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View Full Version : More Excel help required Please

15th July 2013, 12:15 PM
I am stumped and beaten and bow to greater persons.
Attached is worksheet in which I want to use to adjust and save the best overall Skyform ratings after scratchings. At present these are available in PDF form. This involves copying the data into excel. The base data is available via CSV files, but does not allow for scratchings. Neither allow for late scratching. From column HQ on (sheet 1) I have made a template which when you delete a TAB# in HQ, it automatically recalculates the values. I need to have column JA (B/O) as in some cases there are equal ranking in IQ. I have Column JB as I wish to still record the top 4 B/O in numerical order. Up to this point I am happy with the result, mainly because it is within my capabilities.

I have started transferring to sheet 2 using the formula =IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$J$3:$J$22,MATCH(Sheet1!$JC$3,Sheet1!$JB$3:$JB$22,0),1),"")
This works but then I realized that it will not do exactly what I want. What I want to do is record the top 4 B/O in TAB# order, if these coincide with any of the top 4 Skyform rating, I want it recorded in column C sheet 2, otherwise N/A. In column D I want to record only the top 2 B/F ranking if they coincide with the top 4 B/O.
So I need to say =IF ( Sheet1!$J$3:$J$22<=4) then=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$J$3:$J$22,MATCH(Sheet1!$JC$3,Sheet1!$JB$3:$JB$22,0),1),"")
Only over the last 2 days trying to nut this out it will not work. I have gone to an alternative way
=IF(SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!$HY$3:$HY$22<=4)*(Sheet1!JC3:$JC$22=A))=0,"",SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!$HY$3:$HY$22<=4)*(Sheet1!$JB$3:$JB$22=A)*(Sheet1!$HY$3:$HY$22))) which only produces #Name?
Please help. My wall has a big hole in it and my head is sore.
Thanks beton

15th July 2013, 03:28 PM
Problem solved. Required moving away from it and threatening myself.
At least now I how to troubleshoot excel formulas

15th July 2013, 03:31 PM
Regarding Betons post-1.

I have been involved with him since basically my posting of the Prepost System on the thread with this project.

I have been manually entering this data on an excel spreadsheet,
Since August last year.

Doing this 7 days a week has become beyond me (time-wise)http://www.propun.com.au/racing_forums/images/icons/icon9.gif.

What he didn't say was that if anyone has skills in solving this,
We are more than happy to pay you an hourly rate (within reason).

This of course will lead to other work that will be required to address
With us later on down the track.

If you can "GENUINELY HELP" http://www.propun.com.au/racing_forums/images/icons/icon14.gif and want some work thrown your way,
We would be interested in hearing from you.

Again qualified people only, and we certainly understand that,
"TIME IS MONEY".http://www.propun.com.au/racing_forums/images/icons/icon3.gif


15th July 2013, 03:36 PM
Problem solved. Required moving away from it and threatening myself.
At least now I how to troubleshoot excel formulasOffer still stands there is a problem we have with converting P.D.F files,
Into excel both Adobe and Nitro paid versions don't have it come,
Out in the same format (all over the place) so codes have to be written.
