View Full Version : Purchasing High Flyer racing package

19th November 2003, 01:16 PM
Was just wondering whether any one who uses the high flyer package would be able to correspond some information to me in regards to things like strike rates, betting types and basically how to best benefit from the high flyer package. I am seriously considering purchasing it yet would like to find out a bit more information first. If anyone is willing to help I can be emailed at:


Otherwise leave a message here and I can respond to you. It would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. There are two other systems on websites that I would also like information on yet I will not mention their names as others have been reprimanded for doing similar. If I could get a green light to mention these systems I would like to know if anyone has encountered them and whether they are worth having a go at.

19th November 2003, 07:51 PM
Hello Pugnosis,

from what I can gather about the rules around here, it is not forbidden to ask about other specific plans (even by name), as long as you're not trying to promote those plans in any way.

The problem arises when... ok, *if*... people respond saying that a specific named plan is a croc of .....

Therefore, as long as the plans that you ask about are good ones, you'll be safe.... Of course, you probably don't know whether they're good or not... that's why you need to ask..... go figure..... :sad:

As far as the information you're after... Strike Rates / POTs, etc, you should be able to get that straight from the horses mouth.... I would suggest that you email the supplier direct.....

Personally, I have seen nor heard nothing around here (or other places) that would suggest in any way that the proprieters of this site would misrepresent any of their claims. Therefore, the information they should provide would be a good guide as to the *past* performance.

If you're new to this game, then you should also be aware that past performance can only be used as a guide.... While something that has performed well over many years is likely to continue, it could just as easily fall over big time tomorrow.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: stebbo on 2003-11-19 20:56 ]</font>