View Full Version : First Up Records

22nd January 2004, 09:31 PM
Hi all,

I have been finding it very difficult to get information of 'first up' horses i.e. time since last run; spell period, first up record.
I notice today at Ballarat that there were a lot of 1st up horses, but no information on their first up records...
Is there somewhere on the net I could obtain this information for FREE?

Thanks all

23rd January 2004, 05:28 AM
For the standard of races offered outside Wed. and Sat, the info would be mostly meaningless.

You could try http://www.expertform.com Their form guide is the best free form available.
You have to register, but it costs nothing.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2004-01-23 06:31 ]</font>

23rd January 2004, 05:12 PM
Thanks CRASH, will log in and see what it's is all about; appreciate it