View Full Version : Butchers Don't Necessarily Work In A Butcher Shop

26th July 2003, 02:52 PM
As a serious form student, today, in Race 5 in Brisbane I witnessed a ride which undermines a punter's faith in this great industry.
A certain horse was ridden in a manner which defied belief.
It was "climbing" over it's rivals most of the way and after eventually getting a run it was hooked out and was still going so well that it still was beaten only a few lengths-haven't they ever heard of using the whip?
Makes you wonder if this is mentioned in the Stewards reports.


23rd April 2008, 03:53 PM
there was certain ride by a "boy" in this race which surely make us wonder what is going on in Sydney racing.
I personally had a multiple bet in this race and duly secured the winner:
No. 4 Sacred Orders WON $6.3w$2.1plNSW
the short-priced favourite "bungled" the start and eventually finished fifth.
Luckily for me I anticipated this and duly won on the race however, you will have to figure it out for yourself why such occurrences almost always seem to happen to the public elect....hmmmm.


23rd April 2008, 06:07 PM
Anyone who hasn't been wondering about Sydney racing [forever] should seriously examine where they they place their bets.

23rd April 2008, 09:41 PM
Anyone that hasn't been wondering about racing period should wonder!

24th April 2008, 12:06 PM
Anyone who hasn't been wondering about all sports should wonder!