View Full Version : Staking to Win without breaking the bank

2nd December 2003, 03:57 AM
New to this forum thought I would put my in 2 cents worth.

A good staking method is to only increase/decrease bettings sizes by a small
percent according to strike rate as opposed to target betting.
Bit long winded to post it all here.
Details on my home page (non comercial)
for anyone to see.
Ideas to improve the method welcome.



good 4th
2nd December 2003, 07:02 AM
HI, Im not to sure when you stop the series, i guess when your in front ???
it looks similar to Baghwans 5% method
Keep up the good work as i believe correct staking is soo important.


2nd December 2003, 07:24 PM
Hi Calcurate,
Quite impressive figures on flat stakes & unitab.

Have you ever worked out your POT combining Diviplus & bookies, I reckon it would shock you the increase in the POT.

Anyhow good stuff and good to see you are not charging, very refreshing in this rogue ridden industry.

Good luck to you.


3rd December 2003, 03:56 AM
Start a new series when the next bet due is
less than half the size of the first.

e.g If the first bet of the series is $20.

After a series of winning collects you would at some point see the next bet due would be less than $10. Half the first bet.

That's when to start a new series.
Works particularly well for place only

Regarding the tips results. By betting only
on div plus or best div. an increase of around 5% for the win 1.9% for the place.
(as a comparison to the tote divs on my page)

Betting exchanges even better if patient.

Thanks for your interest


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: calcurate on 2003-12-03 05:03 ]</font>

3rd December 2003, 05:56 AM
Non commercial site ? The prominent 'Link' at this site goes directly to a $20 per month tipping service [The writers most probably]. Considering the amount of viewers this forum attracts I would say there is a bit of premeditated advertizing going on here. First post and well what do you know a site recommendation !


3rd December 2003, 07:39 AM
Thank you for your comments CRASH

Normally I would ignore this kind of
posting but would like to at least correct your assumptions.

MY site is Free! and is in no way connected
to any other including my "Favorite Links"

Links can contribute to the cost of providing
FREE information that might otherwise not be available on an open site.

Can't say the same for many other postings in this forum.


3rd December 2003, 08:00 AM
Yeah right. 'FREE' is the most abused word on the internet, just check out all the 'free' porn sites !
Directly or indirectly [both turn a buck] the fact and not assumption is you are advertizing a tipping sevice and just 'happened' to drop your site address leading to it into your FIRST post on a subject of YOUR choice that just happened to require your site address... yeah right, and your interest in this forum isn't purely commercial and your not a cyber 'tout'.

I might be totaly wrong here so if I am I can no doubt look forward to all your other forthcomming sincere posts on general subjects under discussion in this forum that don't need your web address [?]


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2003-12-03 10:22 ]</font>

3rd December 2003, 09:17 PM
I have posted before, but I've been told it was deleted.

I also run a free site, which offers tips of the best weighted horses at each track.
I also run a mailing list on yahell.

We the people who run free racing sites do it because we like to share our info with people for free, if we have links to other sites, some who might be a pay site it doesn't mean we are a pay site or want you to go there. What it means is we are trying to find more people to come to our sites.
One day if my site shows a big profit I will make it into a pay site. So far I show a nice profit.
I have added calcurate's site as a link to my site as well as him mine.
If you look on his home page, you'll see his tips, no sign up's, no paying, just tips, results and links.
If you ask me thats fine.
This site (I am in no way bagging it) has more links to Bookmaking sites than any other site online. R&S has a bookmaking site link.
The reason why one day I want to go to a pay site is because the work I put into doing my tips. At the moment I work part time, so it's not so bad on my time. But I have to pay for ink, paper, form, ratings, internet time and webhosting cost it all adds up.
I only use ink and paper for racing stuff.

I think that you should ease up on him for having that link, and think before you shoot.

3rd December 2003, 09:41 PM
Have you got an answer for that one?

4th December 2003, 02:43 AM

My original criticism did not mention the word 'free' [ please check ]. 'Non-commercial' has now been changed to 'free'. Is this forum a free site ? Of course it is, but non-commercial ?. Free site is a much easier term to defend than non-commercial which neither Calcurate [ should try being accurate ] nor Imthegun try to defend. They are now both defending the term 'free site'. From whom ? The non-commercial claim is another matter [ my original point ] and has been ignored. Both writers here are buddies and both have sites desperate for exposure [ only one has a site counter and it's 29 hits in two months means desperate for exposure ].

The web is full of free 'link' sites that make money just by being link sites. Some sell a product [ besides exposure ] as well. Are the yellow pages non-commercial because they have no visible product and are free to visit ?

