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5th August 2014, 07:34 AM
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5th August 2014, 10:58 PM
I post a lot of stuff to do with automation and spreadsheets, in the past i have had no issues requesting help or providing assistance when needed even to the point of putting together complete sheets.

This won't be affected by what you have posted above?

6th August 2014, 07:29 AM
Shaun, we're not aware that you have started a new thread which reads like an advertisement.

6th August 2014, 08:23 AM
I am not aware if you have had experience in learning and developing spreadsheets to calculate numbers in regards to racing markets.
There are certain times when one just simply cannot ask elsewhere due to the fact 99.99% of programmers on their respective forums simply will not offer assistance if a question is asked with "horse racing" implemented in the question.
You often get some "goody-2-shoe" reply about ethics from some half twitted know-it-all programmer and the question on codes and what have you never gets replied.
I know I posted a referral link, based on my own experience where I found a programmer who had done some work for me. I also stated this programmer was horse racing savvy, but has since retired their services specifically on the subject of horse racing.

Further more, the web site I suggested for the member to search is within the free open source IT community, where there are free open source software developers who congregate and is usually supported by sponsors in the corporate world because they require these services just as much as we do. It also offers employment opportunities which may also be beneficial for you to because you sound rather bored and seem to have nothing better to do that over-moderate this forum and stifle our growth in the endless knowledge of risk and betting on those risks, in real terms, it's our money, not yours.

Therefore Moderator, can you offer an alternative rather than just blatantly use your "powers" to obliterate an honest post to question, where to go to when some of us have a requirement to ask for the services of a
programmer who is not shy of horse racing and it's associated interests ?

6th August 2014, 08:47 AM
I was following the thread that sparked this, & tbh was surprised to see it deleted but perhaps I missed the post that caused it, as it all seemed harmless enough to me.

6th August 2014, 09:04 AM
I think the original thread was deleted because it was deemed as advertising for a paid programmer which I think the owners of this website would prefer to have done by either paying them to advertise for it or advertise via a publication or other means.

That's my understanding anyway which I suppose is fair enough given they wish to make money from this website. Seems a bit harsh but just the way it is I guess.

I seriously hope though that this doesn't stop any of us helping with excel modifications or creating equations etc etc. The level of help people are willing to give on this forum has been amazing in the past whether its pointing people in the right direction or assisting directly via the forum or email. Would be disappointing if that were to change via moderation.

6th August 2014, 09:46 AM
agree evajb001 & tbh things seem to be getting a bit too heavy handed around here lately which does little to encourage use of this site.

6th August 2014, 09:52 AM
Agree but at the same time thats the owners/moderators prerogative I guess, the terms of use are there for all to read. They may be enforced a little more strict in recent times though unfortunately. I'd hate to see less discussion on this forum as its been great up to this point, lets hope it can get back to some normalcy :).

6th August 2014, 10:16 AM
For what it's worth, if I remember correctly the OP wanted to use his Excel skill after the conversion of the excel sheets to database tables.

If this is the case then the only option is to use MS Access.
It uses almost the same VBA as Excel so the conversion would be relatively painless and most importantly there is no need for a programmer, he can do it himself.

The Ocho
6th August 2014, 11:59 AM
I definitely have no comment to make.

Moderator 3
6th August 2014, 02:41 PM
I think the original thread was deleted because it was deemed as advertising for a paid programmer which I think the owners of this website would prefer to have done by either paying them to advertise for it or advertise via a publication or other means.

It wasn't something like, "I'm in the middle of doing this with excel and I'm stuck over this issue. Can anyone please tell me what I should do to fix it."