View Full Version : Need some help with HTML table

7th November 2016, 07:53 AM
Does anyone understand and can read html tables, i am having an issue with some data importing and have had to resort to to a different method using copy paste, the problem is i need to locate a table on the page or an area that i can activate so my copy paste code works, if you open up the Unibet webpage and then select a race if you try to use Ctrl+A nothing happens but once you click with in the prices you can then use Ctrl+A, i do have code that i can use to activate an element just having issues implementing this.

7th November 2016, 06:57 PM
I assume you have tried the developer tools in chrome. I find they make it very easy to find the elements in a html page.

7th November 2016, 07:02 PM
Here is what you want. I think. They do't give it a name or id.

table class="competitor_table _competitor_table pure-table pure-table-bordered" _data_event_id="1488706" _data_race_type="G"

The problem you are probably getting is this runs inside an iframe. Look for the iframe address in the code and open that instead and you should be able to select what hyou need (and find what you need).

7th November 2016, 07:03 PM
something with an id just a bit higher in the html:

<div class="pure-u-2-3 mid-section" id="center-column">

You can use id = center-column.

7th November 2016, 09:22 PM
Cheers, i found that just trying to work out a left click command to activate it with the code i have. i did find similar info on a few other bookie sites that were a little more accessible.