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View Full Version : advice on setting up phone tipping system

22nd January 2004, 05:21 PM
I am looking to set up a phone tipping business, though I do not know where to start. Do any of you have advice as who to contact to set this up.

22nd January 2004, 05:25 PM
Racing phones now!! :smile:

22nd January 2004, 07:49 PM

Contact Telads who are service providers.
The owners of this site abandoned phone tipping services years ago. There's no money in it. We've also talked to some other phone tipping operators - they just break around even after costs.

1. You have to pay 100% for all the advertising to get people to phone you.

2. You then have to share your phone income with service providers - say Telads AND Telstra. So for an $11 call you might end up with $6.

3. Despite impressions to the contrary, hundreds of people do not phone these numbers.

4. You're dealing with a very transient and jumpy market. One or two losing weeks in a row and you end up with virtually no calls.

Cheers, Neil.

23rd January 2004, 12:49 AM
Thankyou Neil, some very good points. I agree with you that after a couple of off days the calls may dry up, certainly makes sense.I may still look into it a bit further though, thankyou for this handy advice.

2nd February 2004, 06:01 PM
1900 **** **** yeah $5.00 a minute is another way to do your cash before they jump..

15th March 2004, 08:14 PM
why dont u set up a sms one or email, maybe email the odds to all the ppl who u invite to have a bet, and they can either send u a sms or email telling you the bet and how much money they want 2 spend