View Full Version : Establishing a data-base?...help!

30th August 2003, 11:09 PM
Hello everyone

I've only just registered to this forum and was hoping for any advice on how to set up a data-base, I have excel, but am unfamiliar with it. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

The reason I'm asking is I wish to test....(wait for it)... my theory. I am well aware it's early days and for any theory to work it needs time. I have been using my theory since 16/07/03 and have been betting every day according to the two simple rules. Betting $5.00 for win(the first few weeks I was a bit radical in my fiscal approach but stablized on the 08/08) my bank of $140 is, at the end of saturday(30/08)$232. There have been 324 selection during that time for 77 winners. I have not tweaked or played around with this theory and sometimes there are 2 bets in one race.

This is the reason I am asking for info/advice on establishing a data-base, so I can play around with it and say..'my goodness this theory excels on dead tracks or a particular venue etc..etc..etc...'

Thanks and goodluck to all

Chrome Prince
30th August 2003, 11:19 PM
G'day Nanook,

If you are basically unfamiliar with excel, it's going to be a steep learning curve to establish a database.

Excel is primarily for reports and summaries, if you want a database MSACCESS is what you need.

I prefer Filemaker Pro as it is much easier to learn and a little more newbie friendly, however, it does lack some of the sophistication of Access, but is more than adequate for my purposes.

It has taken me probably a good six months to build my database and it's only half finished with everything I want in it!

If you have any specific questions, I'm more than happy to offer advice, or if you want feedback on testing theories (without giving away all your secrets) I can do that for you as well - if my database contains the info that you're after.

30th August 2003, 11:51 PM
Chrome Prince

Thanks for your reply and I will look into filemaker pro and access. My theory is not new(I don't think). If you would like to test it on your data-base I would prefer to use email, my address is bk@westnet.com.au


31st August 2003, 12:09 AM
Hi Nanook,
As Chrome Prince suggested unless you have a good understanding of excel a data base application is your best bet.

However excel can be used easily if you just want to review you selection data, Best Track, Distance or so on.

To do this type your headers in row 1, ex date, venue, race #, dist and so on.

in row 2 ( to count ex number of races ) use
<< =SUBTOTAL(2,a5:a100) >> adjust to suit and to add << =SUBTOTAL(9,b5:b100) >>

then from row 5 add your data, once this has been done add a filter by clicking on row 4 then selecting << Data > Auto Filter >>.

By adding the count formula to say your race number and the add to your dividend you will get the number of races and $ based on your filter allowing testing per track / distance or any combination you wish.

These figures can than be converted to a POT showing the best Outcomes.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: OZDOC on 2003-08-31 01:36 ]</font>

31st August 2003, 02:09 PM
I agree Chrome Prince, File maker is much more useable. Although it may not have all the sophistication of Access, there's always workaround, which means you can get things how you want without being a full-on computer expert, and without driving yourself up the wall in the process.

Nanook, it might be helpful to refine your needs a little further - spreadsheet (Excel) or database.

Release the Hounds
5th September 2003, 06:09 PM
Hi Chrome Prince & Shoto,

We have filemaker at work and use it to file printing plates (bbboring). Never had that much to do with it and never thought that it might be good in this area. If i install the program could i get a couple of tips of how you guys use the program,

Chrome Prince
5th September 2003, 07:06 PM
On 2003-09-05 19:09, Release the Hounds wrote:
If i install the program could i get a couple of tips of how you guys use the program,

Crikey, it's taken me over six months to get it right! :wink:

1. Create seperate files

a. containing results data
b. containing race field data
c. containing race details (name rest dist etc).
d. containing previous form

2. Create a relationships or keys that link them all.
Link them all and create a master file to lookup and do testing.

There are better ways, but this is how I did it coz I was new to databases in general.
The bottom line is the way I've done it is far from how a professional would do it, and it is very space hungry, BUT it works, so I'm happy.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chrome Prince on 2003-09-05 20:11 ]</font>

5th September 2003, 10:56 PM
Release the Hounds (I hear Monty Burns every time I read that)...
I start with Cyberhorse form (about $30/month for every TAB event in the country) and import that into Price predictor. In P.P. I created a 'system' with no filters, so that it gives me every runner in every race. P.P allows you to output the result of your system test to an excel spreadsheet, and I import that into a custom Filemaker database.

This means I can query the data in any way, create filters, test ideas etc etc, and import or manually add additional info like other ratings if needed. This allows for a degree of functionality similar to some quite expensive commercial options, for a fraction of the cost. You just need to take the time to learn Filemaker, but the good part is that it's designed so you don't have to be a techno-genius to get it happening.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: shoto on 2003-09-06 00:00 ]</font>

Release the Hounds
6th September 2003, 11:33 AM
Thanks Chrome Prince & Shoto,
i will have a bit of a play around with it and see how i go,

9th September 2003, 09:53 AM
Hi Shoto

I am very keen to do something similar with ppp. Any chance we could talk about what you have done re Filemaker and it's capabilities.



9th September 2003, 11:17 PM
Sure. Email me.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: shoto on 2003-09-10 20:10 ]</font>