There are heaps of racing sites we all use that have plenty of free content, but would you call them non-commercial ?
'Free site' is so slippery a term that it can be defended against any criticism so when use of the term non-commercial [site] is attacked, just change your term to 'free site' and protect that instead as if non-commercial was never mentioned. It's so meaningless it makes me want to throw-up.

Free air conditioning, free bonus points, free entry, free extra 40%, free money back !!!
Yeah, right.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2003-12-04 06:08 ]</font>

4th December 2003, 06:02 AM

I can see where you are coming from, but that's a price we all pay for using the net.

My own thought's are that at least these guys are up front.

1 is free and the other says if his selections continue to show a good profit into next year he will start charging.

Maybe I am missing something but I really can't see anything wrong here.

Anyhow we all have our own opinions, that's why the forum works.


4th December 2003, 11:36 AM
Actualy Kenchar their sites are good and what they offer is more than most commercial sites. Their tips and records are transparent and average 5% POT which if sustainable should lead to good things.
Perhaps they were worried about management reaction and slipped in 'non-commercial' so as not to attract attention ['free' would have attracted attention]. I had a point about the commercial link [ that leads to indirectly to heaps of sites ] that I certainly didn't mean to go far, but well you know me I can stand on a point until the house burns down and often say things just to stir the muggy site weather. No offence ment to the players but the spring is finished and it's probably nit-picking time again I guess so I will just go and bang my head against the wall a few times for punishment and then have a good lie down !!


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2003-12-04 12:44 ]</font>

4th December 2003, 05:58 PM

Good on yah, BUT now lets see if they keep posting here on general things we chat about.
THAT will be the proof of the pudding!!!!


5th December 2003, 12:02 AM
CRASH No offence taken.

For what it's worth : Takes a bit of
charactor to say you might have been wrong.

Look forward to the next round of responses
when I update in this forum, other ideas for
staking methods.


5th December 2003, 07:05 AM

I did go back and have a good look at Imthegun's and your site and realized on my part... 'o-oh, definate over-reaction old son'.
There was an incident last week with a serious commercial player getting onto the forum indirectly flogging wares [the whole thread has been wiped] that probably left me a bit 'touchy'. Your post[s] came on the heals of it so to speak, which was unfortunate. Sorry about that.


5th December 2003, 08:53 AM
Hello Calcurate,
You don't do the ratings for unitab by any chance? Only looking at yesterday and today, but every tip is rated 100 by unitab.

5th December 2003, 09:21 AM
Hi Boxhead

Your very observant, but no I don't do them or use them as a base. I do use them as a comparison when I have completed my own. If their the same it's a selection.

Just one of many such filtering methods to get an outcome.

For interest if you do a complete research on the overall results of their top rated you will find yourself in need of many "shirts" if you get my drift.

Nothing wrong with their ratings. Just no value in relation to overall strike rate.

That's most likely due to the many that follow them.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: calcurate on 2003-12-05 10:27 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: calcurate on 2003-12-07 11:54 ]</font>

7th December 2003, 10:41 PM
If anyones interested I have added a workout for my staking method on my home page to give a better understanding of it's workings.

Just view my home page and then Staking.


Bit hard to properly post it here.


7th December 2003, 11:10 PM

I just wanna clear up something with the counter. I put that counter online last week to see how many visit's I get.
Yahoo who is my webhoster counters don't seem to work. The site stats were not showing up.
I sign up to a counter site and sicnce then the ture stats have been coming through.
The counter has been up for only 4 days with the 2nd day not uploaded right.
I got over 200 hits on the weekend and with the results that friday and Sat'day (6 winners from 10 tips (no tips today)) that will grow.
We are not desperate for exposure, we are just trying to get a base of people who will keep coming back.
We all know the web is full of free sites, racing tips and ratings, porn, music & other things. It might be ture that they are selling things and claim to be free sites.

Like I say on my site (Which I have no pop up adds from what I know of) I want to go to a pay site in 8 months. And like I've said here before The reason is hosting costs, my time and if they are winning people money why shouldn't I get some money for myself?
I can see where you're coming from, You don't like people telling you one thing, but doing the other, I understand. Like last night we had a party on a boat that was meant to finish at 2am, it finished at 12 and we all wanted our money for the 2 hours lost.

8th December 2003, 06:58 AM

Well I was a bit suprised by your counter as you have been doing well with your selections. Very well indeed.
Do you handicap your selections or use a system ? I suspect the former as I've never seen a system that stays up for long. Good luck.


8th December 2003, 08:06 AM
CALCURATE.Just had a look at your site.
Quite impressive.
Hope you do well.

8th December 2003, 09:39 AM
Thanks darkydog2002

Keeps me off the streets -:)


8th December 2003, 02:33 PM
Hi crash.
Well their handicaped in a way.

I use my own handicaping systerms and 2 online sites ratings.