View Full Version : 100 Pointer Plan

7th October 2003, 05:22 PM
Heres a plan that could be improved on.

Focus on the 100Pter horses as shown in the wt. rating shown on TABQ
1)9-12 starters only
2)Must have run 1,2,or3 in one or all its last 3 starts
4)No resumers.
3) Must be paying $3.30+ at jump time.

10th October 2003, 11:37 AM
RESULTS 8th Oct.
Win & Plc
4 from 12 Bets
33% Win S/R O/L$12.00 Ret19.60=$7.60 63%POT

8 from 12 place bets
67% Plc S/R O/L$12.00 Ret12.60=$0.60 5%POT
Each Way Betting 34%POT

10th October 2003, 11:40 AM
That was supposed to read
RESULTS Thur 9th Oct not 8th.

10th October 2003, 11:56 AM
RESULTS Wed 8th Oct.
Win & Plc
4 from 12 bets 33%SR O/L$12.00 Ret$18.10=$6.10
51% POT

10 from 12 Place bets 83%SR
O/L $12.00 Ret $16.60=$4.60=38% PlcPOT
Each Way betting O/L$24.00 Ret $34.70=10.70
45% E/W POT

This is a small example of the power of this plan .
I would suggest E/W staking with this ,so as to take advantage of the strong place percentages ,we are attempting to try & minimise ones exposure to the possability of the long run of outs.
Lets hope one does`nt hit a long run of non-place getters.
Even though we are chasing inform Mules.
With a solid Wt. Rating ,Don Scott style.

10th October 2003, 01:43 PM
And doing well today so far, Bhagwan! 2 winners and a place so far, I think.

The QTab ratings are AAP ratings as I understand things. You refer to them as weight ratings. Is that what they really are? Just wondering.

10th October 2003, 11:52 PM
That`s what they are called alrighty.
Based on the famouse Don Scott.
Who at one stage, took the bookies to the cleaners.

5th January 2008, 08:15 AM
Heres another that's still has its good days. .
UniTAB sole 100pter.

It is strongly recommended to use betfair prices, the price is a lot better than the TABs.

Maybe bet each way & hope the run of outs is not too great.

Must be $3.30+ to instill some value, otherwise no bet that race.

.Must have been placed (1,2 or 3) at least once in any of its last 3 runs.
.Delete resumers.

Field size 9-12 runners.
