View Full Version : Oncourse flucs, are they really?

4th December 2013, 07:25 PM
Came across this press release courtesy of werunasone.com.au

Price Assessment

Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 05:49:56 AM
Industry: Thoroughbreds
Type: Industry News
Following a consultation process with the Queensland Bookmakers Association (QBA), Racing Queensland (RQ) have elected to make changes to the manner in which prices are assessed at Saturday metropolitan meetings in Brisbane.

RQ will now assess prices taking into account the following wagering providers:

· Three On-Course Bookmakers
· Tattsbet Fixed Price
· NSW Fixed Price
· Two Corporate Bookmakers

This measure has been taken in an attempt to ensure that the official fluctuations transmitted through the Australian Prices Network accurately reflect the prices that are available both on and off course.

So does this mean that the Flucs as provided by APN are really a mix of prices?

4th December 2013, 10:38 PM
Thanks for that R.P.

Good to know as all my betting revolves 100%
Around the on course price movements.


5th December 2013, 04:08 AM
Thanks for that R.P.

Good to know as all my betting revolves 100%
Around the on course price movements.


Pleased to hear that Garyf. I know that until I caught the Flucs, my Bank balance was headed South but it's had a dramatic turnaround since. I agonise a little with the demise of the oncourse bookie that this source of enlightenment, the Flucs, will disappear. We are already limited to the races we can bet on, as NZ, Tas and parts of WA do not provide Flucs.

I guess RQ have seen the light and are opting for a mixed blend to create the Flucs. If the oncourse bookies disappear and the blend becomes a mix of Corporates and Tote Fixed prices then God help us!

I don't know about you, but when you look at the 1st Fav Open price for some horses and look at their form, you've got to say to yourself, "I'm being setup here, this Open favourite's got NO chance of winning"

If over time the win strike rate of the 1st Open favourite declines, then you'd have to consider that contrived price setting at the Open is at work?

A scary thought, so I'd better make my fortune quick, and move on hey???

Lord Greystoke
5th December 2013, 09:27 AM
I don't know about you, but when you look at the 1st Fav Open price for some horses and look at their form, you've got to say to yourself, "I'm being setup here, this Open favourite's got NO chance of winning"
It don't mean a thing if you (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDQpZT3GhDg&list=RDkxfMRhyzu3g) ... ?

LG ;)

5th December 2013, 09:36 AM
Good one LG, you've put a smile on my dial...:)

Lord Greystoke
5th December 2013, 09:42 AM
Good one LG, you've put a smile on my dial...:)Roll on, my son ...