View Full Version : Blackbook program - fishing for ideas

11th November 2003, 04:27 PM
Hi All,

I am currently writing a small blackbook utility which will allow me to store horses / trainers / jockeys and alert me to when they're running. This will interface directly to the Price Predictor databases.

At the moment, I have a name, a horse / trainer / jockey flag, and a small notes field. I am looking for suggestions on what other information I should store, and what other features should be included with such a utility.

Suggestions are most welcome.


11th November 2003, 10:06 PM
last starts, ie : s341
Trak at last start: R/Hill
Race length at the last start: 1600
SP at the last start: 3/1

12th November 2003, 02:49 AM
For those without the need of a linked data base, there is AAP that has a personel black book feature. Just add your horses and comments anytime and whenever they are about to run you will receive an e/m notification a day or two before that includes your comments.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2003-11-12 03:51 ]</font>

12th November 2003, 08:16 AM
Hi Crash,

yes, the AAP blackbook facility is a good one, I currently use it myself.

The main reason I'm building my own is that I find the AAP one a little "clunky" to use, and I'd like to keep all my "stuff" together in the one place. When I sit down to do my "systems", I like to do them all at the one time.
