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View Full Version : Whatever happened to the Baghwan?

3rd April 2013, 08:01 PM
Going back through old threads, I found that the Baghwan's contributions to be really inspiring. He was forever coming up with great insights even though he copped some unwarranted flack. The years up to 2011 were full of great contributions by many still serving forumites. I guess you have seen it all by now, turning every possible chance of an edge inside out many times over.
I recommend any novice forumite to backtrack through old threads, it's worth it's weight in Gold!
It would be inspiring to hear some accounts of how some of you longstanding forum members have benefited personally from your experience of this forum, if at all? MG, UB, CP to name a few.
Cheers RP

3rd April 2013, 08:22 PM
Like me he probably got sick of all the attacks.
I still use his NEW with good results.

3rd April 2013, 08:30 PM
I have no bad words to say about bhagwan. His contributions were also welcomed. I didn't always check his systems but every now and then a few gave inspirations to follow up on some areas.

3rd April 2013, 09:33 PM
I communicated often with Bhags (off Forum) but my last few e-mails didn't get a reply so , unfortunately I fear the worst. But on the other hand he did take a lot of flak???

I'm afraid I also "Partypooped" most of his ideas when put to the acid test, but I hope not in a ridiculing way (is there such a word) I mean they just didn't stack up to scrutiny long term, that's not to say that many weren't great ideas to be used occasionally.

As I've often said , most systems actually work!!!! intermittently that is, but long term ;the vast majority fail for one reason or another. NOW I said "most" not all!!

4th April 2013, 04:09 PM
It would be inspiring to hear some accounts of how some of you longstanding forum members have benefited personally from your experience of this forum, if at all? MG, UB, CP to name a few.
Cheers RPSome of you forumites have been members long enough to have a couple of world wars! How about some anecdotal tales. A short account of an interesting or humorous incident directly or indirectly as a result of your betting experiences. Surely LG has some tales while on horseback!!
Cheers RP