View Full Version : The future of Betting Exchanges

24th January 2014, 06:30 PM
Besides Betfair, it'd be good to get a list of what is available in the form of betting exchanges currently and are there any companies planning to bring out a competing exchange to Betfair in the future?

Lord Greystoke
24th January 2014, 06:38 PM
why is that then?


26th January 2014, 11:39 PM
Generally interested

Chrome Prince
27th January 2014, 01:38 PM
There's BetDaq and WBX that spring to mind.
Despite the commission reductions and lack of premium charges, both are struggling because of liquidity.
Neither offer Australian races as far as I'm aware.
If the TABs got their own betting exchange, there are many hoops to jump through. Licensing, paying a portion of profits towards racing bodies etc.
It's really not economically feasible for them as they are already taking 14.50% on some offerings and as much as 25% on other exotic pools.
It would make the implementation a backwards step (for them) because there's no way they could takeout those sort of percentages and remain competitive.