View Full Version : Important Announcement Regarding Updates

Chrome Prince
19th March 2018, 10:50 AM
Hi all,
Since 2004 there has not been an increase in the cost of the RaceCensus Database, despite the introduction of GST.
The good news is, there will not be an increase in the purchase price of the database, it will remain the same.

However there will be a change to updates after subscription expiry.
"If you are a client and your subscription has expired, you can order a full update for $60.00 at any time"

Clients will need to repurchase the database and get 12 months of updates once their subscription expires if they want updates. There will be no $60.00 updates available after April 30 2018.
This gives clients plenty of time to purchase a one off $60 update before they cease.

Most of the database work is semi automated, but a lot of time is spent manually collecting and collating data. With the costs of advertising, GST, and postage added, it is no longer viable to give clients one off $60 updates.

It works out at $33.75 per month to purchase the database, which is extremely competitive for the data provided in todays market.

20th March 2018, 01:20 PM
Thanks for the notice. I was updating twice yearly. What's the cost of the database please CP?

Chrome Prince
20th March 2018, 11:57 PM
The cost is $405.00 for the database along with 12 months of updates, this includes GST for Australian residents.

21st March 2018, 06:53 AM
It has been a very long time since i got an update, am i able to get that before April 30 or will i need to got the full program again?

21st March 2018, 10:35 AM
The cost is $405.00 for the database along with 12 months of updates, this includes GST for Australian residents.

No worries, thanks CP

Chrome Prince
22nd March 2018, 01:11 AM
Hi Shaun,
There will be no $60.00 updates available after April 30 2018.
This gives clients plenty of time to purchase a one off $60 update before they cease.

So, before April 30th, yes you can get the $60 full update, as you have purchased the database before and it falls before the expiry date of $60.00 updates :)

22nd March 2018, 02:28 PM
You've got integrity with a capital "I" CP :)