View Full Version : what do you think
24th February 2004, 11:24 AM
The other week i was mucking around with bits of other systems,so i put them together, going back 7 weeks [thats as all the form guides i kept] metro-saturdays
1. won T&D
2. 20% win S/R
3. raced last 28 days
4. placed last 2 starts [ eliminate if won last 2, looking for value]
5. If first up, must have won at least 50%
6. 1100-2000m
so far 30 selections for 8 wins =$54.30
17 placings =$38.20
mr 8 no.1 $4.60/1.90
no.2 unpl
no bris - ipswich, provincial track
mr 6 no.5 unpl
mr 7 no.5 unpl
sr 5 no.3 $4.30/1.50
ar 6 no.1 unpl
ar 7 no. 1 /1.90pl
br7 no. 6 unpl
no.17 unpl
mr 3 no.6 unpl
mr 8 no.2 unpl
no.3 /2.10pl
mr 5 no.1 $1.80/1.20
mr 7 no.7 /1.60 pl
sr 3 no.1 unpl
sr 4 no.1 $5.40/2.00
sr 6 no.1 $9.00/2.90
no.3 unpl
br 5 no.2 unpl
br 8 no.2 /1.70pl
ar 3 no.5 /2.30pl
ar 5 no.2 $9.80/3.50
ar 6 no. 7 unpl
ar 7 no.6 unpl
no.9 /2.30pl
sr 4 no.4 $7.00/2.60
mr 6 no.6 unpl
no.15 $17.10/5.40
sr 5 no.1 $5.10/1.80
sr 7 no.3 /2.00pl
24th February 2004, 11:28 AM
Not bad. Very sensible rules. A few seem quite familiar!!! :grin:
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: sportznut on 2004-02-24 12:29 ]</font>
24th February 2004, 11:38 AM
I know, just tinkering ,i have other ones but their a bit more involved. what do you think about rating horses, giving them points for t, d conditions , barriers ,s/r and prize money , out of 100
24th February 2004, 12:58 PM
How would you go if you eliminated 1st uppers and restricted the other bets to those who,s last start starting price was 10/1 or lower and perhaps to TAB no,s 1 - 5.
24th February 2004, 02:06 PM
I gather that if the runner is first up from a spell, then its last two placings prior to the spell are irrelevent.
Is that correct?
25th February 2004, 12:20 PM
Yes, that's right last 2 starts only apply to recent racing
25th February 2004, 12:58 PM
very interesting darkydog, it's the opposite of that . the first uppers fared better for some reason?
11 selections : 4 wins - $34.90
7 placings- $18.00
last 2 starts
19 selections : 5 wins - $29.20
9 placings- $18.70
sorry, i missed counted 1 winner overall
30 selections - 9 winners
25th February 2004, 01:34 PM
Horses sp last start 10/1 & under
18 selections - 5 wins =$29.20
only 8 places overall = $17.00
tab no's 1-5,
17 selctions ,same "as above"
25th February 2004, 02:33 PM
I pulled out The Sportsman on 6/2/04 to see if I could get your exact selections for Sat. 7th of Feb. .
I got most of the winners bar one. Sydney R4h1. I dont know how you picked that. It's win s/r is or was only 13.6%. Therefore no bet?
I also had picks that you didnt have like Syd.R5h4,h9.
Mel. R5h4, Adel.R2h3,h9. and so on.
What am I doing wrong?
I seems like a good system to follow for the next 6-8 months to see how it goes.
I'm not sure if I understand the won T/D section in the sportsman.
I assume your using The Sportsman. The section This Track(underneath a runners name) may have 1 in it and so to with This Dist. ,but where it says This T/D might have a 0 for the same horse. I'm just a tad confused with that aspect of the paper as I havent really used that info. before.
If you could help me out that would be great.
25th February 2004, 03:19 PM
Hi emu, your'e not doing it wrong syd r4 no.1 isn,t,i was using the other rules when i started and then added 20% later,my fault, forgot to delete him, i was doing them manually through a newspaper late at night, [must have nodded off] must have missed a couple. As for SR5,3 left out one rule must have 8 starters after scratchings [sorry]
I don't use the sportsman, but it's the same as any formguide won at track[t] won at distance[d] doesn't mean at this track and distance
28th February 2004, 08:22 AM
Todays horses,
28th February 2004, 02:22 PM
I got your picks and also got Mr6h2, Mr7h7, and Br.r8h4.
What am i doing wrong ?
The only thing I can think of is that these runners that I had had either a spell or let up between its 3rd and 2nd last start and therefore no bet . Is that correct?
If only a short break ie. "freshened" then thats ok.
Also if first up from a spell appart from 50% win s/r, won t & d, 1100m - 2000m should there be no break between 2nd and 3rd last start with these runners ?
Please let me know and I assume you dont bet 2yo, . What about maidens?
29th February 2004, 06:11 AM
Emu, I didn't put it up properly the first time.
won at track
won at distance
placed last 2 starts
[if first up won at least 50%]
eliminate if won last 2[looking for value]
20% win s/rate
raced in last 28 days
at least 8 starters after scratchings
I hope that will clear things up, br8-4 was 2nd up so didn't qualify, mr6-2 5 starters, mr7-7 scr.
not much luck yesterday, if st chrisoph and startell could of hung on it would of been a good result, but $2.80 & 3.40 a place not to bad .
I don't bet on 2 ylds when there are a few 1st starters, but when nearly all of them have at least 3, 4 or 5 starts then i bet,but its up to you if you wan't to back them.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: goldmember on 2004-02-29 07:17 ]</font>
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