View Full Version : Casino Capers

Chrome Prince
16th February 2015, 07:37 PM

Lord Greystoke
16th February 2015, 10:03 PM
Says it all really.

Cheers LG

The Ocho
17th February 2015, 06:15 AM
Fair enough. They just pushed their luck a little too far with those bets.

17th February 2015, 07:18 AM
I agree! We all want a fair market place. That should go both ways!
Given, a casino is not a fair market place but people know that going in.

17th February 2015, 08:59 AM
They should be allowed to keep the money. If it was the gamblers mistake there would be no recourse. The casino's recourse is to sue the card manufacturer.

Those guys were unlawfully detained and brutalized by casino staff once they realised the problem, which is what those other claims are about.

17th February 2015, 10:31 AM
Greed got them in the end.
Ended up with a fat zero.
A lesson for all of us.