start placing in Colm B Row 3.as.5127 or 245127 and put each in another Colms,7 in colm C,-2 in-E,-1 in F,-5 in G.then if it has 6 placings .4 in H.and 2 in i. l could then use for horse career start,win 2<sup>nd</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup>.Thanking you..M60<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="619"><tbody><tr style="height:21.0pt" height="28"><td class="xl9826" colspan="5" style="height:21.0pt; mso-ignore:colspan;width:272pt" height="28" width="363">
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19th March 2013, 07:52 AM
Here 'tis

19th March 2013, 02:18 PM
Mate thank you very much for solving the 4 placings much appreciated...can l ask one more favour the horses career starts-wins-2nds-3rds....l thought l could use your formula for that but no luck...can you help with that ...again Thank you......M60

19th March 2013, 03:03 PM
This will do it.

19th March 2013, 06:40 PM
Surround Mate thank you for the two excel fixes...much appreciated...that career one is a real great help Thanks again...M60

19th March 2013, 08:14 PM
Surround Mate.... having trouble making it work...l've Attach what l did..must be missing something...yeah l know between the ears... lots of greys...hope you can help again ....Thanks M60

19th March 2013, 09:58 PM
Yes it's those dashes causing it I think. There will be a way to do it but I can't recall it at the moment.
The career figures I used were from The Virtual Formguide website and those formulae handle any number of starts & placings.
This will keep you going for a while until someone with more skills comes along.

20th March 2013, 06:48 AM
Well l'll just manual put in if over 10...aleast l've got a great start thanks to you...all best M60

20th March 2013, 10:06 AM
This will do it all for you no matter how many placings.
A bit ugly but it works.
All the best.

21st March 2013, 07:46 AM
Surround...Well Mate thank you ...the last one l added a +10 for the last number...and it got anything over 10 real good..... but for some reason stuffed the 3rd number mainly number 2 took any other number but 2.........l'm redoing my spreadsheet in the next few days.and put your new one in...... if your interested to see could send it to you...but need your e-mail...anyway Thanks again...... M60

21st March 2013, 12:27 PM
Thanks M60
I'll take you up on that, never know what you might pick up. I tried putting various numbers into the career placings box and it worked every time??
I'm at gittarstuff at aanet dot com dot au
Best regards

28th March 2013, 09:24 AM
Hi Surround...

<table style="width: 720pt; border-collapse: collapse;" border="0" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="960"> <colgroup><col style="width: 48pt;" span="15" width="64"> <tbody><tr style="height: 14.4pt;" height="19"> <td style="border: 0px black; width: 720pt; height: 14.4pt; background-color: transparent; mso-ignore: colspan;" height="19" width="960" colSpan="15">been struggling again and using your last great help.....but been trying to get rid of that Distance word so l can use your formula of taking 12-4-2-5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 14.4pt;" height="19"> <td style="border: 0px black; height: 14.4pt; background-color: transparent;" height="19"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 14.4pt;" height="19"> <td style="border: 0px black; height: 14.4pt; background-color: transparent; mso-ignore: colspan;" height="19" colSpan="7">in different colm....and everything going good have a few probelms to sort out .... Thanks again</td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> <td style="border: 0px black; background-color: transparent;"></td> </tr></tbody></table>

28th March 2013, 08:16 PM
Hi M60

Try this.

28th March 2013, 10:55 PM
Hi Surround....been up trying your last reply before seeing l made a stuffup...sorry to be a pain ...again Thanks ...

29th March 2013, 12:52 PM
Hi M60

That last formula just takes out the characters before the data you want.
Where it says "-8" it takes out 8 characters.
Change "-8" to "- 9" or "-10" and it will remove that number of characters.
Best way to learn excel.
Give it a go.
Any probs - yell out.

29th March 2013, 01:08 PM
It's not a formula, it's a macro. Simple Record Macro, a few tweaks here and there, noooo rocket science.

Thank you to Surround, learn this stuff to some day

29th March 2013, 05:07 PM
Hi Surround again thanks for your great imput...after a few hours finally got them working ...but if you take have 16:12-4-1 and use 6:2-2-1...lt goes weird... yeah hear ya "like me" ...have Attach may help someone with what you have shown...yeah l know learning excel would have help heaps but got a few grey hairs left and under them not that much good..just for the couple thingsl'll have no more need for excel...but Thank you for your help....M60

29th March 2013, 06:21 PM
How about you send me your spreadsheet.
It seems to change all the time.
You have my email address.
I hope I can help.

29th March 2013, 06:43 PM
Hi Surround ....l'm at pres..redoing....hopefull tonight be fin...M60

30th March 2013, 02:52 PM
Hi M60
This is what you've given as the different formats of your data.
Which of these (if any) is the format your data will be in when you bring it into your spreadsheet.
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="174"><colgroup><col width="174"></colgroup><tbody><tr height="25"> <td class="xl64" style="height:18.75pt;width:131pt" height="25" width="174">Distance 12-10-2-5</td> </tr></tbody></table><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="174"><colgroup><col width="174"></colgroup><tbody><tr height="25"> <td class="xl66" style="height:18.75pt;width:131pt" height="25" width="174">Distance: 12:10-2-5</td> </tr></tbody></table><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="174"><colgroup><col width="174"></colgroup><tbody><tr height="25"> <td class="xl66" style="height:18.75pt;width:131pt" height="25" width="174">16:19-12-2</td> </tr></tbody></table>Those are what you have shown on your last spreadsheet.
We can probably help if we know what it is and it doesn't keep changing.

30th March 2013, 03:03 PM
Hi M60

Just got your email - sorry about that.
Will get in touch shortly