View Full Version : Quads
27th November 2014, 12:14 PM
Just out of interest.
My father, very recreational punter.... uses the following system for years
Unitab ratings 100 to 95 for the quad legs
Puts $10 on each
Saturday @ Ascot was his payday
$255K @ 100%. He had 2 x 5 x 5 x 10 @ $10 for 2%.
$5,000 return
Its very nice when a $100 horse gets up in the last
Winners are grinners!
28th November 2014, 12:31 PM
29th November 2014, 08:28 PM
I think Dad's smiling again yes?
29th November 2014, 09:20 PM
A got a text message stating Randwick and MV.
Not sure What % he got today!
Its on a roll!
29th November 2014, 09:23 PM
$10.80 at MV got him 2% of $7777.50 ($155.55)
He only got 1% at $14.40 at Randwick of $1210 so not even money back
29th November 2014, 11:17 PM
Yeah, but it's fun and always with the chance of the real biggy, I do something similar with my infamous PPM system (Partypoopers Plum Movers) which is still plugging away (albeit fun bets, had some beauties recently) but one day......... Also have a thing going at BR random picking from Cahill, Byrne, Tarrant. Munce, and Grylis, one day I "WILL" nail it, I bet Canadians, very small stake just to add something to my successful but very monotonous place bets, had a couple of near misses but haven't nailed the big one yet! I enhance the 4'somes and the 5'somes........... one day!
30th November 2014, 08:08 AM
Very nice..
I use my postcode 4306 as the exact quad numbers
Horse 4 in 1st leg
Horse 3 in 2nd Leg
Horse 10 in the 3rd Leg
Horse 6 in the 4th leg
1st December 2014, 01:54 AM
Phew, now THAT is really looking outside the square, but funny as it seems they have a Cash 3 type thingo there in the Philippines ( my wife is Filipino) and ************ me the 3 numbers on our Combi van there came up TWICE in about 2 months, ........ nah! not a cent on them, but real weird!
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