Chrome Prince
3rd October 2018, 12:26 PM
RaceCensus has been updated to 30/09/2018.
Updates were posted out to clients today.
RaceCensus now has over 3.1 million records and more than 304,000 races with five start form.
Compatible with all versions of Windows.
If your subscription has expired, you can repurchase RaceCensus and get 12 months of free updates again here:
*Please note, there will be no $60.00 one-off updates, as mentioned in the other thread. This is purely due to rising costs, advertising, postage etc.
Updates were posted out to clients today.
RaceCensus now has over 3.1 million records and more than 304,000 races with five start form.
Compatible with all versions of Windows.
If your subscription has expired, you can repurchase RaceCensus and get 12 months of free updates again here:
*Please note, there will be no $60.00 one-off updates, as mentioned in the other thread. This is purely due to rising costs, advertising, postage etc.