View Full Version : Marks System - followup to my first attempt

24th February 2018, 09:44 PM

When I first played around with your system I had lots of problems with the prediction of the final SP odds to get the right amounts put on the lays.

Well I've been playing around with that system of yours again and think I solved the problem I was facing with unable to predict the final SP price.

I have backtested it for the last 8 months and it made over 260 units profit in that time. All Countries were profitable where tested but most of the 60% of the profit comes from the US races.

Just letting you know and if your interested I can pass on how I fixed the prediction problem via email.

Thanks for the idea.

24th February 2018, 11:25 PM
Always interested. Worked 18 races today for 8 winning favs, and 8 in the market, and still managed to win.

Does this mean it may be automated?

25th February 2018, 07:21 AM
Always interested. Worked 18 races today for 8 winning favs, and 8 in the market, and still managed to win.

Does this mean it may be automated?

Yes it can be automated. I have it running now with $110/$105/$102/$100 as the bet sizes as per your original recommendation for a test.

I'll send you an email today explaining the solution which sounds complicated but its using a fairly simple concept.

26th February 2018, 07:47 PM
Yes it can be automated. I have it running now with $110/$105/$102/$100 as the bet sizes as per your original recommendation for a test.

I'll send you an email today explaining the solution which sounds complicated but its using a fairly simple concept.

Not being pushy UB, just interested in what you have come up with.
punt mark at Hotmail dot com

27th February 2018, 04:48 PM
Not being pushy UB, just interested in what you have come up with.
punt mark at Hotmail dot com


Sent you an email on the weekend. Must not have come through. I'll resend it now.

27th February 2018, 05:43 PM
Nah, still nothing, so I've replied to an earlier email from you.

27th February 2018, 05:51 PM
Just replied. See if that one comes through.

27th February 2018, 07:03 PM
Did you receive it ?

27th February 2018, 07:45 PM
Yes thanks, received and replied.