View Full Version : Tokyo Joe

Lord Greystoke
13th April 2017, 07:28 AM
Hi guys, I am in Japan for a couple of weeks for a bit of a look around. Never been here before.. a real EYE OPENER thus far I can tell you.

Can anyone suggest a decent racecourse to visit and any tips on how to back a winner here as my Ashari fund is running a bit low!

Much appreciated.

Cheers LG

13th April 2017, 11:13 AM
LG, can't help on the racecourse front, but will be in Tokyo in 2 weeks for our 3rd visit. Just can't get enough of the place. Enjoy.

Lord Greystoke
13th April 2017, 05:18 PM
LG, can't help on the racecourse front, but will be in Tokyo in 2 weeks for our 3rd visit. Just can't get enough of the place. Enjoy.

Hello Mark. Been here just four days but totally agree with you mate! Have a good one.

Cheers LG