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View Full Version : spread sheet for dutch betting

10th February 2023, 02:30 PM
hi there im looking around to see if anyone has a copy of a excel spread sheet for dutch betting horse racing (cash magic plus) comes to mind or something like that would be much appreciated thankyou

10th February 2023, 06:40 PM
Use the search function mate, there's plenty of good one's available here in this forum.

11th February 2023, 09:11 AM
thankyou chad328

11th February 2023, 11:54 PM
Here is an old one i created years ago, it is a multi dutch calculator, you can choose different types of dutch bets, i have also left the calculations open on the right so you can see the math's behind it all.

12th February 2023, 08:22 AM
Here is an old one i created years ago, it is a multi dutch calculator, you can choose different types of dutch bets, i have also left the calculations open on the right so you can see the math's behind it all.

I still revert back to this one of yours Shaun from time to time, Great bit of kit.