View Full Version : A query about calculating profit on turnover

25th March 2015, 07:01 AM
Just a small query here about calculating the Profit On Turnover.
I have been offered many ways on how to achieve this but still am non the wiser.
After 2.5 years in this game I have finally realized that turnover is the thing
( ? ) I have also decided that I am a recreational punter and love every minute of it. Even the 4Tracks4kids walk.

Kind regards to one and all.

25th March 2015, 11:48 AM
Just a small query here about calculating the Profit On Turnover.
I have been offered many ways on how to achieve this but still am non the wiser.
After 2.5 years in this game I have finally realized that turnover is the thing
( ? ) I have also decided that I am a recreational punter and love every minute of it. Even the 4Tracks4kids walk.

Kind regards to one and all.

however you still have a bit to learn- maybe a little - maybe a lot.

I am assuming you are a punter.

if you own the TAB turnover is the thing.

if you are a punter - profit is the thing.

25th March 2015, 03:23 PM
POT (Profit on Turnover) is Long Term say over a year

ROI (Return on investment ) is a Daily thing.

POT You have a bank of $5000 which you have turned over once in the year for a profit of $880 (Bank now $5880)

Formula $880 Divided by 5000 % = POT for the year of 17.6 %
So for every $100 outlaid you made a profit of $17.60.

Most Professionals would kill for this figure but this is only a example

Hope that helps.

26th March 2015, 12:59 PM
Just a small query here about calculating the Profit On Turnover.
I have been offered many ways on how to achieve this but still am non the wiser.
After 2.5 years in this game I have finally realized that turnover is the thing
( ? ) I have also decided that I am a recreational punter and love every minute of it. Even the 4Tracks4kids walk.

Kind regards to one and all.

Hi calceti,

Also suggest a read of this.


20th April 2015, 07:17 AM
Thank you very much one and all for the information you have supplied to me, it is most appreciated.