View Full Version : Excel Web Query Import Question

3rd April 2013, 01:56 PM
Web Query Tables: All

When doing a Import External Data---Web Query
from tatts.com ( Record Macro Method), BEFORE the start of race,
it does not seem to import the clock timer's data of how how many minutes to go before the start of race.
It will Import if it say's anything else if the same page is open in browser, except that particular snippet of data.
So for example, if it shows on the current web page "4M" it will not Import the 4M.
But it it shows CLOSED, INTERIM, PAYING etc, it will Import.

Anyone know how to import that piece of data that shows how many minutes before the start of race, or what Table it's in ?
Or is it as I suspect, Disallowed ?


Chrome Prince
3rd April 2013, 02:29 PM

I believe it's a javascript timer until the status changes to text for closed, interim or paying. That's why it won't import the javascript to text in a web query.

3rd April 2013, 03:12 PM
Thanks CP

I'll work around it, hopefully.

5th April 2013, 07:10 AM
Excel has a timer function that I use to countdown the 30minutes before the race. It gives me regular timed downloads. Below is a sample of the code:-

With wks
ST = TimeSerial(Hour(Time), Minute(Time) + 0, 0)
t = .Range("C3").Value
ST1 = Hour(t - ST) * 60 + Minute(t - ST) 'establishes the time
'for the select case
If t > ST Then 'to prevent roll back after 1min download
Select Case ST1
Case 30 '30 minus a minute

Attached is a sample of what it produces.

Hope this helps.

6th April 2013, 03:39 PM
Thanks Martin,

21st April 2013, 10:09 AM
I have found a work-around using the info that comes in off the web query.
Similar to yours Martin, but I use variables to calculate at certain times rather than fixed times. Reason for this is, the possible changes in advertised start times
and "in the moment" changes of times like late starts etc.

CP, we have found that piece of code, you were right, it is java stuff.
while the guru is working on it, I'm testing a work-around.
Hope to post it a few days, trial and error this VBA.