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View Full Version : Thanks Mark

29th November 2003, 09:27 PM
I was browsing some old posts last night ( you know when this used to be a real forum) and I came across one from you in relation to the amount of winners that OPENED under their prepost odds.

Thought I would put it into practise today combined with what I do. I made that my starting point and looked at odds from there.

I didn't back nags I normally would and just left that race alone if my selection had opened OVER prepost.

Of the ones I left only 1 won, so saved me a lot of bets.

End result 8 bets for 6 wins between 2.7 and 6.0 :smile:

I don't know if it's the holy grail combined with what I do as only one day, but here's hoping.


29th November 2003, 11:57 PM
Good on you Kenchar, I'm glad I'm good for something. My stats show that opening prices compared to the newspaper prices are pretty even, ie about 50% open shorter & about 50% open the same or longer, but that 70% of winners open shorter than their price in the paper. It can be a useful tool especially in regards to shorter priced runners.

ps don't forget me at Christmas.


30th November 2003, 07:30 AM

30th November 2003, 11:40 AM
Mate, there's no comparison, I'm a Jag man from way back. I had a '78 XJS & drove it into the ground, it just didn't seem to handle the rough Australian roads.
But if you insist I'll accept another one.

30th November 2003, 07:04 PM
I have mate who swears by em ( but laughingly reckons he always has to carry 5 litres of oil in the boot cause the poms don't know oil is liqiud and you have to use gaskets to stop them leaking ).

He also uses 10 litres of degreaser every week on his driveway. :smile:

3rd December 2003, 04:01 PM

Just got home from Randwick, another GREAT day.
I cannot believe how such a simple thing can make such a big difference.
I'm NOT getting any extra winners, It's the bets I'm saving that's making the difference.
If it keeps up it might turn into a Roller for you for XMAS.
Not this XMAS the next one and will probably be about a 1990 model :grin:
Serious though thanks again I just hope it keeps making the difference it has.
Will keep you posted.


3rd December 2003, 04:48 PM
ROLL on xmas, glad to hear you are JAGging extra profits, and that this idea has perhaps cleared the MERCy waters a bit. May your horses always be in the FAIRLANE, and you never have to be in the PORSCHE 'ithouse. May you always TRIUMPH and never say DATSUN uff, and the bookies are always HOLDEN big to let you on.
hint hint (except the Datsun)

3rd December 2003, 04:57 PM
You were correct in the other thread.

A couple of old cornballs.

Good fun though :grin:

What amazes me you are in the wrong game, should have been in advertising, could have come up with better slogans than Singo

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: kenchar on 2003-12-03 18:01 ]</font>

4th December 2003, 05:52 PM
Just got home from Hawkesbury, Sorry to say the DATSUN is looking like a probability after today :cry:

4th December 2003, 05:55 PM
Oh dear...any chance of a second-hand skateboard.

I must admit I've only ever looked at the Saturday markets.

4th December 2003, 06:19 PM
I'm well ahead for the week' but hate giving it back to the b*******.
I run my week SAT to FRI,the number of meetings I do depends if I can get to them or not.
I have tried betting on computer with betting sites etc, except for one huge day I can't seem to get it together so will carry on what I do best and that's go to the track.
I don't work on POT just how much I bet and how much I get back.
Add it up at the end of the week and if I am in front I am happy.
The main thing is whatever I make for the week it's mine and I don't have to give any to little Johnny.
It's better than having a business say with overheads of $25000 per month, working 7 days a week, grossing $26000, and then giving little Johnny $2000 or more in GST.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: kenchar on 2003-12-04 19:39 ]</font>