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19th September 2018, 10:08 AM
Which bots are out there where I could load up the days racing markets and enter price range for each horse?

Most of the ones I have stumbled across seem to be more aimed at trading. I would like to test something out against rated prices, so would need to be able to load all the venues races for the day, enter a price range for each horse, and then leave it to run for the day.

I do have Gruss, but don't think I can do it through this without having multiple spreadsheets setup and logging the fields for this.

BFSP would be ideal apart from you can only put a upper or lower limit depending on if its a back or lay.

19th September 2018, 07:44 PM
I’ve trialled most if not all of the other bots and none of them could do it. GRUSS would probably be the only way but you would need a new worksheet for each race as you said.

20th September 2018, 05:15 PM
If you have Gruss all you would need is a list of runners and the prices you are after, i have enough sheets around here i could put it together for you easy, just set Gruss to select the next race with 1 minute to post time, it can scan for your runners and place the bets if they are with in limits.

The Ocho
20th September 2018, 08:23 PM
Which bots are out there where I could load up the days racing markets and enter price range for each horse?

Most of the ones I have stumbled across seem to be more aimed at trading. I would like to test something out against rated prices, so would need to be able to load all the venues races for the day, enter a price range for each horse, and then leave it to run for the day.

I do have Gruss, but don't think I can do it through this without having multiple spreadsheets setup and logging the fields for this.

BFSP would be ideal apart from you can only put a upper or lower limit depending on if its a back or lay.
Are you betting certain horses or just certain favs?

21st September 2018, 04:25 AM
Idea is using my top 4 ratings, and trying to bet them only when they meet certain price criteria.

Manually it shows promise, however requires me to be glued to the monitor all day to achieve it which is only really achievable on Saturdays.

The Ocho
21st September 2018, 07:23 AM
Idea is using my top 4 ratings, and trying to bet them only when they meet certain price criteria.

Manually it shows promise, however requires me to be glued to the monitor all day to achieve it which is only really achievable on Saturdays.
BF Bot Manager will let you select which races to bet, which horses to bet, set a minimum and maximum price for each individual horse and also set a different stake for each horse however you would have to manually input all those things which can be done in the morning (or maybe even the night before - I'm not sure when the next days fields are loaded).

Version 2 you can still buy (I think) and version 3 you have to rent but they have a free 5 day trial.

21st September 2018, 07:37 AM
Sounds simple enough, email me a list of runners for the day shamrion@gmail.com

21st September 2018, 11:47 AM
Will hit you up after the weekend Shaun, away this weekend with the family.

Will also check of BF Bot Manager thanks Ocho.

Chrome Prince
27th September 2018, 02:47 PM
Just be aware that sometimes the Betfair horse name does not appear the same as the real horse name, for example horses with 's in the name, Betfair deletes the apostrophe. That's just one example.

27th September 2018, 07:21 PM
Just be aware that sometimes the Betfair horse name does not appear the same as the real horse name, for example horses with 's in the name, Betfair deletes the apostrophe. That's just one example.

I haven't seen any other differences apart from the '. I remove ' as it makes it easier anywhere.