View Full Version : How sad

28th June 2015, 10:44 AM
This once thriving section of the forum now reduced to rubble. Except for Michael's valiant efforts the last posts for most threads were 6 days ago by a casual poster ( these days ).
I wonder what killed it off?

28th June 2015, 12:29 PM
By default the cause of all problems is the Betfair premium charge. Sorry, bad joke. :)

28th June 2015, 01:07 PM
I think the problem occurred several months ago when this site went off air for a few days. I believe many members thought the site had permanently ended just as I did, and didn't return. I thought so too, even joining another forum, but came back when I discovered by chance the site was once more functioning.

29th June 2015, 09:14 AM
Agree Speedy. I think the issue is those who spurred on the good discussion got sick of putting great ideas out there only to get input from the same people over and over again whilst people who don't reply may be reaping the rewards. Hence I believe there is a group of people that were prominent on this forum who now communicate via email together.

I still check this forum daily and reply when I feel I can either add something or when i'm intrigued. But definitely the systems area has become a ghost town.

29th June 2015, 12:38 PM
the answer is forums have lost their lustre in general.
everything that had to be said has been said.

most forums on wide variety of subjects that i log into are way down on numbers and participation.

29th June 2015, 02:50 PM
Agree Speedy. I think the issue is those who spurred on the good discussion got sick of putting great ideas out there only to get input from the same people over and over again whilst people who don't reply may be reaping the rewards. Hence I believe there is a group of people that were prominent on this forum who now communicate via email together.

I still check this forum daily and reply when I feel I can either add something or when i'm intrigued. But definitely the systems area has become a ghost town.

You are 110 % correct.

If there was an area set aside for members with a certain,
Amount of posts to view only I would post most days.

You get sick of seeing "NON-CONTRIBUTING" people,
Or 50-60 guests viewing what you post.

I 90% of the time do exactly what you say.

"COMMUNICATE" with a handful of regular "CONTRIBUTORS"

It may be expensive to set something like that up,
As even running this now is not cheap.

Then the question arises what financially do they gain?

Right now there are you & me as members and 33 guests.


30th June 2015, 02:12 PM
By default the cause of all problems is the Betfair premium charge. Sorry, bad joke. :)

NO no no!
Don't you know nothing?
these days the default cause to everything from ingrown toenails to change in the weather or dying forums is:
either Tony Abbott or G W Bush (Bush not so much lately)

//another bad joke I suppose?

30th June 2015, 02:35 PM
I thought it was Global Warming :)

30th June 2015, 02:56 PM
Haha good one. According to my wife it's me.

30th June 2015, 03:26 PM
That problem i solved awhile back,lol

30th June 2015, 03:30 PM
I hope you mean divorce and not something else. Congrats either way. :)

30th June 2015, 05:06 PM
"what killed it off"

Simple really.

The average Joe punter has no idea what some of you blokes are on about.

Probably best to communicate with one another privately and let the Av Joe come up with win betting scenarios like we used to do in the days of Baghwan, Michael G and others.
