View Full Version : Greyhounds - Live Baiting

17th February 2015, 05:46 AM
Finally someone has reported on the truth around the training methods of some of the leading greyhound trainers around Australia

I would recommend most watch the four corners program last night which can be found on the internet.

17th February 2015, 10:33 AM
Made me sick to my stomach.

Chrome Prince
17th February 2015, 02:12 PM
Whilst it looks shocking and the way it is done is cruel and should be outlawed, I can't help but wonder about other forms of this behaviour.
Fox hunting, Wild Boar hunting using dogs to tear off their ears.
Then there's catch and release fishing, if you aren't going to kill it humanely to eat it, then don't put it back in the water for sport with a hook ripped from it's jaw or mouth. Yes, they do feel pain and shock.

Rabbit and mouse poisoning on farms.
They endure an agonising slow death, sometimes for days at a time.

With any animal, why not kill it as humanely as possible.
If a greyhound catches a humanely killed rabbit, the greyhound still learns and the rabbit doesn't suffer.
Possums are a protected species, so these trainers could face very hefty penalties!
What shook me more than anything was the pleasure they took from the cruelty.
Would you want your greyhound trained by people like this!
Just my opinion.

21st February 2015, 02:23 PM
I must reiterate the comments from other forumites.
When I was a 14 YO lad I had dreams about participating in greyhound racing until an industry person pointed out some of the cruel/inhumane practices employed by some "grubs" to make their dog keen to chase.
I was shocked and abhorred and decided that I didn't want to be a part of any industry that "condones/tolerates" such practices .I see nothing has changed and the authorities should embark on a total clean-out of those who condoned or participated in such nefarious practices.....sheesh!
Time of shame for the whole industry which I am sure can recover somewhat.


Chrome Prince
21st February 2015, 03:04 PM
Totally agree Xanadu, but the problem is that it will all go underground.
The established training centres will no longer be established nor registered.
And it's not like growing illegal substances, the Greyhound Board simply won't have the resources to track down those centres in the middle of bushland etc.
I remember many cases of trainers taking trailers of dogs to the bush to hunt rabbits etc.
And it appears that all along, a blind eye has been turned to it according to one former Steward who tried to call for action and was refused by the Board.
At least one member of the Board and one Steward is potentially involved in it heavily according to the ABC TV.

21st February 2015, 05:16 PM
Yeah u r right CP but I am sure there are plenty of concerned citizens who will work with the authorities(R.S.P.C.A.) to catch these grubs in the act.
I don't mean to upset you but I believe these cruel !@#$%^&*'s also used kittens as bait after they had declawed them using pliers....sickens me to the stomach-I'm sure you feel the same!


Chrome Prince
21st February 2015, 07:10 PM
Well these sick individuals will get what's coming to them. I am a strong believer in Karma. I'm not religious, nor a Buddhist, but what goes around comes around sooner or later in one way or another in my experience.
How can you be that sick and immoral and care about your greyhound.
Nope it's the almighty dollar :(

I must add that the many in the industry do not do these things, and love their greyhounds with a passion, they treat them like family.
My grandfather had both horses and greyhounds, and his motto was "feed the animals before you feed yourself."