View Full Version : The Queens Horses

Chrome Prince
13th September 2022, 04:30 PM
In the midst of a sad week, I got to thinking, what's going to happen to all the Queens horses all over the world and the one's she's bred in the last years?
I don't think any other "Royal" has an interest in racing whatsoever, a couple are only interested in Equestrian events.
So sad, the Queen loved her horseracing and here's a remarkable show of excitement when her horse won, as she never tended to show such emotion.

Chrome Prince
26th October 2022, 03:54 PM

Looks like an end of an era :(

28th October 2022, 01:54 AM
Yes Chrome I think that is it, they are trying to play it down but I reckon we will only see more of the same, pity but there you go!