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View Full Version : Tatts and Sky ratings SR's

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19th December 2016, 12:22 PM
Hi all,
I have been reading through some old posts on this forum and there are occasional references to the Tatts/ unitab and Sky ratings success rates but I havent seen any post that shows the breakdown of success for each rating level.

There are numerous stats shared on the SR of favourites but nothing that I could find about Tatts and sky.

Has anyone seen this sort of data, even if it is old, that points to the SR's for each rating number.

For example

Tatts rating 100 - x% SR
Tatts rating 99 - x% SR
Tatts rating 98 - x% SR
Tatts rating 97 - x% SR

I am sure such data would provoke some interesting discussions ideas.

Anyhow, pocketed my winner for the day so i can stop, and go and share some quality time with the grandson who is visiting for Xmas.

Have a good and profitable day.

19th December 2016, 01:36 PM
With you there Every Topic.

As 4 Rating Points = 1 Length

Perhaps a breakdown of 2 lengths up to 1600

And 3 lengths 1650 - 3200


19th December 2016, 03:03 PM
I've never actually kept records of the tatts rating numbers but I can tell you with some level of certainty that the top rater wins around 19-21% of the time but is severely overbet which means the 100 raters on tatts almost become a lay prospect rather then a backing prospect.

Thats about all I can add though.

Every Topic
19th December 2016, 04:07 PM
Thanks guys, yes I saw a few references to the idea that the Sky ratings points are based on 0.25 of a length but since the Tatts ratings come from AAP I am not sure if they have the same ideas.
Having been an AAP subscriber, I do know their ratings start out with a lower ratings score that then gets translated into a 100 point scale for Tatts.
e.g. first horse might have a rating of 42.5 and this gets moved up to 100 and all other horses in the race re-scaled accordingly.

I am curious to see the success rates of both the Tatts and Sky scales and see how they compare.

19th December 2016, 05:58 PM
Tatts for a few ratings. I have all of them. This is for only gallops which are available on betfair and have betfair SP available. POT worked out on betfair SP prices only.

100 = 22.21% S/R with loss of 6.8% after commission on turnover.
95 = 11.33% S/R with loss of 11.7% after commission on turnover.
90 = 6.87% S/R with loss of 3.3% after commission on turnover.
80 = 3.88% S/R with loss of 16.5% after commission on turnover.

Strike rates are pretty uniform in that as the rating drops each point the strike rate drops. Profit/loss varies wildly. Above Losses include 5% commission already taken out.

Every Topic
20th December 2016, 06:54 AM
Thanks UB,
great info.
Interesting that the LOT goes up and down like a yoyo whilst the SR consistently falls.
Also interesting that even though Tatts and Sky ratings have different methodology and often produce a different 100 rater, their top rater SR's are the same.

Every Topic
27th December 2016, 05:19 PM
Well, I am pleased to advise that Santa visited and helped me out with this.

My youngest son, who has been building apps for iphones since he was 13, came to visit for Xmas.
I told him my little story about scraping data and a day later he had built me a scraper that is importing everything I want.

It is a delight to click one button and see it all download in front of me in a matter of minutes.
Thanks to all for their input.