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View Full Version : TF-V-Best Tote

13th February 2014, 04:57 PM
Just some brain picking, I have been working on a win plan (unusual for me as have been a place bettor for years) but I like this one, problem is it tantalizingly breaks even like clockwork at BEST TOTE, average return = $4. Just to save me the leg work,....... at this and of the market would top fluc push it into profit?

Chrome Prince
16th February 2014, 09:03 AM
Partypooper, sorry nobody has replied.
I just don't keep TF data.
At a guess from prior experience, Best Tote beats TF as the percentages are better, but only if the majority of the bets aren't firmers in the market.

16th February 2014, 01:34 PM
I did not reply because I was going off memory and I was not going to check my source. Since in a procrastinating frame of mind I offer the following. (just as well that I checked)
This was based purely on Melbourne Metro and only rateable races. And only on the services selections. So it may not answer your question at all and may be wrong in your case.
Their finding was to use TF if you expected the SP to be <$11. If you expected the SP to be >$11 then use the Best Tote. This lead them to issue a rule of thumb TF for single figures BT for double figures.

16th February 2014, 01:46 PM
Further to this. BT beat TF by 3.4%. TF was basically equal with Unitab which was 1% better than Vic Tab and 6% better than NSW TAB. When you applied the rule of thumb then BT beat TF by 5.4%.

The sample size is too small and too specific. Once my DB is functional I will be checking this across the board

16th February 2014, 06:48 PM
Thanks for the input guys, guess it was an awkward question anyway, although the "average". divi is $4 and 25% S/R like clockwork, the selections can be any price really. I've added another column and will answer my own question in time, I'll post the result for anyone interested.

16th February 2014, 07:18 PM
Early days yet, but started the long haul to record TF in my data base, only done the last 89 bets so far, but interestingly: 26 winners (29%)

Returns BT= $88.80,......TF $92.90 = POT4.38% I'd be happy with that long term as this is high volume system with around 200 bets a week, we'll see how it pans out over time!

17th February 2014, 04:30 PM
Why did you turn to place betting in the first place pp? were you unsuccessful at the win betting or did you just prefer the more regular collects of place betting?

17th February 2014, 10:46 PM
Dr Ron, yes basically the regular collects sit's well with me, I wouldn't say that I was totally useless at win betting just more successful at place betting. I did have some spectacular wins many years ago back in the days when I read the Sporting Chronicle form guide for Breakfast, Lunch and dinner, but it was only years later when I discovered "patience" and a more statistical approach that I started to make a small but constant profit, hopefully that will continue.