View Full Version : Free ratings.

5th August 2003, 06:47 PM
Free ratings are now available.

These free ratings are ONLY GIVEN to our free newsletter subscribers.

You can subscribe to the free newsletter by going to http://www.propun.com.au/horse_betting_info.html

The free ratings from one of our form analysts are given to free newsletter subscribers for days when racing is held at both Melbourne and Sydney.

Previous ratings can be accessed at http://www.propun.com.au/free_betting_tips_index.html

The ratings should be available late, on the evenings before the meetings and will be updated for scratchings and any changed track conditions by approximately eleven on raceday mornings, Sydney time.

For the benefit of overseas visitors the usual racedays in Australia when metropolitan racing is held at both Melbourne and Sydney are Saturdays and Wednesdays, as well as Thursday night racing every few weeks during the spring, summer and autumn. Thursday night ratings should be finalised by mid Thursday afternoon.

Very occasionally there may be metropolitan racing also held at both Melbourne and Sydney on a Sunday.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: quapi on 2003-08-07 09:11 ]</font>