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3rd August 2003, 12:24 PM
any comments on the ride on shamrocks yesterday.

4th August 2003, 09:12 AM
G'day topsy,

Th only comment I would make is that a serious punter should generally review their thoughts before placing a wager on a horse ridden by a 3kg apprentice. The 3kg allowance usually does not make up for the inexperience, lack of horsemanship and lack of sound judgement in pressure situations displayed by a number of 3kg apprentices.
This is not to criticise them as they have to learn somehow-but not with our money on them! As I have said before, you wouldn't let an apprentice do the electrical wiring on your home.
I make one exception to my rule and that is, I will support a front-runner with a large weight, ridden by a 3kg boy if it is drawn well and has experience over the journey. Therefore, do not back them in a race over more than 1200m.
Check through your records and you will see the wisdom in giving most of these a miss.


4th August 2003, 01:18 PM
thanks for your sound advice. i actually didnt back it. it came at up at $3.40 and i thought it was no value being highly weighted over a distance it had not really performed at. But i did actively watch the race and thought it was coolly ridden well back in the field and came on at the last to finish 4th. With a horse like this in the race and in view of your comments it really made the race a no go area.